Aloft @ 3000' NOAA Sounding CYXX | Rate /1000' | Forecast calc using SOAR8.XLW | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Woodside Report - the Norweigan visiting pilot was out and unhappy no one was flying. Perhaps he missed Andy?
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Woodside Report - sorry for not updating the Site of the Day for today, too busy in meetings early,
then went flying. | I arrived at 1:00 pm to meet Solve (Norweigan Instructor) and his girlfriend Shannon (PGer from Alabama) and took them up to fly. By the time we were ready to go, Jack, Andy (who had just landed from his first 1:14 flight earlier) and Martin N were also ready so up we went. ![]() Woodside at 1:30 pm, not looking so good - photo by JPR Despite the gloomy conditions and low cloudbase, the birds motivated us and we were soon "hucking off". I was flying Norm's Zoom (still for sale, great wing) and flew for 30 minutes with Jack and others and my ears were freezing so I top-landed to get my belaclava and relaunch. Overall great conditions, tight thermals to cloudbase. When Rob S arrived he showed us how to get to 'base fast and stayed up with Delvin and Solve for over an hour. Perhaps this is global warming but I can't remember great leeside thermals in late October? ps: The Women's Fly In pics are updated below on October 28th report (don't miss out). New APCO Guided MayDay rogallo type reserve! available at More info at FlyBC News Page a rogallo type reserve! in required real use in 2006 (don't know the make and model). Right Click the link and save target to your hard drive for best results.
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Woodside Report - rain. |
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Women's Fly In Report - last day to fly so after many coffees and breakfast we headed up the Butte. | After 8 years of hearing about paragliding and watching Russ fly, Lynette finally decided to take a tandem flight! ![]() Judging from the smile, Russ may have lost a driver! After the tandem we decided to head to the border thru Osoyoos to get an early start, unfortunately I misplaced my wallet somewhere and we had to backtrack to Chelan to find it. After going over the LZ, and the launch we found it at the Shell where I filled up in the morning. Credit cars intact but $250 missing (Dohh!). We arrived back in Canada around 9:00 pm, a little late to fly so we went home instead.
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Chelan Report - good launching conditions east and south, many pilots out this year, some even flew in their costumes (The Dead Flying Elvis's - Jan and Murdoch). | Vickie, Annette, Colleen and Martina were flying while I drove. Alex R "sky-ed out" with 4 or 5 top-landings and some good elevation above the towers. No wind in the landing field made for some interesting touch-downs! Not by our group anyway. We flew 'til 4:30 pm, then off to the rooms to get ready for the Party. Women's Fly-In Party Report - the Canadian Theme was "Celebrities in Rehab", with a brilliant prerecorded introduction by Kevin Ault featuring songbites for each performer. Women's Fly-In Video - no names are revealed to protect the participants. ![]() First up was Courtney "Colleen" Love looking like a "train wreck", as only Courtney can. ![]() Next up was Boy "Jim" George fresh out of Community Service in NYC, doing garbage pickup (to the right of Kelly Ozbourne). ![]() Billy "Al" Idol scowled the night away with Fergie "Judy". ![]() Ozzie "Kevin" Ozbourne with daughter Kelly "Deb", joined by Billy "Al" Idol and Fergie "Judy". ![]() Then, Paris "Martina" Hilton came out sporting her post-LA jail look. ![]() The diva himself, Elton "Annette" John showed up in early 80's regalia, signing "The Bitch is Back". ![]() Johnny "Vickie" Cash was sober enough for a few tunes. ![]() Britney "Delvin" Spears showed us a future vision of herself 10 years hence (shudder!). Some other Canucks showed up in costume, just not in the same theme. ![]() ![]() An honourable mention for the Flying Elvis's. ![]() ![]() Mickey and Minney Mouse also showed up.
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Chelan Report - we arrived late, too late to fly and it was blowing down. | Nicole and Alex R drove thru Nighthawk but not before Alex flew Kobau, getting 1:40 and landing at the Nighthawk Border Crossing (on the Canadian side).
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Woodside Report - the forecast was wrong again, but in our favour. The folks from Horsefly BC slept in and arrived around 11:00 am, and we headed up the mountain with Andy and Martin N who had started hiking. Andy launched first and was at cloudbase with about 10 eagles in a few minutes. | Bill, Eric and Brandi launched and has nice flights as I readied the tandem with Peter. We had a respectable flight getting to the wispy clouds a few times before heading out to the Ranch to take the crew back for more flying. Andy, Martin N, Ihor, Norm, Denis, and others stayed up for 2-4 hours depending on their personal tolerance for cold. Derek P showed up after a long hiatus and Derek K came out after 5:00 pm and still got to 'base and froze his hands. No retrievals required as most top-landed around 6:00 pm A few interesting landings at the Ranch but a safe day all around.
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Savona Report - the forecaster was wrong again! Strong SW winds all day, no east as forecast, so it was too strong for students even to kite. |
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Woodside Report - forecaster wrong again! Light winds and sledders all around, even off Horsefly. |
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Woodside Report - apparently the front stalled over Mission and brought more rain than forecast. Very wet. | Corrected Savona Report - Because of some obvious confusion on the "site of the day" regards my Savona flight, I’d like it to be noted that having bottomed out in sink (my fault, of course), I chose the only bare spot available, landed in the center of it, and carefully hung my recently repaired wing (with it’s still-drying patches) to dry on the available branches in the area. I also thought it was a clever "identifying" thing for you to see from launch. As proof of my contention, please witness Mother Nature’s clothes rack - Gary K. ![]() Gary's Drying Rack ???? - photo by Gary K.
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Vancouver Report - RAIN. |
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Merritt Report - after getting to Savona and there being no wind and little chance of soaring and all alone, (as several folks dropped out due to car problems and sleeping in), I decided on a road trip to Merritt to see how to get up the southside of Sugarloaf Mountain. I had a great time driving to every road up the ridge and up and down Nicola Lake, and evenually made it to the treeline and snowline to find it was too windy to fly, plus no retrieve as Thomm and Gary K. were on the way up. Nice launches and top-landing possibilities if it wasn't blowing a gale! | Savona Report - as the guys arrived, we headed back to Savona and straight up to Deadman's Upper Launch and Thomm and Gary flew off, Thomm was fighting in some bullets and flew down the ridge as Gary K. launched. I drove down after seeing Gary K.head down the ridge too. When I arrived at the Crash Pad, Thomm asked where Gary K. was. Just then we got a report, "I landed in a clear spot", but we couldn't see him. After several attempts to find out where he was, we drove to Lower Launch but couldn't see him. Then up to Upper, and finally we saw him in the same place Texada Greg had landed a few years back (100 yards east of the Lower Launch Parking Lot), with his wing stuck in a tree! He was getting it out, and was on the ground with directions to the parking area, so I flew over him to heckle. Some little bubbles but not enough to get above launch. A lot of driving for a few flights but the reconn was worth it at Merritt. It was sunny at both locations, very wet at the Toll Booth, so when it is raining this is the place to be. Another roadtrip earlier in the day to test these launches is in order.
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Elk Report - it rained hard in Chilliwack today, lots of wind and when the clouds parted there was snow down to the Ryder Lake level, Bridal has snow at the Saddle already. |
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Vancouver Report - heavy rain and low clouds all day, time to trade in the paraglider for an umbrella. |
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Woodside report - despite crappy weather in Vancouver, the FlyBC WebCam showed sun from 10 am on til 2:30 pm? No pilot reports submitted. |
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Woodside Report - Derek and Martin N were the two lone pilots at Woodside soaring with the Eagles today, light thermals and no wind in the air. |
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Woodside Report - good conditions until 11:00 am, when the rain came early. Not soarable but flyable, just no one around. |
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Woodside Report - no one needed warm clothes today, except Kirill on his Paramotor QuadCat. | Very light winds all day made for good sled rides for the students. Very busy in the Eagle Ranch LZ with haying equipment (including two tractors and a 5 ton truck), pilots kiting, pilots landing and packing up and an ambulance attending to an acro pilot who pulled out too low landing hard on his butt. Thanks to Alex and Pavan (our local doctor pilots) for assessing the situation prior to the paramedics getting there. Last report had the un-named acro pilot through X-rays and no long term damage expected after a few days of rest. Al flew off Horsefly earlier landing at the Best Field. Cheam Report - Brad, Kevin and Richard T hiked Cheam and Kevin started flying early around 10 am, before top-landing. Then the winds were too strong to fly until 2:30 pm, when they took flight again getting to 8000 feet! They landed at Bridal Falls LZ after several hours of soaring in laminar ridge lift.
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Woodside Report - we started flying at 9:45 am, and kept going all day. Stephen flew 6 flights on the Mojo2, others got 4-5 flights, some getting 45 minutes or more. Some nice tandem flights getting above launch too. A few low scratchers ended up in Riverside. | It must have been a good day 'cause Kirill flew his QuadCat for 3 hours launching twice, he usually lands when it gets bumpy!
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Woodside Report - when Colleen and I arrived at 2 pm, several gliders were trying to soar the South Knoll with not much success. | Al and Andy weren't too motivated with a sled ride off Woodside, we headed up Horsefly instead, but it was coming over the back there, so back to Mother Woodside (the most reliable site in Western Canada for launching). We bagged a few flights from 10 minutes to 30 minutes depending on timing and skill. Pilots included: Al, Andy, Derek, Martina, Jim, Colleen, Thomm, Denis, Stefan.
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Horsefly Report - Derek, Martina and I drove up to check out Horsefly, but couldn't motivate anyone to drag out their wings as it was pretty calm at launch. Woodside was catabatic all day, so we didn't even drive up. |
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Woodside Report - Thomm and I went up Woodside around 4 pm. Light cycles indicated on the windsocks but as we arrived it was stronger from the South, so I elected Thomm should fly and I would drive his truck down if he sunk out. He launched and was climbing nicely under a dark cloud, but mostly ridge-soaring. | Thomm was doing pretty well so I readied my Zoom Race and got into the air. A few beeps but as I joined Thomm to the North, we were both below launch and sinking! I made a deperate dash for the South Knoll and was getting up slowly and eventually got to 700 meters while Thomm headed for the Ranch. After topping out I made a straight line for launch hoping to top-land, but couldn't get turned into the south wind and didn't want to land downwind/crosslaunch so I bailed and tried a pass from the north, over the trees that didn't work and was below launch again. So back to the South Knoll where a big black cloud was soon developing in the only burst of sun we saw. I climbed back to 750 meters and made another approach in the rain and hail with some wingovers into landing. Not a bad flight, 30 minutes, could have hung in longer but this saved a retrieval. Horsefly Video from Monday past - Gary Hackey's video log of Horsefly Launch attempts .
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Woodside Report - the Woodside Web Cam showed sun most of the day?? And Thomm phoned to see if we were out at the Ranch as it was sunny in Mission around 4:00 pm. The radar showed the rain stopped just west of Abbotsford and it wasn't as windy as forecasted. |
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Woodside Report - we arrived back at the Ranch around 1:00 pm and the parking lot was full!
15 pilots up on Horsefly and 10 more desperados on Woodside. The pilots on Horsefly at least got to launch although
the flights were short landing at the airport or even shorter (Gary H got off Woodside and made it to the Ranch however, off Woodside). | A bunch of us went back up Horsefly at 4:00 pm and had better flights with 4 of us making the Ranch and one in Bill Best's. Norm and I got above launch for awhile until we left the ridge getting -2.5 m/s sink most of the way out. Thanks to Bev and Gary for driving and videoing.
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Savona Report - we didn't bother trying to fly, way too windy and overdeveloped. |
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Cornwall Report - we arrived at 10:30 am at the top, some snow on the road but easy to get to launch. | Colleen launched first and was soaring the ridge to the north at 1780 meters, launch is at 1950 meters. Stephen launched next and was staying up on the Mojo2 all the way to the LZ behind the Manor. They landed within minutes of each other in light east winds. ![]() Stephen on the Mojo2 out near the Manor, from Colleen's camera while thermalling on the ridge - photo by CMV Next was up Coyote Hill behind the Manor to try the Gin Nano, and Stephen managed a few flights side hill landing to save the hike back up. Colleen had a soaring flight down to the Manor followed by Stephen on the Mojo (not wanting to land the Nano in light winds). Stephen and I headed to Savona to soar the east ridge and he got a few flights before it got dark so 5 flights today for him on 4 different sites. Bev's Princeton Report - Norm ridge soared Princton Iron Mountain, and top landed and had some fun there, went over to Hedley looked dismal and so flew Princeton again top landing a few times too - Bev
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Horsefly Report - not the strongest conditions but the few that got off Alex, Rob and some other soared. Alex flew around the south face of Sasquatch Mtn. and climbed to 1350 meters. The wind switched to inflow early and the rest couldn't launch, so they headed to Woodside. | Woodside Report - we arrived at 4:00 pm after picking up the Blue Van (all repaired with a new motor!), and Colleen was quite frustrated that there were 20 gliders soaring Woodside and she was on the ground waiting for me. We went up but it had started shutting down. We had to hear tales of having to B-stall out of the clouds at 1400 meters, cravatte recoveries and generally awesome conditions with 3-4 hours of airtime, while we were lucky to get off and have a sled ride. Jeremy having fun on Friday afternoon.
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Woodside Report - Andy hiked and flew Woodside by noon, landing at Joe's. I offered him a ride up Horsefly later to see what Rob had accomplished last week. | Horsefly Report - Rob worked on the road up to Horsefly last Saturday while we were flying Woodside, and he did an amazing job! The road is brushed out to the top, no more scratches. The deepest cross ditch is filled in near 3 kms. I was concerned about the water running down the road at 4 kms so I made a diversion after Andy flew off. Not much lift but Andy made it easily to Bill Best's field. Light cycles but launchable. Rob is flying here on Friday October 5th so get out early. Armchair fliers can fly here Kevin and Richard at Baker 1/29/2007.
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Woodside Report - I was out at the Ranch getting the big Van ready for delivery to the new owner and it was raining hard. On the way back thru Mission, there was a "full-on" thunderstorm with hail and heavy cloudbursts. Needless to say no pilots were out. | Armchair fliers can fly here Birds of Elk. Derek and Martina's last 2007 Report - Our European adventure is almost over - we fly back tomorrow. Here's a recap of our last week. The tram at Lienz shut down for the season on Sunday, so that was our last day flying there. It dumped snow on Friday and Saturday nights but we still managed to get some air. Launching was a bit challenging, with a light tailwind and stomping through the snow. We then drove north to Munich to visit some friends. Monday was beautiful and we spent the day stumbling around Oktoberfest. We have some hilarious video footage to show you later! Tuesday the sun came out full-force, so we went to Westendorf to fly. It was 16 degrees at launch with many visiting pilots taking advantage of the day. We got in 3 flights over the day, then off for more schnitzel & weiss bier for dinner! Yesterday our friends took us downtown to the "English Gardens" and when it hit 24 degrees we just had to stop at the beer garden for a refreshment and more food. I put on my dirndl and took part in the Munich Marathon (drink as much as you can at one beer garden, walk to the next and repeat). It's raining today so that should help us get adjusted to going back home, ha ha. See you soon! - Martina & Derek
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Woodside Report - I was working on the deck while 20 mm of rain fell on me! Not too windy but very wet. | Attended the WCSC meeting for the first time in years and Kevin Ault won "Eagle of the Month" for September 2007 for surviving his hike-and-fly off Mt. Baker. See the September Site of the Day archives below for pictures and story. Kevin nd Dr T also made Ozone's news page for their efforts.
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Woodside Report - rain!. | |
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