FlyBC Airsports is your first choice for paramotor training in Western Canada. All courses are run under Transport Canada Guidelines.
At the Eagle Ranch Flight Park, you have 25 acres of launch and landing area and valley and mountain flying for enjoying your paramotoring experience safely.
FlyBC Airsports offers new and used paramotors and complete wing and motor packages for as low as $7000 CDN.
Paramotor Training at FlyBC:
We believe a paramotor pilot must learn the art of free-flight without the motor first with at least a 4 day paragliding course to learn how to launch and land safely without the additional
weight of the paramotor. Cost of these lessons is $250 per day including gear rental. Length of the course depends on individual skill level and aptitude.
Following the free-flight lessons, we will embark on training on the actual paramotor you want to purchase to familiarize you with the difference in how thrust and weight affects the paramotor wing (each unit is different).
Paramotor Lessons are $250 per day and most pilots require another 2-3 days of lessons to achieve the 30 flight requirement Transport Canada dictates.
Typical total Paramotor Course costs are $1200 - $2500 CDN depending on your aptitude.
What is required to legally fly a Paramotor in Canada:
1. Unit must be registered with Transport Canada and a placard with the C-IXX registration details affixed to the frame.
2. Pilot must obtain a Ultralight Pilot Permit by writing the Ultralight Exam (ULTRA) at a Flight School or at a Transport Canada Facility (cost is usally $80).
3. Pilot must demonstrate and log 30 takeoff & landings and maintain a logbook for themselves and the paramotor.
4. Pilot must carry license and registration and insurance documents on their paramotor at all times (Transport Canada has been doing ramp checks at small airports).
Paramotoring is regulated by Transport Canada only.
Paramotor Unit Costs (without the paraglider wing):
Kangook Lite Frame with Cors-Air Black Bee (125 cc). High hang point harness with option to add swing-arms for extra cost. $7000 CDN including taxes with only 1 hours of run time.
So excited to soon see the new Kangook Lite Frame with Corsair Black Bee 125 power. The factory is building them now.
BlackHawk 125Lite Paramotor the new 125Lite Paramotor, 5 lbs lighter than the previous model - $7995 CDN for our Demo with 2 years warranty with Core glider of your size.
BlackHawk 125 Lite Paramotor
New Paramotor. Factory new condition/shape.
HE125 engine with clutch re-drive, eliminates launch problems and makes for smooth in-flight operation. Manual start with in-flight starting.
Very fuel efficient operation, with sufficient thrust for a 210 lb pilot. Locally supported motor thru FlyBC.
Black Hawk Paramotor for tandems or big boys - $9995 CDN
New Paramotor. Factory new condition/shape.
HE220 engine with belt re-drive. Manual start with in-flight starting or optional electric starter.
With sufficient thrust for a larger pilot over 200 lbs or tandem pilots. Locally supported motor thru FlyBC.
Actual unit and color scheme with standard detachable cage,
Black Hawk Rhino Cage Option - $325 CDN
Heavy Duty Cage for more prop protection, additional cost is $325 when ordering a new BlackHawk motor.
Actual unit and color scheme with RHINO cage.
Used MZ100 motors - $5000 CDN
New MZ 100 motor only with muffler and redrive. New condition/shape.
MZ100 manual start engine. Locally supported motor thru Compact Radial Engines in Surrey BC.
File Pictures for some motors specifications subject to change without notice. Paragliders available on consignment changing daily, please call or EMAIL for a listing.
FlyBC Airsports
PO Box 79, Harrison Mills, BC
Canada V0M 1L0
Mobile: 604-618-5467
E-Mail: FlyBC E-Mail