@ 3000' | Rate | Forecast calculated by SOAR8.XLW | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| /1000' (unstable) | 3100 feet |
Vancouver Report - windy and light rain at times, turned to heavy rain later. No pireps from the valley and Alan was not optomistic for the balance of November either. Looks like Kamloops or Hedley will be the place to fly this weekend.
| /1000' (unstable) 2800 feet
Chelan Report - another sunny day in Chelan unfolded and pilots were soaring before noon!
| We arrived at launch after a leisurely Campbell's breakfast with the Crabtree's and Ondeck's before heading up to the Butte. Several pilots were soaring and we could see others heading out to the Falls LZ. I helped Colleen set up and the plan was for her to fly and if it was soarable, I would fly also and top-land to retrieve the truck. There were shuttles available for $10.00 at Chelan Valley Tours so it wasn't a big deal if we sunk out. Colleen didn't sink out for sure as she soon climbed to the top of the stack. ![]() Colleen over the Butte Just as I launched, Alex and Nicole showed up in a load of pilots and we chatted for a few minutes as I launched. I got low a few times and was battling traffic but soon climbed out over the towers and was just having fun buzzing launch (no problems staying up) when I started getting lower and lower. I saw Delvin head out to the LZ but I hung in and managed to scratch around for an hour before it got good enough to top-land around 2:00 pm. As you can see from the remaining pictures it got very lifty (Alex and Nicole on top as usual - note Nicole bought a Halloween coloured UP Trango just for the Fly In!). ![]() Nicole soars the Butte on her Halloween Trango 2 - photo by Alex R ![]() Soaring the east side of the Butte ![]() Soaring the east side of the Butte The trip home was fast with little traffic and only rain on the I-5. 4.5 hours door to door for some really good flying and great partying with the WA pilots. Many more women pilots this year and they were all extremely competent, launching in strong cycles and staying up or out-soaring the guys. We were disappointed more WCSC pilots didn't make the trip.
| /1000' (unstable) 2800 feet
Chelan Report - excellent conditions all day, soarable by 2:00 pm and it stayed on until dark. I kept telling myself it shouldn't be this rough as I climbed out with Nicole and Alex over launch, as my Keara blew out and I fell out of a thermal. Next thing I knew eeveryone was heading out to land, except Nicole of course. I headed out after trying a few top-landing approaches on the west launch. | Flight reports from everyone who launched around 2:00 pm and soared above launch; included Russ O, Mia S, Alex R, Nicole, Colleen, Delvin, Garry H, Alex W and a few un-identified pilots. Most made the LZ except for one railway buff on a red Style! ![]() Soaring above the Rocks at Chelan Butte - photo by Pam Crabtree ![]() ZZ Top - Colleen & Pam won best Female Costumes ![]() Trophy for the best Female Costumes ![]() The Men at the Party? - photo by Colleen ![]() The Women at the party looked way better! - photo by Colleen ![]() Jack gets a checkup from a WA Nurse! - photo by Colleen
| /1000' (unstable) 2800 feet
Vancouver Report - strong winds all day, windy driving down to Chelan along the coast. |
| /1000' (unstable) 5300 feet
Woodside Report - gusty east winds reported in the Valley, Chelan is looking rainy but it is the desert so it should dry out quicker than the coast.
| ![]() Future of our airspace at Woodside/Bridal as Abbotsford Airport expands!
| /1000' (unstable) 5300 feet
Woodside Report - Jim, here is my first flight report ever - six people were out at
woodside today - beautiful sunshine sledders and extended sledders (beats working) - Barry M
| /1000' (stable) 3300 feet
Woodside Report - very windy mid-afternoon! Trees uprooted in places in Harrison Mills. |
| /1000' (stable) 3300 feet
Woodside Report - outflow winds all day but JB and Al managed a flight around 4:00 pm at Woodside. I was talking to Al when he was flying and he said he was managing to stay up over the clearcuts. |
| /1000' (stable) 3300 feet
Woodside Report - cloudy all day, only a few blue holes popped thru around 3:00 pm. Vancouver was the same all day. Cloudbase at 11:00 pm was less than 600 feet. |
| /1000' (unstable) 5800 feet
Woodside Report -
Well . . . the forecast and lapse rate didn`t happen, but it was a great day overall!
These kind of days are just as memorable as the boomer days, everyone had multiple flights, from sledders to extended sledders, sunny skies, overcast etc.
Forwards and reverses as the conditions changed, tuning up launching techniques and students having fun. | There wasn`t a pilot there without a smile!!! Especially your tandem passenger, she is probably still grinning (potential new addict) !! It doesn`t get any better than this !! Thomm ps: Thomm went home too early as conditions picked up and there were 10 gliders soaring the north slope for an hour or more. New student Brad got his first flight and was way above launch for 40 minutes landing with a big grin (Norm, the buzz is probably sold!) ![]() Mia proves Thomm went home early! Sumas Report - we talked to Tom's crew on Sumas, apparently the road is repaired. Not soarable there, just light stuff.
| /1000' (inverted) 3500 feet
Woodside Report - Martina and Andy flew twice, Norm drove down twice due to it blowing over the back. I talked Jack and Colleen into going up around 5:00 pm, as I was doing a firewood run. Norm declined.
When we arrived it was howling over the back, but it calmed and actually fluffed up the hill a few times and they got off before dark. | ![]() Colleen took this picture while flying today
| /1000' (stable) 4070 feet
Woodside Report - Derek and Martina were heading out early afternoon but no pireps rec'd yet. The webcam looked good all day though. |
| /1000' (stable) 3500 feet
Woodside Report - it didn't rain all day, but cloudbase stayed very low. |
| /1000' (stable) 4300 feet
Woodside Report - sunny sky, a bit leeside but there were a few pilots out flying: Norm, Andy, Delvin, Doug Beer, Darren, Bob, and finally Derek & I after working all day. Mostly sledders, but Delvin claimed a 40 minute scratch-fest before heading to the Sasquatch Inn. |
| /1000' (stable) 2200 feet
Fraser Valley Report - Derek reported heavy rain all day, even the helicopters weren't willing to fly! |
| /1000' (stable) 2200 feet
Ashcroft Report - bad forecasts from Environment Canada! The wind was strong SW, not east and it rained on and off all day. Good thing we didn't waste space with a glider. | Marina CA Report - good flying reported from Nicole and Alex flying Marina near San Francisco. ![]() Mantra over Marina - photo by Nicole McLearn
| /1000' (stable) 4100 feet
Woodside Report - when I called Woodside for today's site-of-the-day, I was sitting in heavy rain and low cloudbase. But sure enough, the clouds parted to blue skies by 11:00 am, and all the usual pilots came out to grab that last fall flight. Three cycles of sled rides ensued, when around 3:00 pm, it turned on and everyone was staying up high in ridge lift. | The only near incident happened when an un-named pilot flying a red Titan got too low by the towers and was soon sinking behind the north ridge line. He landed okay on the logging road and was needing directions how to get out, which he took and was soon on the main road. Jeremy and I top-landed to lessen the retrieves, very windy. I was flying an old too-big Pro-Design Target after replacing some lines and I had to hold big ears and back into launch sideways to get down. The days are getting dark sooner, I was driving into the Ranch at 5:50 pm and needed headlights. Be sure you plan your landings and don't get caught up in the air as it goes dark. Chelan Report, Oct 14, 15 - We arrived to Chelan by 15:00 Friday, and drove straight to the Butte launch to find very light east wind, overcast sky, and no pilots. One of the local hang glider pilots kindly explained to me over the phone the location of the official LZ, Chelan Falls Park, and I drove down to check it out. Then back up to launch, hoping that some local flier would be there to catch an evening sledder, so valued in the Fraser Valley this time of year. but alas! Only an occasional tourist, or a member of the local non-flying community would come up, catch his/her 15 minutes of enjoyment, ask us if we were going to fly, and leave. Light wind eventually changed to North-westerly, and after driving back to the LZ with Nataliya, we called it a day. Saturday morning greeted us with bright sun on clear blue skies, and after consulting Norm as for the conditions in the Fraser Valley, and for a phone number of one of the local PG pilots, up the Butte we went. At 10:00, it already started working, and prevailing 10 km/h south-westerly was clearly shifting to south-south-easterly of increasing duration. We kited for a while, and then Tom and Lorie, local hang glider pilots, arrived. I launched, goofed around for a while, staying above launch effortlessly, and then top-landed (I should say "top-crashed" fly-on-the-wall style, with a minor bruise) to let Nataliya fly. Tom meanwhile was launching and top-landing on his hang glider, repeating this cycle over and over again. Nataliya launched, lost some height and headed for the LZ, and got back up to the launch level on her way. I took off, and knowing that Tom and Lorie would give us a ride (yes, hang gliders there not only top-land; they also go up for another flight!), headed to the LZ after a 25-minute flight. Back up the mountain we went, and that's when it really started working. Three local PG pilots were in the air by that time, boating at the cloudbase (about 2000 m AGL, I think, ground being the river level). The site was working amazingly! I couldn't make it to the cloudbase, and was hanging around at 100-200 m above launch, getting low below launch at times, but climbing back up with no problem. After about an hour, I top-landed (nice and soft this time) in case if Nataliya needed retrieve, but she radio'ed she was done for the day, and I re-launched. This time, little patience paid off, and I made it to the cloudbase at 2500 m in abundant, smooth lift. It was cold there (duh! What would you expect in mid-October?), and Nataliya was showing signs of extreme boredom down at the LZ (no wind to kite), and last but not the least, it was time to start heading back home: I forgot to add some dry food to my cats' bowl. This is where the highlight of the day comes: I spent at least half-an-hour trying to get down to top-land (our car was there, and all the local pilots left by that time). I was doing spiral after spiral, but every time on exit my vario would scream and show +2.5 m/s (and, trust me, it was not a climb of a less-than-perfect exit from a spiral dive). The place was booming, nice-looking cloud was forming above the Butte, and lift was everywhere. Eventually, at about 100 m above launch, I found small pocket of sink (!), which allowed me to get down and top-land gently. Oh my God. What a place. I can only imagine what it is like in the summer. probably even boulders can soar there in mid-July. I think Princeton could be somewhat alike Chelan, and can't wait to check it out - Alex W ![]() Alex W's view of Chelan Lake
| /1000' (stable) 4500 feet
Woodside Report - heavy rain all day. |
| /1000' (unstable) 4500 feet
Woodside Report - Alan says it may have been flyable at Woodside, but Bridal had different cloud layers thru the day which blocked the sun. When I arrived into Abbotsford at 7:00 pm, there was outflow winds and mostly clear skies. |
| /1000' (unstable) 4500 feet
Calgary Report - blue skies and SW winds. I didn't get out to Muller's but it looked good most of the day, maybe tomorrow. | More Hedley Pictures ![]() Lars at Hedley, by Pierre L.
| /1000' (unstable) 4500 feet
Woodside Report - It ain't Hedley but it was working!
Woody today was working fine ! The usual supects were just launching when I arrived, and soaring at cloudbase shortly threafter.(Normando is lovin this school strike I`m sure) I just missed the Joe shuttle and decided to drive up with the plan to topland as the kids were down at your place agility training the dog
A mixed bag with very light conditions from 0.0 to some sharp 4.5m/s up and 4.0 m/s down. Everyone had a turn getting up to cloudbase several times and back down at the cutblocks scrounging around.You could fly out over the highway to the bailout and return back high to repeat the drill.The white room was forming quite aggressively around me many times and my woosie hands were cold so buzzed down to a deserted launch to topland.( At least try to ) It was a good half hour before I could time it right as it was up to 4m/s at times just when you thought it was going to work. It wasn`t the most elegant landing but as good as your going to get in conditions like that.(at least for me)
A couple of others were on their way up around 4pm to also enjoy some of the mellowing out but still soarable conditions.I think Alan would have logged at least three hours as he was still in the air when I left - Thomm
| Hedley Report Updated - two shots from the weekend. ![]() A view towards the launch area from the Church LZ - by Kelly Rand ![]() Jim flies Hedley! - from the Penticton Herald
| /1000' (unstable) 6800 feet
Princeton Report - Norm and Andy made a recon trip thru Princeton and found the way up to the towers to a launch area that faces East, South and West with lots of LZs. Norm took a short flight while Andy drove down. Some landowner negotiations may be necessary before this becomes an established site. No reports from Hedley today, but it looked good up until 3:00 pm, when the rain hit. |
| /1000' (stable) 5800 feet
More Hedley Flying - My first flight on Sunday around 11:00 am, took me over the top from launch west into the town canyon to the rocks NW of town where I soared with Margo and Corinne for a while, then headed back toward launch to land at the Cemetary/Church LZ where the shuttle was picking pilots up. Nice 60 minute flight.
| One notable flight was Scott, from Pemberton (second season pilot), who took off around 1:30 pm, soared the rocks NW of town with Andy and I, maintaining nicely. I noticed the wind picking up with little forward speed after heading west towards Princeton. I went about 4 kms, when I turned back and barely made the Plateau LZ (lots of other options west as Norm found out). I decided to land because it looked like it was getting stronger from the SE. Scott hung in there and climbed to 2300 meters where it was smooth and flew through the worst winds as many landed, although 2 HGers hung in too up with Scott. Scott eventually flew back to launch and top-landed for a rest, relaunching much later for another soaring flight. Our last flight had Norm, Andy, Colleen, and I soaring the rocks until dark. Then off to a $10.00 Salmon/Venison meal hosted by the Community Club right across from the LZ.
| /1000' (stable) 5800 feet
Hedley Fly-In Report - we arrived around 12:30 pm, to see many gliders in the air.
Norm and Andy were there from Friday morning and had many great soaring flights by the time we got there.
We had some logistical issues with shuttles and finally just drove up in the FlyBC Van. | But what a sweet setup! Brand new 20 passenger buses shuttle tours up to the Mascot Mine Tour, and we can get rides for $10. Launch (room for 20 gliders+) is on the attached map at 1480 meters, the valley floor is 485 meters for nearly 1000 vertical meters. The road is well maintained year-round as alternate access to Apex Alpine Ski Resort, so winter flying should be possible. We estimated 50+ pilots from Kamloops, Pemberton, Lower Mainland, Wenatchee and the Okanogan. Too bad more WCSC fliers didn't make the trip, as it was great flying everyday. Every flight was at least an hour, with good altitude gains. Launch is marked in blue with some of the LZs marked in red. The entire valley is landable except for some high tension lines near the highway. The most technical LZ was the ball diamond nestled into the canyon, mostly due to no wind landings but Lars made it look easy. Dinner was a $15.00 turkey dinner sponsored by the Band, which was over-sold (capped at 40 people). ![]() Hedley Topo Map - launch is the blue square, official LZs are red circles.
| /1000' (stable) 4500 feet
Woodside Report - it looked flyable when we arrived at 6:45 pm. A few rain cells passed thru late afternoon, otherwise okay. |
| /1000' (unstable) 4500 feet
Rained all day in Vancouver, although the Woodside Webcam showed some sun early on so I am pretty sure Andy would have flown? |
| /1000' (unstable) 3500 feet
Rain later in the day, no pireps. |
| /1000' (unstable) 3500 feet
No pireps. |
| /1000' (unstable) 3500 feet
Grouse Report - Grouse looked good from downtown. No pilot reports but the CU was huge! |
| /1000' (stable) 3500 feet
Ashcroft Report - after a slippery drive through the mud up to Cornwall,
we arrived at launch in the clouds with 20 km/hr straight in. As the clouds parted we could occasionally see the Manor LZ, but Alex/Natalia/Ian were not feeling confident enough to fly this new site under these conditions and I was not confident enough to have them drive down given the slippery road, so we all drove down. Of course, as we ended up at the bottom the clouds have cleared. Later we went up Elephant Hill and Alex and Ian bagged a sledder. | ![]() Pictures by Alex W
| /1000' (stable) 3500 feet
Ashcroft Report - we left the monsoon weather at Woodside and enjoyed a nice dry drive up the #1 to Ashcroft. Sunny skies and huge over-development with occasional hail in Savona so I turned back to Ashcroft. Alex W, Natalia and Ian H headed up with me to Elephant Hill but we deemed it a bit brisk as cells were unloading on all four quadrants. Maybe tomorrow early will be better? |
| /1000' (unstable) 3500 feet
Woodside Report - flyable most of the day, no forecast high winds materialized. Andy did a hike and fly, short flight no thermals or ridge lift at all. I worked on the barn all day getting new windows installed for fall classes (now it will be very warm inside with the sealed windows and wood stove). | |
September 2005 Site of the Day archives - dry most of the month. Some great 4 hour flights at Woodside getting to cloudbase most days. Three crash-landings in the same clearcut by pilots scratching too low, but no injuries.
August 2005 Site of the Day archives - road trips to the Interior gave us an opportunity to rag out some gliders at FlyBC SIV 2005 (Part II). Also a great road trip to Savona.
July 2005 Site of the Day archives - good flying all month, no rain but some windy days shut us down. The Willi started in Golden with a few good days, but one tragedy as Charles Warren perished in a crash near Harrogate.
June 2005 Site of the Day archives - too much rain, but good days to fly between showers.
May 2005 Site of the Day archives - our Instructor/Tandem seminar yielded some good flying. Our May 2005 SIV Clinic had a good turnout, with many wet wings/pilots! Many nice flights at Woodside and Bridal, with some long "out & returns" at Bridal.
April 2005 Site of the Day archives - some great soaring at Woodside and Bridal. Sad news from the US Hanggliding Nationals as Chris Muller crashes at goal.
March 2005 Site of the Day archives - we had to head out of town to Savona a few weekends due to wet weather on the Coast. Wetter than normal according to Environment Canada.
February 2005 Site of the Day archives - some good soaring despite early time of year. Flights as long as 3 hours at Woodside, some good flights at Whidbey Island for first timers, too!
January 2005 Site of the Day archives road trips to Mexico, not much flying locally due to strong north winds and rain. Record rain kept Eagle Ranch quite wet for kiting.
December 2004 Site of the Day archives a dry month with some good soaring including a fantastic day on Dec. 11 where we thermalled for 2+ hours!
November 2004 Site of the Day archives more record rain. We installed a fireplace in the barn to keep pilots warm between winter flights.
October 2004 Site of the Day archives more record rain, but sweet soaring between showers. Many new students signed up and making quick progress. We missed the Women's Fly In for the first time in 9 years, and there was some interesting flying on the Sunday!
September 2004 Site of the Day archives rainiest September on record for the first 3 weeks, made flying difficult. But Alan and others logged some pretty nice flights later in the month. Lots of student tandems for both Colleen and Jim.
August 2004 Site of the Day archives Great Maneuver/SIV/ACRO course at Mara. Jack got wet! Some great soaring at Woodside. Norm made it 68 km from Mara to King Eddie, Derek made it from Lumby to Enderby the opposite direction for 67 kms. We also did our BC roadtrip from Ashcroft to New Denver, and flew everyday.
July 2004 Site of the Day archives the Willi was on at Golden. We missed the mayhem due to work and school commitments but Norm did a great job representing the West Coast.
June 2004 Site of the Day archives Canadian Nationals came off with many great rounds. Pemberton-Whistler Championships were blown out most days so we headed to Cornwall.
May 2004 Site of the Day archives great flying at Woodside and Bridal. We held a very successful SIV Course at Mara Lake, and hope to run another one in August if they keep the forests open.
April 2004 Site of the Day archives good flying in the Valley. The Fraser Valley Cross Country PG Series was successssful.
March 2004 Site of the Day archives Nicole won in Brazil, otherwise the month sucked for flying time.
February 2004 Site of the Day archives some local flights extended to an hour with vigourous scratching above the trees. Good paramotor month.
January 2004 Site of the Day archives Mexican road trip yielded 20 hours of flight and a wet Canadian January kept most local pilots on the ground.
December 2003 Site of the Day archives we flew a few times but it got really cold at the end of the month as we prepared for a gala New Year's Party for 40 of our close personal friends and neighbours.
November 2003 Site of the Day archives windy and wet with the odd good soaring day, not many pilots out these days.
October 2003 Site of the Day archives Women's Fly In was great fun, some good soaring days mid-month, most of the students are signed off.
September 2003 Site of the Day archives good conditions until the last days of the month when it got stable. Most days were flyable at Woodside or Bridal.
August 2003 Site of the Day archives Forest closures made the end of the month a non-flying period unless you headed to Blanchard. FlyBC SIV 2003 was a great success with 9 stunt pilots and no deployments or crashes.
July 2003 Site of the Day archives we flew most days early at Woodside until it got windy, then over to Bridal. Good Golden flying reports from the "Willi".
June 2003 Site of the Day archives we flew most weekdays at Bridal, Woodside worked most weekends. Bridal Air Races had one great day with only two tree landings!
May 2003 Site of the Day archives not a great weather month on the coast, especially on the weekends but a few pilots managed to get some great airtime at Bridal. The Nationals were held in Lumby and it didn't rain!
April 2003 Site of the Day archives rain for 28 of 30 April days, but we managed to get a few flights in between showers. Even the golfers were complaining!
March 2003 Site of the Day archives some high spring flights in early March, but not a great weather month. Still no HPAC Insurance!
February 2003 Site of the Day archives some nice long spring flights in late February. HPAC Insurance expired on Feb 14, so many pilots stayed home instead of getting USHGA coverage.
January 2003 Site of the Day archives lots of rain all month in BC so we bailed and headed to Tapalpa Mexico for three weeks. Norm and Lucille had a great XC flight the first day we arrived.
December 2002 Site of the Day archives lots of rain all month.
November 2002 Site of the Day archives not a great flying month, lots of rain in the beginning and then super stable and inverted for the balance of the month. Even the Savona Road Trip wasn't that great. Looking forward to Mexico!
October 2002 Site of the Day archives Still soarable some days, great fun at the Women's Fly In 2002 in Chelan. Allan logged 15 hours and only flew a few days. Most of the students are ready for signoff soon to get ready for Mexico trips!
September 2002 Site of the Day archives Still soarable most everyday! Some scary incidents at Woodside. Fun flying at Ashcroft.
August 2002 Site of the Day archives More spring-like days with super lapse rates, great fun up-country at Revelstoke and Mara, with some good XCs for all.
July 2002 Site of the Day archives Some spring-like days with super lapse rates, but still rather wet at times.
June 2002 Site of the Day archives another rainy and windy month with great lapse rates, some great flights at Bridal with some getting above Cheam Peak. The Club Cup was nearly rained out but they got one valid task in on Sunday June 30.
May 2002 Site of the Day archives an extremely rainy month with the more spring mayhem, another reserve deployment at Lil Nick and a pilot crashed at the top of Deroche Mountain, uninjured but with a ripped glider and long hike down the mountain. Colleen placed 5th place at the Canadian PG Nationals in rainy Lumby!
April 2002 Site of the Day archives a rainy month with the usual spring mayhem, one reserve deployment at Woodside and a pilot hit a parked car at Bridal LZ, fracturing his leg.
March 2002 Site of the Day archives a few great days days with lots of snow and rain mixed in.
February 2002 Site of the Day archives two epic days already (4.5 hours and 2.5 hours!).
January 2002 Site of the Day archives Mexico vacation shots, some local flying but it was wet on the coast.
December 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, wettest December on record, some good days sprinkled thru the month.
November 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, had some good days at Woodside +2 hours, lots of rain later in the month.
October 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, but great flying at Chelan at the Women's Fly In.
September 2001 Site of the Day archives starting to get pretty stable, more sled rides forecast for October.
Aug 2001 Site of the Day archives Mara, Bridal, till some great flights locally
July 2001 Site of the Day archives Road Trip Month, Golden, Mara, points east!
June 2001 Site of the Day archives Great Month, 3 hours of airtime for some pilots every time they flew Bridal Lower! Some getting up to 6 hours in a single flight!
May 2001 Site of the Day archives Unstable Month, 2-3 hours of airtime for some pilots every time they flew Bridal Lower!
April 2001 Site of the Day archives Rainy Month, not as much airtime for some pilots
March 2001 Site of the Day archives Spring has Sprung!
February 2001 Site of the Day archives Spring is in the Air!
January 2001 Site of the Day archives - Mexico Flying Trip
December 2000 Site of the Day archives
November 2000 Site of the Day archives (great month for airtime!)
October 2000 Site of the Day archives
September 2000 Site of the Day archives
July - August 2000 Site of the Day archives
June 2000 Site of the Day archives
March - May 2000 Site of the Day archives
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