Aloft @ 3000' NOAA Sounding CYXX | Rate /1000' | Forecast calc using SOAR8.XLW | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Woodside Report - rain all day with a few patches of sun around 7:00 pm.
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Bridal Report - you had to try hard to stay up today.
Rob and Alan top-landed to drive cars down but otherwise most people had
to scratch around to stay up in the gulleys below launch. |
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Bridal Report - light conditions made for forward launching two tandems today, one with 12 year old JJ for her last adventure before school starts next week, and another with Alex (a local girl from Rosedale). 20 minutes each in light lift and no wind touchdowns in the mowed grass. Many others didn't fare too well with landing in no wind, some hitting fences, golf greens and tall bullrushes. | Bridal Report - Thanks for the ride back to the LZ. Too bad that I was the only one who went XC today. I think that it might have had something to do with Martin N. and Alan D joking about how today was going to mess up my average airtime on my log book spreadsheet and that there was no way that I was making it to Elk. Anyways I got to 1416 meters ASL, made it to Elk, but not quite to the point of being able to glide into the Chilliwack valley, and flew for 1:59 before landing in Rosedale Park - Rob Wouter's Summer Vacation Report - Happy Birthday, Jim. I guess I owe you a Boston Cream Donut! Had a great time in Villeneuve. Spend a week flying, eating and partying with the local club before the Vertigo started. Lots of cool people at the competition, awesome acro and as a volunteer not that much to do except eating free food and enjoying the show! Saw a hangglider snap in half while doing acro and some paragliders getting cravatted or risertwisted but they all managed to throw their reserves and "land" nicely in the water. Been on the road for almost two months, I'm flat broke, but flew over a 70 flights at 20 sites in 4 different countries.. ..and I still thank you for getting me into this! - Wouter ![]() Felix Rodriguez and Wouter J at Red Bull Vertigo in Switzerland - photo by ??
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Mara Report - we packed up camp after 12 days at Mara and headed towards Osoyoos.
Jack called and was enroute to visit a friend in Osoyoos so the plan was to meet there,
but as we got closer to Vernon the sky clouded over and we headed to the Ranch instead.
Good call as we got closer to Falkland it started raining right through to the Toll Booth.
Even Kamloops was rainy and cold?? The summer is over for the Interior I guess. |
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Sicamous Report - Norm insisted I take a Birthday Flight off the Sicamous Ramp and it was thermic so up we went leaving Colleen at camp for a conference call. It was a challenge getting off as the thermals weren't getting back to the road I was setup on (in fact it was blowing down the road). After 3-4 tries, I got solid wing overhead and I walked off the ramp into the abyss. There was some nice thermals up to +3.6 m/s out front and it was windy from the NW on the lake. I flew for 35 minutes landing in some nice rotor near the A&W. Thanks to Norm for driving. | Mara Report - Norm had once last chance for an XC flight before going back to work and the towering CUs looked good for lift! Colleen was nervous as I joked about B-stalling to Enderby and Vernon. Norm launched as it shaded over and worked hard for 40 minutes landing in the Piano LZ. Colleen flew after the sun came out and got about the same staying at 1000 meters. I drove down and picked her up and she insisted I fly too, and I got about 12 minutes landing at the Foodliner. Bridal Report - Alan launched early, got 300 meters below launch & managed to save himself. It was a bit easier to stay up when the rest of us launched, but still light with big blue holes. The day kept getting better with Klaus & Alan going to Ludwig (Klaus ended up going back to Elk & then flying home!) and Rob doing his usual laps & Derek toplanding at Lower & Upper over the next 4 hours. I had 2 flights of 1 1/2 hrs each, the last one Alan & I rode the merry-go-round at Lower trying to topland. I got in first & showed Alan how to do it, I am Eagle of the Month after all! - Martina
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Mara Report - rain in the morning, and some flights later but most people headed back to work leaving Colleen, Norm and I. We tried Mara Launch but it was too cross and wet, so we took a short cut to Sicamous on Skyline Main Road, which ended up on a deadend somewhere east of Sicamous at 1600 meters. Another route down Downwood Drive took us into the heart of Sicamous after 28 kms of backroads, and we found no new launches. We went up to the Sicamous Ramp to check it out as the locals have renovated the ramp with some new wood. | ![]() Colleen and Norm staying well away from the ramp at 1050 meters ASL - photo by JPR ![]() Sicamous Rainbow as it rained lightly on the way down from the ramp - photo by JPR
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Mara Report - we put the boat back in the water for one last set of maneuvers, before everyone went home but by the time we had it ready the South wind kicked in. | It was even windy in Whispering Pines, so Norm suggested Vernon Mountain. We all headed to Vernon and we were at launch by 2:00 pm and it was blowing a steady 35 kph! We waited for it to calm down and it got stronger! We were entertained by a sailplane climbing out over Vernon town, and heading north. Eventually the hackey-sack had to come out, for some pre-flying exercise. ![]() Colleen, Alex, Carl and Holgar hackeying - photo by JPR
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Mara Report - cloudy morning, so we went out over the Lake for a few stunts. The Boomerang Sport does a very manageable full stall and exit, but a bit more work needed to SAT and HELI. | We went back up for a planned XC flight but it was as forecasted, 220 degrees at 11 knots so tough going for the first 30 minutes as Norm and I battled the south winds in the first gulley. He hung in longer and in a bold move, went in the lee at the clearcut to the south of the gulley and worked his way up as I headed to the lake to man the boat as I was sure most people would end up on the Beach. Carl ended up over the lake at the same time as me so I could watch his maneuvers up close, followed by Alex who came out very low. Nataliya did some nice SAT entries and didn't spin it this time, so she was very happy until she "pooched" her approach and ended up 15 metres short of the beach. She was rescued by 3 ladies on an air mattress as I went out to get her wing in the boat. ![]() Atis on the drying rack, getting ready for tomorrow's fun - photo by JPR After all our excitement at the Lake, and getting back to Camp to get dinner ready, Norm finally landed with about 2+ hours of airtime under his belt.
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Mara Lake Report - we flew several flights from Skyline Launch. We missed the first trip up as we were in Sicamous shopping as the others flew. | We flew again at 1:45 pm, and Holgar got high right away and was on his way to Enderby. I launched next and got away lower as usual, but there was good lift behind Emil's house and beyond. Jack launched next and was getting up in the first gulley and took some time to get up so I waited near the Foodliner out front where the thermals were strongest. I told Jack to come out further as we got near the Cliffs and he was doing well at 1400 meters. I hit a +6 m/s boomer of a thermal that took me to 2000 meters and drifted me into the "dreaded Enderby Gap" and I tracked it across the Gap and over the rocks on the other side and I was maintaining 1700 meters over there as Jack was landing at the High School field. ![]() Over the Dreaded Enderby Gap at 1700 meters ASL - photo by JPR ![]() Jack on final at the Enderby High School - photo by JPR The lift was small past the Gap and Nataliya was on the way to retrieve Jack and Holgar so I headed back to Enderby and was doing about 18 kph into the wind but I came over town at 1400 meters and landed in Jack's LZ and we went to Cliff's for a beer while waiting. Later Colleen flew and made it to the Cliffs at Enderby and I picked her up at Lulu's Restaurant for dinner. Carl had some fun over the lake and misjudged his landing so he spent the evening drying things out. ![]() Carl and Colleen admiring the 6907 on the drying rack! - photo by JPR
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Lumby Report - Jack, Carl, Holgar, Nataliya and Alex went up Coopers in the morning and Colleen and I met them up top. Sledders for most part with Alex and I climbing above launch for 5 minutes. I blew my top-landing approach and sunk out before I could do another so we retrieved with Alex's truck. The second flights were better with Alex and I over launch for 20 minutes and I landed in the ball field in town to be near food. | ![]() Lumby Ball Field near the famous Chinese Restaurant - photo by JPR Mara Report - a late flight off Mara for an planned XC to Enderby. Alex went highest and furthest with a landing near Grindrod as everyone else ended up in the LZ or near that point.
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Mara Report - we had Chloe (grand daughter) all day so she helped me in the boat while Carl, Jack, Nataliya and Alex did 4 maneuver flights over the water. Carl was testing the 6907 and he said "Wow!". Some hairy moments with a cravatte for Alex, and some low saves by Jack as he went Parachutal for 1500 feet! Chloe was bored as she slept through most of the stunts. The last flights were out to the regular LZ. | ![]() Jack and Alex soaring north of launch - photo by JPR
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Mara Report - it rained most of the day, but around 5:00 pm the sky opened up and there was nice CUs on the mountain with south wind, so we went to launch. It socked in as Jack and Carl got ready and we had to wait. When it opened up we got 2 up-cycles only and they took them, leaving the rest of us to drive down. |
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Mara Report - we arrived on the evening of the 17th to hear about great flights around the Valley and prepared for the fun SIV Clinic we had planned. | We had 12 pilots on the first day Friday, and no one landed in the water, except for some wet feet including me on a tandem when we landed right at the water's edge but my passenger sat rather that running. Hands up and the glider landed on the beach at least. ![]() Garry Hachey's landing trench - photo by Gary K Colleen was pulling her hair out trying to get people to launch, in perfect conditions. Too wired up worrying about the SIV to get in the air, I guess?? The next day we had another 12 pilots, and they all got off fine and did great maneuvers, including some great stalls and spins from Gary Kinney. Again, no reserve tosses, so I guess I am being too easy on everyone? the week has just started so maybe later we will have some. Unfortunately, it started raining on the 19th so we had to go shopping. ![]() Thomm flying Woodside last Friday - photo by Kelly
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Woodside Report - Miguel and Russell were out training and they had three incredibly stable flights, the last two requiring forward launches to get off. They went to Bridal but Tom C drove down saying the wind was too cross from the North, so back to Woodside. | Mara Report - Norm had some good flights getting to the Waterslides north of Kelowna once and then to Enderby yesterday. About six gliders at Mara on that same day, with the locals making it only to the Foodliner. Getting stable already?? ![]() There is a new Magnum flying around Golden, watch for JP and team - photo by JPL
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Woodside Report - Kirill was out QuadCat'ing and landed after 10 am cause the air was too rough. He noticed a warmer layer at 2500 feet. | Around 3:00 pm, I talked to Derek who said Alan was flying Bridal and was bobbing between 100 meters of Lower Launch (below and above), so Derek and Martina came over to Woodside, while I worked on the boat for the SIV Course this weekend. Colleen went up with Derek and Martina, and they got up almost immediately. Colleen topped out at 1000 meters, and flew for 45 minutes, about the same for Martina. Derek flew for a shorter time and top-landed to drive down. One other Aussie was spotted at launch but no reports from him.
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Bridal Report - we met Derek, Martina, Barry and Andrea at 4:00 pm and went straight up to Launch. | Derek launched first to try and catch up with Rob, Robin, Alan and Ihor already in the air above the Saddle. I followed Derek off and scratched around for the longest time trying to mooch off Barry, Martina and anyone else in lift even heading way out below Gloria in Tiger Country before I snagged a good thermal that took me above Archibald and Upper Launch where Nicole was relaunching. We flew together for a few turns and she headed east as I went west. Colleen launched last and was soon above me on the Ridge and said that she was having trouble finding sink when she headed out to land as the entire ridge was thermalling later, which made top-landing difficult but I made it in coming in lower and hoping for a bubble. Derek also top-landed to drive Rob's Suzuki down, so no retrieves were needed. Stats: +4 m/s up, -3.8 m/s down, light winds
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Black Mountain Can Am Report - we woke up late and had a nice pancake breakfast cooked on Guy's BBQ Train and headed up to Upper for a flight, good cycles just no visibility as it socked in. Back to Lower Launch for a flight before we left for home as it looked like rain. Before I could set up the 6907, it started to piss down. A few got in the air before me, and were soaring around in cloudsuck but after it rained the lift was replaced by steady sink. | I launched and was on the ground in 4:36, Darryl was right behind me on a large Vulcan and also sunk at the same rate. Two HGers at Upper were maintaining. Lots of entertaining landings as the wind was not as it seemed. We headed back to Woodside for an afternoon flight arriving at 3:00 pm to hear Thomm say it was rough and strong, so we unloaded and went up at 4:00 pm, and I launched first to test the air for Miguel and I flew for 15 minutes and top-landed to help him launch. Colleen and Derek flew off and were sky-ing out as I launched Miguel and he had a nice flight getting up at times and eventually landing at the Ranch in nice conditions. I retrieved him and Martina and we went back for a nice glass-off flight with everyone logging over an hour landing just before dark.
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Black Mountain Can Am Report - Day one of the Can Am and we spent 2 hours in the Huntingdon Border Lineup. But no loss as we arrived it was just turning on and we loaded up the truck with 6-7 pilots and we headed to Upper Launch. | When we arrived there were no less than 60 pilots of either persuasion (HG or PG) loitering around waiting for a cycle as it was cross or down. We bailed and head to the "Leap" launch lower down and south of Upper Launch. Good call as we arrived and we had the smaller launch to ourselves. I launched first and was ridge soaring north of launch slowly gaining and I flew over launch to let everyone know it was good to go as Kevin was readying his M2. ![]() Jim over Black's Leap - photo by Martina Kevin launched followed by Eddie and Colleen and we were soon mixing it up on the Ridge with each other and pilots sinking down from the Upper Launch. ![]() Colleen after launching at the Leap - photo by Martina Kevin and I were outclimbing the locals and doing pretty well except for the occasional near miss from a certain unidentified HGer and we headed north to the bowl below Upper Launch and Kevin climbed out fast. I hung around for a bit and after estimating my time at an hour, I headed out to look for the Pylon waypoint but it was the other side of the valley and I missed seeing it as I landed in the circle. The skies were dark, but the lift was abundant as the following picture shows. Final sign-in numbers were 93 registered pilots, with only about 8 Canucks. Where the heck was everyone? ![]() Gaggle soaring above the LZ - photo by Martina There was a few incidents today, 2 Canuck pilots failed to make the LZ one on a yellow UTurn and another on a Blue/Black Edel Live. Also, a treed PGer below Upper Launch who launched a brand new Gin Rebel with a tangle and he spun in heavily damaging the Rebel loaner (ouch). The last flights of the day were made by Colleen followed by Miguel off the Leap, she made it look smooth but Miguel was getting "turbulated" as the strong north winds made for interesting rotors over the lake, but they both landed near the circles.
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Woodside Report - Thomm, Derek, Jozef and I flew around 4:00 pm, in pretty strong conditions. Windy, chopped up bullets! Thomm top-landed to go to pickup Colleen for a flight as Derek and I flew to Agassiz.
The second flights were much smoother and Thomm top-landed again to drive Derek's truck down to ease the retrieve, thanks Thomm.. |
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Woodside Report - calm winds and no rain brought Kirill out to fly his new Trike. | ![]() Kirill burning up 2 stroke oil in a desperate bid to keep the mosquitoes away - photo by KT We watched Kirill from Kilby Beach and later Kilby Farm where we had lunch. As we were heading in I heard a jet approaching from Chilliwack area and snapped this quick shot. Looks like a CF18 from the Abbotsford Airshow doing a media flight over Harrison Lake. Kirill was on the ground by now packing up but they were around 6000 feet, same altitude as he was earlier. CF18 over Harrison Mills - photo by JPR Beware transitting aircraft to and from the Abbotsford Airshow this weekend around Bridal and Woodside, maybe safer to head down to the Can Am at Black Mountain, WA just south of Sumas Crossing. Camping at Silver lake included for $25 USD for 2 nights.
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Woodside Mayhem Report - Thomm, Al and Justin were out and they briefed a visiting Aussie PG Pilot at launch. He was warned of all the places you don't want to be when it is windy,
but later I found out he was also a HGer, so wind doesn't affect the HG as much apparently so they scratch closer?? | Well, he pretty much ignored Thomm's warning about going back too far almost ended up in the trees to the North cliffs near the towers. Then in a desperate bid to climb out near launch got too close in and had a collapse that spun him in towards the rock at the launch ramp, but he just missed it and ended up in the small trees below launch. A few bruises but otherwise okay. Justin helped him back up to launch. Wouter's European Report - After a week of rain in Holland I went crazy, grabbed my glider and drove to Italy where I flew with some other dutchies for five days. Pretty strong thermals there and I really got to know my Gin! Back on the road to Austria for visiting an Acro-competition in Zell am See, shaked hands with Felix Rodriguez and went further to Lienz. Last year Martina told me Lienz was a great place to fly, so I did and it IS a great place to fly! Met Bruno Girstmair and flew 1600meters height difference in, unfortunately, very stable air (see picture with inversion). ![]() Wouter's inversion in Lienz - photo by Wouter After that back on the road, driving and flying my way through Austria and Swiss. Now I`m relaxing with friends in southern France and will be volunteer in the Redbull Vertigo next week. More update`s will follow... - Fly Safe! wouter
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Woodside Report - low clouds all day, so I headed to Nanaimo on a float plane at 500 feet returning mid-afternoon. | Norm's Golden Report - got the new Gin Rebel and flew 100 kms on my first flight landing near Invermere. It flies sweet!
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Woodside Report - Julie arrived early and bagged an early flight launching nicely in good cycles from the SW. A bit of turbulence already setting up at 11 am, so she didn't miss much leaving early as the later flights were still pretty windy and technical. |
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Woodside Mayhem Report - after Wiley's adventure yesterday, I was hoping today would be less stressful,
but around 3:00 pm we arrived at launch and assessed the conditions as being too strong for
Julie and then heard Claudio exclaiming "Glider in the TREES, under reserve!"
Alex saw the event unfold, as Phil (a visiting pilot from Edmonton, not a student of ours) stall-spun his Sky Fides and heli-ed 4-5 revolutions out of control near the bottom clearcut. When he finally went hands-up the glider surged out of control and he chucked his reserve. | He ended up snagged in a tall tree, about 80 feet off the ground hanging only by the reserve as the wing missed the tree. He had a sling and we got him tied to the trunk first thing. Oh, and he had no radio but we could get to him from a spur road at 1.5 kms and walk right to the tree to yell advice. ![]() Phil's tree at 1.5 kms at Woodside; reserve at top of tree, Phil in harness is between the top and the wing hanging down - photo by Nataliya Not confident he had climbing skills, and his rope was under the seat and inaccessible, so we called Search and Rescue. They arrived in 20 minutes from Agassiz and started the process of getting the area secure and prepping for the arborist to climb up to Phil. No one wanted to fly after the tree landing; so Colleen, Annette, Gary and Elle hiked down close to where we were working as SAR took over. Later, Phil showed up with a big scrape over his neck where the reserve bridle scraped him, but otherwise okay. His wing was down but the reserve is still at 100+ feet. Chloe Report - we had a late night visit from Chloe who stayed over for her first sleepover ever. ![]() Chloe getting a bath in the laundry sink while I did the SiteoftheDay - photo by JPR
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Woodside Report - we had a good day of flying, 2 tandems and some student flights until 3:30
pm when it got too thermic for novices. Wiley was doing a good job thermalling staying
up for 40 minutes over the new construction zone, but he allowed himself to drift back too far,
and he hit the lee-side of the thermal north on the ridge and his wing collapsed and cravatted
and he was spiralling to the ground with a riser twist! I was flying tandem and saw the event
(spidey sense or something because I was flying the other direction when I thought where is Wiley,
turned my head and saw the action and turned downwind to guide him back to level flight).
He was low when he recovered but managed to get back to the Ranch. | Thanks to Thomm for driving all day. Cheam Report - Kevin and Al hiked up Cheam and flew off doing an out and return to Elk in some pretty strong climbs (+7 m/s). They landed at Bridal in pretty strong winds as we arrived to try to fly. Later we saw Claudio and Elle flying as we left to head back to Woodside. Golden Report - Norm called to see where his new Rebel was, and to say he had flown 123 kms down range on the first day of the Willi. 3:20 for flight duration, pretty fast averaging 40 kph.
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Woodside Report - Colleen and I arrived around 4:00 pm, no one around and nice CUs and not too much wind?? Where the heck is everyone> We worked until 6:00 pm and decided a test flighton the new Mojo2's (small and medium) was due. Colleen flew first and got high to the north in the new Oxygen harness and Small Mojo2, and top-landed so I could fly the Mojo2 Medium with the Oxygen harness. I flew for a while and also top-landed as Colleen was talking to Corey, our neighbour from School Road. Corey had some friends along and offered to drive our truck down, so off Colleen and I flew together, get up to 840 meters in super smooth glass-off lift. I landed in the Parking Lot to escape the Mosquitoes, Colleen not so lucky. Blood transfusion later that night for her! | Norm's Rebel arrived and there is a line-up to try it tomorrow, but I will probably just send it on the Bus to the Interior!
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Woodside Trike Report - At last a half decent day to fly a motor. If you show up early that is. Launched around 9:30 (maiden flight) and started to climb out. Good speed facing any direction. Quite thermic in the first 700 ft, then better to 3000vft. Looked down as Ranch was being hayed. Smooth flying with brakes released. When I was landing around 11 the trees in the field were bending hard. I caught some juicy thermals on landing but my puffy wheels made landing soft. By noon as I was leaving the field to head back I wouldn't even contemplate ground handling in the field - Kirill. | ![]() Kirill's view over Harrison Mills ![]() Kirill's view over Harrison Mills ![]() Kirill's view over Harrison Mills
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Bridal Report - Thomm reported the conditions were good, except his back was wrecked from gardening this week so he had to land to take meds. | Whistler Report - we were up picking up a hot tub but arrived too late to take the lift up Blackcomb for a flight, besides it was howling windy from the Howe Sound all the way there. Pity more pilots can't fly there, beautiful site, nice launch, great climbs, small LZs. Crystal Sands Warning - I thought I should drop you a line & remind you that River's End Estates (Crystal Sands Resort) on Mara Lake does not permit Paragliders to land on our property. In the past there seems to be some misunderstanding as to where our property ends so I am attaching a site map for your perusal - there is also a white marker that marks the western boundary of our property in the nature reserve & then the property line runs due east back to the hwy from there. I would also advise you that the entire marshy area that forms the northern part of our property & the property to the north all of which is a Fisheries Sensitive area & is not to be disturbed in anyway (DFO regulations). ![]() Crystal Sands Property Map on the south end of Mara Lake, BC In the past we have had Paragliders land in this area which is a part of our property & then expect to exit to the south by way of our property - this is not acceptable & will be treated as a trespass in the future. When we have asked these errant gliders not to trespass our owners have often been greeted with obscene & inappropriate comments - we therefore are expecting you to police your customers to prevent this. We have many small children in our resort who could quite easily be injured by gliders using our resort for emergency landings so we would ask that flight plans do not pass over us & thereby eliminate this potential danger to our young ones & to avoid property damage. Thank you for respecting our right to privacy. Carl Knowles ps: FlyBC hasn't landed students or pilots on Crystal Sands since 1997, so I suspect it was some other school involved in a clinic? As far as not flying over their property, they can not enforce this, nor can they say you can't land on the foreshore according to marine property rights. They can make you walk all the way along the shore to the Provincial Park to exit the lake, however.
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Woodside Report - Miguel and I went up around 2:00 pm, where a HGer was setting up when we left the Ranch. When we arrived his driver as heading down but we couldn't see him so I assumed he had landed. There was a shadow crossing over launch but it was a Bald Eagle climbing high above launch, so it was soarable. | Miguel suited up and clipped in his new Rush and was soon in the air and I guided him into a nice thermal and he was soon at 900+ meters in the same thermal as the Eagle (who had left the area). Miguel flew for about 35 minutes and then headed over to Harvest for his first mini-XC flight as we were headed to Bridal for a 4:00 pm meeting with Derek and Martina. ![]() Miguel's new Rush as he heads to Harvest at 900 meters - by JPR Bridal was good and Miguel logged another 1:45 before heading out to land as I tried out the new Mojo2 and Oxygen Harness combo (everything fits in a small backpack, great for fooling lifties at ski resorts!). Good soaring conditions even later as I top-landed when Rob arrived to go flying at 6:00 pm. Derek and Klaus were flying around Upper Launch and Derek top-landed to watch Klaus try. Rob launched and made it to Elk and back to Launch. View this youtube video to 3:15 into the movie to see Norm's Zoom in action, but keep watching for "how to not topland at Bridal at 3:51! Miguel had lost his cell at Woodside so we went back to check for it at launch but it was gone, so he flew one last 40 minute fligt into the Ranch, not a bad day for starting at 2:00 pm. |
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