Quotes of the Week . . . brought to you by FlyBC Paragliding.
"I launched, I shat, I landed". - Ian Mitchell, this after some interesting aerobatics in the rotor!
"Some people have outlanded so often that it would be cheaper if they just bought the 'bailout swamp'" - Rob Samplonious

"I launched and went up like a fart in a bathtub! - John Orders (in an Aussie accent)

"I guess even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while! I was up over Woodside for about an hour." Cheers - Jack

"You had me hook line and sinker with the comp glider thing. I didn't even notice it was a Makalu. I'll make a good instructor, can't even tell a comp wing from a chimp wing. I should go back to pulling my wire!" - Ian J

" Anyone seen my Red Bull?" - Nicole (coming down from the last can. Thanks, Ian)

" I have sticky boots!" - Bev (after face-planting at Bridal Falls Golf Course LZ)

" This is the best $200 I ever spent paragliding! Thanks a lot!" - Ivan (after tossing his reserve after a full stall, cravate and spiral dive over Mara Lake)

" If wearing womens panties makes launching safer then I'm for wearing them" - Alex R. ??

"Not landing north of the golf course is great advice - particularly if there is a semi heading downwind . . ." - Thomas

"Martina's second launch was perfect". . . . in reference to Martina re-launching after her tree launch - Bev

"That guy should be working at Starbucks . . . . he has been roasted so many times!" - Ian

"I have no recollection of this incident. My legal advisor has recommended I withhold comment until the investigation is complete" - Ian J

"I LOVE THIS SPORT!" - Justin (explaining that even a sled ride at Grouse does it for him)

"Why is it that whenever I get that knot in the pit of my stomach, it's always when I'm flying with Jim?" - Justin (as he gets ready to pioneer a new launch at Grouse)

"I have landed in smaller trees!" - Cheryl (after seeing how big the tree was that Justin brought home for Christmas - 12 feet!!)

"Every year I learn something new . . . . This year I learned, always carry a wash cloth." - Ian Mitchell (after leaving skidmarks on the roof of the bus shelter at #3 RD Sumas LZ!)

"I just want to be "Assistant BITCH" - Neil Muir (at the WCSC AGM, as he offered to help out with HG safety issues). GO NEIL!!

"When I am gone, I want to have them give me a penile implant and I demand an open
casket funeral (but the undertaker is not allowed to mess with it)" - Ian Johnston
Eagle Launch First Flight Day
Exchange between Lars and Norm at Eagle the first day we flew and weren't sure where we would land;
"I am totally jealous . . . . . but I am not stupid" - Lars (then silence for a few seconds)
"Are you saying they are stupid?"- Norm
Grouse Mountain Fly In
Overheard at temporary launch at "The Cut", during low cloudbase operations.
"What are you doing down there?? Knitting??" - Ihor Trufyn (to several pilots dilly-dallying at launch)
"Next time I am going to check ALL THE LINES" - Bill Picha (after pounding in at Grouse because of a huge tangle)
"Don't worry. YOU'LL BE FINE" - Jim Reich (to a new student sweating nervously at launch)
Somehow this saying has become my trademark?