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@ 3000' | Rate /1000' | Base | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ![]() Woodside Gloat Report - Woodside took a while to clear up but after 3 pm it was perfectly soarable and easily top-landable. Nicole called around 1 pm to see how it looked here, as a group was checking out Blue Mountain in PoCo to try and find IWT's old site, and it was OD'ing and raining at times there. Here it just kept OD'ing with no rain. Several cold blasts of air rolled in while I was mowing the new grass near the training hill and it felt like snow was near. Not many pilots out today: Dennis had a 20 minute thermic filght, Peter & Claudia flew a few times each, Gary P flew twice, Thomm had a nice soaring flight and then top-landed after me to warm up and offered to drive the XL-7 down so I could fly with Colleen. Top landings were pretty easy as it was blowing 15-20 straight in. Colleen and I landed around 5:45 pm as it was getting "dusky" with no wind at the ProCircle. Soaring Woodside on the last day of October . . . sweet but cold! - photo by JPR
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Hedley Gloat Report - Hedley was "rockin' good" today, Chris and Lee arrived at 10 am and we went straight to launch after a landing zone briefing. Lee was soon climbing out at+3.5 m/s loving the thermals. Chris had a similar flight on his second flight heading east towards Keremeos (up wind).
| They had 3 really nice flights and both managed to hit the only juniper bush on the entire slope on their last launch (I think they were over-whelmed at this point around 3 pm). ![]() The view toward Keremeos from Hedley Launch click on the picture for more Hedley Pics - photo by JPR
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Woodside Report - it was low cloudbase and rain til noon, and then the skies opened up. No one came to fly except Ihor who just came to setup a new hiking harness setup. |
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Woodside Report - it rained all day, so chores and accounting to complete. Basement insulated for a long winter. |
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Woodside Report - Brett P and I headed up around 10:30 am, when I saw up-cycles for his first solo flight. | We had no "wind dummy" along and no birds and the cycles were lame when we arrived, so I decided that more kiting would be advisable until someone more experienced arrived to fly for us. ![]() When we got back to the Ranch, the winds had gone from light to +20 kph from the NW. Perfect kiting winds but a bit gusty for a first solo, so we kept kiting until 5:30 pm. Chris also arrived and was out kiting his new MAC Eden hiking glider and his new Chairbag Harness, with help from Martin N. While we were kiting Dennis launched and had a nice but short flight into Joe's backyard. He said it was smooth in the lee and there were some thermals but he mostly stayed on the south knoll. We moved to the NW facing ridgeline, near the Barn that worked as the perfect "slope-soaring" location in the strong wind - Brett got his feet in the air 4-5 times! This is the first time I thought to use this slope. I may get Abe to build it up a bit higher? It worked really well and it is north wind season in Harrison Mills, come try it out on a windy day!
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Woodside Report - it was flyable but lame launch conditions all afternoon, so I kept doing indoor projects. |
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Woodside Report - it didn't look too bad at Woodside mid-afternoon, but I had already made plans to meet some folks for lunch in East Van as the weather looked miserable. |
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Woodside Report - it didn't rain much all day and the winds didn't materialize but I was busy doing a few chores in the basement and never looked at the windsocks. It did rain hard later and I was kicking myself all day for not heading to Chelan as the gloat reports kept coming in! | Belated Chelan Photos - of Mia getting 1000 feet over the Airport Ridge! ![]() Calling all Cessnas, watch out for a Gin Sprint on final for Chelan airport - photo by MH ![]() Mmmmm! Beer! - photo by MH
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Woodside Report - it was flyable all day, but lame cycles and no lift. | Colleen & Rob S flew a flight around 3 pm, when I took the 'Mog up the hill to test the new carb and fan. Carb worked well. Fan was too small and overheating occured at the spur junction, but it made it downhill fine. We reinstalled the mechanical fan and it runs fine now. Now we just need a break in the weather for another test run. Chelan Report - I dressed up as a grumpy German rigid wing pilot! After a full day of flying..... Hour on the Butte, cloud base and big ears to stay out of the clouds, landed at the soccer LZ then took a trip over to the airport ridge and bagged another hour including a top landing next to the bug zapper. Mia, who had taken a pass on flying the Butte showed up at the airport ridge and timed a perfect Sprint XS launch in the strongest airport conditions of the day (got almost a 1000 feet over the little ridge). She chose to land at the bottom, so it was off to Campbell's for dinner. We took a run up to the airport but the party was yet to get started and both of us were done from a day in the cool fall air. .... Looks like the thought of you (Jimbo) in a lady gaga meat dress caused the turnout to be quite low.... conditions were great, you should have come on over the rock pile! Don't trust the forecast! - Martin and Mia Flight report from Oludeniz Turkey - I had a chance to fly again in Oludeniz. Even with a PG license it's pretty hard to find a place that rents out equipment here. ![]() Flying in Turkey - photo by Erin But I met I guy on the beach who makes his living packing gliders for $3 a wing and he's been lending me his DHV-I gear at $30 a flight. And then there are the shuttle costs $10 and the park entrance fees $10 so it's best to make it a long flight if you can. ![]() Road to launch - photo by Erin The park is making good use of the money they receive though as they have tiled many sections of the road. Witnessed several beach umbrella take downs by stray paraglider landings - Stephen ![]() Flying in Turkey - photo by Erin
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Woodside Report - damn the weatherman! I stayed out all day working on the XL-7 (overheating problem fixed - bad relay contacts) and the Mog (new carb and electric fan installed and working) - ready for next flying day. | I called the day off early for the students and although it rained in Vancouver, Abbotsford, Mission, Maple Ridge - it was sunny here all day and not windy. There were a dozen crows playing at launch around 2 pm, standing around on the carpet watching as a team of crows would fly out into the lift band and do acro and then top-land amongst the others. They played for hours, and it was definitely soarable. Flight report from Oludeniz Turkey - I found the perfect spot for FlyBC's next SIV course. ![]() Landing in Turkey - photo by Erin I just had my first flight here. There is a launch at 1700 meters and one at 1800 meters just behind a beautiful lagoon on the Mediterrarean. The lower launch is nicely covered in brick tiles and there is lots of lift to be found. Several acro pilots doing loops and tumbles so there is always things to watch. The biggest adventure though is coming in for a landing between all the sun bathers... - Stephen
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Woodside Report - we didn't start flying until 11 am, but Chris B & Lee S logged 4 more solo flights with one special trips into Bill Best's field for variety. | Matt S joined us as his Hawaii trip was delayed. Gary P got a break from diapers to come & fly too. Experts: Ian J, Ihor T, Andrei K & Martin N tried to thermal but it didn't happen as it was pretty lame today. Women's Fly-In 2010 Details - Today marks 6 days before the Annual Halloween Fly-in. For those of you that have attended this event, you know how outrageously fun it is. For those of you that have not, you really need to mark it on your calender. This event has been going on for 19 years, and we have yet to have a weekend where we were unable to fly!! This is really the last event of the year for The Northwest Paragliding Club. The weather on the west side of the Cascades is starting to suck, but the weather on the Eastern Side of the mountains is still looking awesome. Chelan is a great place to fly, and pretty mild in October. For the newer pilots, don't be intimidated by the Chelan reputation of big air. It is tremendously big air in the summer months, but generally P-2 conditions by the end of October, and incredibly beautiful! All proceeds generated by this event go to help pay for the Chelan Butte and other Eastern Washington flying sites that are sponsored and paid for by The Northwest Paragliding Club. Some people are not aware that these sites cost thousands of dollars to keep open every year. This is one way that NWPC and CBCC keep these site open for everyone. This year we have a variety of friendly competitions. We will have prizes donated by Superfly Paragliding, Ascent Varios, and Fly-Tec for the following areas: Spot Landing Bomb Drop Best Costumes Hers, His, Couple, and Group Best Flying Contraption Best Costume on Launch If the winds are strong, we will also have a kiting competition in the Chelan Falls LZ We will have our usual "Chili Cook-off" and "Pie Baking" contests. Chris has agreed to coordinate the Bake-Off again this year, but we still need someone to head up the Chili Cook-off. The registration will be Saturday morning in the LZ, and the costume party at the Pilot's Lounge at the Chelan airport Saturday night. There will be camping available at Ken Rector's apple orchard. There is no set fee for this. Kenny is graciously asking for cash donations from the campers. There are a variety of hotels in Chelan, ranging in price from $40/night up to $200./night If people that own trucks or large vehicles can bring theirs we will have ample vehicles for shuttles. We will ask for $5.00 donations for anyone wanting a ride to launch. I am still currently asking for volunteers for the following areas: Party Set up Party Clean up Competition scoring Chili Cook-Off Coordinator Drivers So everyone, come out and enjoy a great weekend of fun and games, and don't forget your costumes!! Kevin White (206)387-1682
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Woodside Report - very productive day at Eagle Ranch. | New student Brett P got his first ground handling on the training hill, ground school work in the classroom and his first tandem all before having to leave by 3 pm. Next week we work on more kiting and his first solos before transitioning to the paramotor training. Lee S and Chris B were back for 4 more solos and they did really well despite lame launch conditions. Even Pete, Derek & Martina & Martin N came out to enjoy the fall air, which gave us bouyant sledders. The LZ is now hayed and cleaned off so kiting and paramotor training can be done anywhere for the remainder of the season, and the renovations to the pond & training hill have all grown in, so it should be perfect for next season's rush of student traffic.
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Woodside Report - we had a good day for training, no leeside winds and light thermals to do tandems. | ![]() Woodside today as we flew out to the Fraser River - photo by JPR Pete brought his son Jacob out for Day 2, and Jacob managed 2 solo flights with one very exciting launch on flight #2. Thankfully he was on a Buzz, as he butt-skidded off launch! There were some expert pilots out despite the poor lapse rate, and they managed 30-45 minutes of soaring, and Dennis and I were duking it out when I took Shannon tandem for her second flight, and we got high enough to top-land . . . once, and then it was over around 4 pm. ![]() Shannon & I at Woodside today over the construction zone - photo by JPR
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Woodside Report - a slow day after Saturday & Sunday, only Pete & Jacob showed up for flights. I took Jacob tandem while Pete tried to keep up with us on his Ozone Peak glider. | Later Jacob was kiting on the training hill getting ready for a solo tomorrow after more ground school. We decided it looked too lame for another tandem at 4:30 pm, and they headed back to the city. More fun tomorrow as more students arrive for their intermediate courses.
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Woodside Report - wow! Busy day for the middle of October, so busy that I had to get a permit for the FlyBC Shuttle Van for Sunday as the insurance expired Sept 30th. | We got a late start as it was leeside early on, but everyone got 2-3 flights. Kip & Josh were on Day 2 of their Beginner Course and did really well. Russ came back after a 1 year hiatus and had one solo flight in light conditions while I took his friend Sandra for a nice 20 minute tandem ride. There was a group soaring when I took off with Sandra, but we only got a few good climbs before following an eagle north to a small thermal in the north bowl. We did a kamakaze-style landing chasing Josh thru the LZ, as the wind switched on final . . . and landed nicely on our feet! The last flights were difficult for some other students (not ours), as it went calm on launch. I was extremely proud of first day students, Ryan and Payam (friends of Aaron), who sprinted off with beautiful launches for their first & second flights. Aaron borrowed Colleen's glider and also had a brilliant forward launch. Josh's last flight was also no wind and he pulled it off like a pro! Oh, to be young again! Come to think of it, maybe it was the superior gliders our students were flying (Ozone Buzz, SkyCountry Discovery III, Ozone Mojo 2 - all easy launchers even in light or tail winds), nah - these guys were just really aggressive and had great acceleration off launch! Ryan's mom, Marilyn, was extremely pleased that I decided we didn't want to do a light wind launch when we pulled the plug and drove down at 5:30 pm. she can come back after she gets tired of the Calgary snow. Flora Ridge Report - Biff Romulus, Papa (razzi) Sawatsky, Brad revisited - Flora Peak today enjoying stellar hiking conditions that started with crystal clear skies and a pre-sunrise temp of just a little above zero C at the Post Creek trailhead. We hiked the 1250 meters up to the ridge in about 2 hours 45 minutes. ![]() Flora Ridge Hiking - photo from Daryl`s Facebook The launch had nice thermal cycles and we hoped for a repeat of last year's sweet big air flight that netted me an 18 km XC. However, the hawk that we watched was doing a lot of flapping and that foreshadowed the flight all three of us had - scratchy, mostly smooth not soarable but very scenic. ![]() Flora Ridge Hiking - photo from Daryl`s Facebook I landed first in the firebreak and with no idea of the wind direction came in with a tailwind and needed some delicate footwork landing amid some big boulders. I advised the guys to approach from the opposite side, (north to south) and both had nice soft landings. Video to arrive soon..... ![]() Flora Ridge Hiking - photo from Daryl`s Facebook Later in the day, while doing a birthday zoo party with my grandkids, Judy and I found the next great FlyBC shuttle - Kevin ![]() Kevin was out shopping for a new shuttle bus for our little paragliding school - photo by Judy Benny Report - Since nobody is claiming better on Leonardo, I have to report that I got the best XC flight in the northern hemisphere on October 17, 2010. Gloat Report Here Al and I got a late start. Despite the age of his wing Al was still able to manage to get above the launch, while I never really had the patience for it. The air was a little mixed up at times. I had a little collapse early on which distracted me causing the big collapse that followed. Flying Woodside does turn your brain to mush... If I fly this place like I fly Woodside I'll be on the ground in no time. There are plenty of thermals, but they don't all track up the sides of the mountain! Al managed about 2 hours while I landed early to hike to where I'd parked. The Studio Ranch Field had horses in it so we had to land in the alternate LZ (if you can't hit the mowed area at the Bridal LZ 100.0% of the time, you don't want to even try landing in this one) - Rob S
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Woodside Report - not as thermic as Friday . . . but Mother Woodside delivered again. | Trevor is doing really well as he completed flights 19-21 today, one with a non-assisted launch as I was out flying tandems when he arrived on launch. We had two brand new students, Josh & Kip out today. Josh had done a tandem a month ago and was saving up for his two day course which happened today. He arrived a bit late but was soon caught up with Kip's kiting. Colleen managed the kiting session while I took Paola tandem. Paola and I went up around 1:30 pm, and after watching a bunch of students and solo pilots fly off we clipped in after bundling up. We were duking it out with Martin H who had been up for an hour already on his Zulu, having fun waking him! We were swapping "top-of-the-stack" honours for about 20 minutes, when Paolo said she was feeling dizzy. Ooops! I was being too aggressive with the turns and we had to fly out straight to get her feeling better. Her husband, Dennis had driven us up and was taking video of our takeoff and was also waiting in the LZ for our landing with their little girl, Isobella who cried when mama took off. We had a really sweet flight, soaring with the immature bald eagles, scratching at times and out climbing everyone else including the eagles at other times. And it was chilly! Winter is near. Around 4 pm, we took Colleen, Josh and Kip up to launch and they all flew off after Colleen gave her seal of approval to the texture of the air. Both pilots got off first time and both had great flights with super landings! Welcome to our addiction! They are back tomorrow for more flights and fun. Other reports from pilots: Alan D (lots of mushrooms and 2:30), Robin (2:15), Martin H (2:15), Mia (1:30) and lots of other non-reported flights. Martin H and Rob S top-landed to retrieve their trucks.
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Williams Lake Report - if I trusted the weatherman up here, I would never fly. | Forecast was for rain and snow, with NW winds. The launch faces SE. We arrived at launch at 10:30 am to nice reversible cycles and set up Carlos & Kim right away. Carlos was the wind-dummy today as he has more flights (6) than Kim (3). Conditions were perfect with some mild thermal bumps to manage the pitching, otherwise a smooth ride into the huge airport LZ right on the target for both pilots. ![]() Kim is flying out over the LZ on her Ozone Mojo2, notice the clear sky vs the forecast - photo by JPR I took Eric's mom, Jenny, tandem on the first go as conditions look good. We scratched the hoodoos for 30 minutes and maintained at launch height and had a beautiful birthday flight for Jenny with a perfect landing near the trucks. After they flew, I drove down as Bill & Juan setup. Both pilots got above launch but Juan settled into some leeside sink just east of launch and plummeted into the upper cow pasture, but the cows must be getting used to this invasion as there was no stampede this time. Bill of course got way above launch on his Sky ATIS, and cruised the ridge for 20 minutes while Juan did "the walk of shame" back to the cars. We flew all day until 4 pm, with 3 flights for the students - all brilliant forward launches and perfect landings. Juan cheered everyone up when he landed in the corn near the runway at the end of the day! We checked out a NW ridge but it will take some reconn to ensure we are okay to be there, ie. is it crown land. are there sandbars to land on? There is also another site to reconn up a gas pipeline road to the north with a ridge that extends to Quesnel. Worth a look next time we are up and before the snow flies. Williams Lake Album Here Woodside Report - when I was leaving Cache Creek I called Colleen and she was just trying to figure out how to get Robin's truck out of a Riverside ditch as he came to retrieve some pilots after his Hope XC flight. She was able to get away from town early and had a nice flight landing at Harvest where Ihor and Robin retrieved her. ![]() Robin found a new Riverside parking spot! - photo by CMV Woodside Report #2 - There was great flying had on Woodside today. At 2:40 pm, I established contact with Ian, Ihor, and Robin and learned that Robin was already at Hicks mountain on his journey to Hope. Ihor and Ian were soaring high in up to 6 m/s lift. I arrived to launch at about 3:30 by which time, Ian and Ihor had landed and Robin was already in Hope. Ihor went out to get Robin while I flew with at least ten Eagles getting to over 1200 meters slightly north of the towers. There was great lift everywhere. Derek and Martina joined me and a while later, Colleen and Jason joined us all. At about 5:00 pm, I made one pass at launch to top land and veered away when it turned east. I couldn't get back up and eventually landed at Riverside with very cold feet - get your warm weather flying gear on folks. It was blinkin cold today. Colleen landed at Harvest. Martina landed at Riverside with a desperately full bladder. Robin wasn't the only one to have a great flight today: Jason did his first top landing along with Derek. Robin's victory was slightly tainted when he was driving into the riverside field to get Martina and me. See below. Thanks to Derek and his big Ram for getting Robin out of the hole. The "Ls" you see in the picture stand for LEGO, of course! ![]() Robin in his Riverside parking spot! - photo by KVA ![]() Robin and his rescue team - photo by KVA ![]() Woodside Sunset - photo by KVA Stewart WA Report - Stewart Mt. was very nice today. Roger B, Delvin, Becky, Tony, Jessee, and I flew. Beautiful puffy lift to 4200 cloud base. When we got to the BJ and looked at the wind sock with our binocs, we could see that it was coming over the back. (Which was contrary to earlier forecasts but fit the most recent RUC soundings.) The crowd wasn't interested in going to Black Mt, so we went to Stewart. Jesse's dad, Dusty, drove Jesse's truck down for us so there was no retrieve. Perfect. The wind couldn't decide which way it was coming from, but it was still SW when we all launched. I landed into 12kph NW at the Volvo field after watching my ground speed in each directions and noticing that it had become NW. By the time we were leaving the LZ, the clouds were moving East to West. A great Fall day - TJ ![]() Stewart WA Sky today - photo by TJO
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Soda Creek Report - we had a very productive day up here at Soda Creek. | New student, Kim, showed up keen and excited and we arrived at 10 am to the LZ hoping for strongish NW winds to kite in, as this was forecast but it was completely calm. Kim & Carlos laid out their wings and despite the calm conditions started practicing their forward launches. Kim was doing extremely well for Day One, getting the Mojo up straight and true every time and running several hunderd meters down the runway. Carlos was doing equally well but it is his 5th Day kiting and flying, but he was practicing on a new Sky Fides so he also did very well. The rest of the locals arrived: Bill, and his mom Sue, and Juan with a truckload of tools to work on launch in case it wasn't flyable. We drve up after noon to check out launch after everyone dazzled us with their kiting skills and arrived to light tailwinds. So we started clearing underbrush and junk off launch and trimmed some trees out front. While we were working we got cycles up the front but it was pretty cloudy so they were few and far between. Juan laid out first and got off in a cycle and had a sledder into the airport. Bill went next and got a few turns before heading out to land. Carlos got ready and had to abort as he wasn't fully commited to his calm wind launch. We reset the wing and he got off clean and had a nice thermal over the LZ and climbed back to launch height for his first Soda Creek flight. He also had a perfect touchdown. Now, do we take Kim tandem or is she ready to fly solo? She opts for a solo flight and she has a good launch and starts giggling out loud in the air as she flies out to the LZ. She hooks Carlos' thermal and starts to climb quite nicely over the LZ, but she is a bit aggressive on the turns and I have to mellow her out, but she is soon well above launch and still climbing. After about 15 minutes of soaring, we locate some sink and she has many S turns to get into the airport and a perfect soft touchdown for flight #1. ![]() Kim is centred in the picture out over the LZ and pretty high here! - photo by JPR It was now Sue and my turn to go tandem and it is blowing down pretty steady as it clouds over more. We try once and we are not syncronized on the run so we have to stop, and we reset the glider and next cycle is good as we have a huge audience as everyone arrives back on launch. We got off launch clean but we were kicking trees down lower and Sue was screaming with glee, on her 60th Birthday Present flight. We hit some pretty nasty turbulence over the hoodoos, and all the way into the LZ which seemed strange as the winds looked straight down the runway at 15 kph, but it was coming over the back and the entire flight was in rotor, with little thermals to cancel out the leeside effects. After landing we had the students drive down to kite in the LZ and Bill, Eric and Juan flew down and had similar flights. By 5 pm everyone headed off and we went back to Williams Lake for dinner and home.
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Kaufmann's Report - Bill and Juan took me up to show me their launch site 30 kms north of Williams Lake, BC. It was used by other PG pilots in the late 90's as there is still old carpet on launch that need so be disposed of. | Forecast was for +30 kph winds from the SE, and when we left the LZ for the launch (which has a real airstrip) at the bottom it was maybe 20 kph and smooth. When we arrived at launch at 930 meters ASL, the cycles were pretty strong but they lulled for about a minute occasionally. I got the Addict II L ready and was making sure everything was connected (speedbar, reserve handle stowed, other preflight stuff) and waited for a lull. I tried one lull and it was too light and had to reset the wing. The local birds were flying at 3/4 wing size to penetrate at times. ![]() The view off Kaufmann's Launch to the SE, looking out at the LZ fields and the airstrip and the Fraser River - photo by JPR I got another lull and had a sweet inflation and launch and was soon climbing at +3 m/s and hit 1135 meters just in front of launch. And as I got higher, I started going backwards. If this happens, one must crab to the South to get over the fields as there is no bailout LZ on top. In my case the winds kept pushing me back onto the "hoodoo ridge" so I had to turn 180 degrees downwind to get out to the fields. I went to put on speedbar, and I felt a light bar pressure and noticed the `jesus clips` had come undone on the right side! This always happens when you need them, Murphy`s Law. Unfortunately, everytime I tried to reconnect them, I had to grab brakes to keep the wing from surging in the thermals. I finally gave up and just went ``hands-up`` as much as possible out to the LZ. ![]() The Hoodoo Ridge just west of Kaufmanns Launch, which is hidden on the right side of the picture - photo by JPR All the way out to the LZ, I was going backwards at - 3 kph but the LZs are huge fields but they do terminate into a forested ridge about a kilometer west, that could cause one problems if they are going downwind like today. Bill and Eric have soared these ridges on lighter days and made it back to the designated airstrip LZ many times. I had a smooth touchdown, but had wished to be loaded up more, like say on a small Delta or Medium Addict II, but it was an interesting flight. Twenty minutes of trying to push up wind (+ 3 ms lift, - 3.5 ms sink). I landed 2 fields west in a harvested corn field (just like Mexico), and packed up on some nice grass. as I walked back I found a nice ridge between two fields and the guys came down and we went there to kite as the winds picked up to over 30 kph. ![]() Bill soaring the small ridge at Kaufmanns LZ - photo by JPR ![]() Bill and Juan soaring the small ridge at Kaufmanns LZ - photo by JPR The guys kited til dark and there was some good dragging action at times!.
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Woodside Report - lame conditions with barely a breath of wind on launch, so we concentrated on Josh's first day of ground handling on the training hill. | Martin N and Jason were out but I didn't drive up due to the light conditions, so no sledders today.
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Woodside Report - a number of desperados were out today including Trevor who is up to 19 flights after 3 months of juggling work and romance. | We managed to get one nice soaring flight for Trevor, who was flying with Louise and a few others. Louise and Wolf (from Whitehorse) got super-high and were thermalling around over the valley before landing at the Ranch. It was pre-frontal and when we went back up for a second flight, Norm was packing up after getting plucked into the air and dumped back on launch. He thought the rain would get his new Delta wet, so he was packing up. We drove down too. New Zealand 2011! - We are heading there in February and this is one site we had not flown in 2009, but we will this time!
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Alert Bay Report - we had a whirlwind three days in Alert Bay, where Colleen was invited to attend the Potlatch Ceremony. | We took the trailer as all the local accomodations were rented as 1000 guests were here for the Potlatch. If you want to know what a Potlatch is click here. The Chief asked all of the guests to respect the traditions and not post any pictures or videos on Facebook or the Internet, so if you are interested I can do a private showing of the festivities. Picture a "Big House", filled with 1000 people on bleachers with a huge cedar fire burning in the middle with dancers, singers and storytellers running for 12 hours straight for 2 days. Pretty amazing! It definitely wasn't flyable there all weekend as huge storms pelted the island. My respect to those of you that need to rely on BC Ferries to get around!
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Woodside Report - Jason, Rudy and Gary P were out to go flying today under a cloudy sky. | Rudy was test flying a Gin Rebel and clipped in first. It was a bit strong but it lulled and he had a good launch . . . until he started struggling to get in the seat. He was parked and the drag of his legs hanging wasn't helping. He stayed out front and finaly got in the seat (he now has a stirrup to fit). It was clear he wasn't ging to penetrate to the Ranch so he had his first trip to Harvest Market where there was no wind. Same thing at the Ranch, no wind lower down but "smoking fast" higher up? The front is coming.
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Pemberton Report - Sam and Kevin logged three more flights today off Upper Mackenzie Launch. | Light cycles until 1 pm, so Kevin got in a flight ahead of Sam who launched at 1 pm, both landing at the Alternate LZ. A few others were flying off both launches today but in the end I think it is always worth driving a few extra minutes to Upper Launch for safety and a longer flight (unless cloudbase is too low). Woodside Report - Derek and a few others were getting extended sledders, while a few pilots were seen at Bridal. Not as good as the 3:00 hour flights Al, Rob & Nikolai got yesterday at Benny!
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Pemby Report - Sam & Kevin logged 3 beautiful flights off Pemby Upper Launch today. Apparently some of the landings in the Community Centre were interesting?? | We had to wait for cycles around noon and then it worked right til 6 pm, when Ian P came up and flew off with the guys. ![]() Sam just off Pemby Upper Launch on his shiny new SkyCountry Discovery III - photo by JPR We flew a few flights with Jim O and the gang who logged hour long flights but no XCs today.
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Woodside Report - only Martin N flew as the wind tech today for Sam & Kevin. | He had a nice soaring flight but it was too strong for newbies under my guidance. Perhaps I am getting too safe with more experience? Definitely more careful as I read more and more accidents occuring with experienced pilots. We went back up around 5 pm, and it was probably okay but we didn't have a wind tech, so we decided a pemby trip was in order so we packed up and headed there for Oct 5-6. Sam's Progress Report Ihor's Tribe Report - Ihor received the first Gin Tribe (EN C) in Canada yesterday. He picked the ML size (90-110 kgs) and he was kiting it as he had to leave early to run errands. ![]() Tribe riser is super skinny with 4 lines (A B C D) - photo by JPR ![]() Tribe leading edge has a U shaped mylar stiffener with a nylon rod sewn onto the side of it 1 cm from the LE - photo by JPR We will expect some outstanding flight reports soon from Ihor as he is heading to Chile soon!
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Woodside Report - we headed up around noon as clouds cleared launch, but had to wait on top til 1:30 am to launch. | Evan flew first test flying an Addict II to test the air for the newbies: Sam & Kevin. Next was Gary K and they soared a bit. It was deemed safe by both pilots and we started flying. Sam launched first with Kevin doing the pushing and they had a brilliant launch into 15 kph straight cycles! Sam did a few passes before heading out to the Ranch. ![]() Sam soaring Woodside in his borrowed off-road chair - photo by JPR After Sam landed at the foot of the training hill, we launched Kevin. Cycles were even stronger and Kevin was on the light side of the medium hiking glider he was trying, and he immediately soared above launch! Nice penetration close in but I was concerned that the winds may have picked up so I sent him out high towards the Ranch. He arrived high at the LZ and no issues landing, as Colleen was there to guide him in. ![]() Kevin soaring Woodside on a MacPara Eden - photo by JPR We were cold and hungry and headed to Kilby Farm for lunch at 3 pm while Norm, Gerry, Nataliya, Alex and Thomm headed up for a flight. Good thing we stopped for lunch as we watched them coming in to land. Windy with shear layers of crap from the highway all the way into touchdown. We watched Alex come in high and backing in from the river, testing my theory about landing at the ProCircle when it is windy and his landing looked about the same as Thomm's further back (4.0 on the Richter Scale). We decided kiting was safer than flying at this point, and Kevin and Cheryl were practicing reverse launches and had them dialed in an hour before we had Kevin practice launching Sam in the wheelchair and they had many perfect inflations at the landing circle.
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Woodside Report - we had a very busy day with tandems (8) and students (5) and somehow pulled it all off. | Weather conditions looked lame in the AM, but we had to shut down student flights for 3 hours mid-day as it got too thermic. At that point there were about 15 gliders all under the clouds (and some in the clouds too). ![]() Woodside traffic today - photo by JPR Sam got more flights today in his wheelchair, good launches & landings. Our "Tandem Dream Team" of Colleen, Martina and Tonya did an amazing job of keeping the passengers safe. Colleen & Martina had two excellent tandems each, heading out to land to collect new passengers after getting well above launch. Tonya had the best tandem flight with over 45 minutes and no chunks on the later session, as she didn't have to fly out to get a new passenger. ![]() FlyBC Tandem Dream Team - photo by JPR My first tandem with Wendy went really well despite her fear and worry, she pulled hard off launch but I as worried about her landing ability as she was feeling woozy, so I butt landed her smoothly at the Ranch. Visiting pilot Evan had the best airtime today launching around 11:30 am, top-landing around 3:00 pm and then relaunching to land at the Ranch at 5:30 pm. He got more airtime today than he got all this season as he lives in Toronto. Cheam Report - Tom Chromy and a group of hopeful hikers, went up Mt Cheam today and when they called on the radio we were in the "soup" at Woodside. Apparently they all flew and some sidehill-landed and hiked back up to fly again above the clouds. Tom waited til the last and got to soar! ![]() James flying off Mt. Cheam today - photo by Phil ![]() James flying off Mt. Cheam today - photo by Phil Tom's Cheam album here nice shots!
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Woodside Report - we had light cycles at launch around 11 am, when we went up for first flights and Colleen flew off to check the air for Kevin & Sam for their first solos. | The air was deemed "super-smooth" and appropriate for student flights and Kevin had a perfect forward launch and landed pretty much in the circle with Colleen's excellent guidance. Evan flew off and had not a bump. We had to wait for a perfect cycle for Sam as he is launching in a wheelchair. Yes, we are training another paraplegic paraglider pilot and after only a day of kiting he was ready for a solo flight. Woodside, Oct.1,2010 from kand on Vimeo. This video was Sam's second launch and he was thermalling up above launch on this flight and had perfect launches and landings on both flights (video coutesy of Andrei K.).Kevin managed three solo flights, but Sam had to head to a concert in Vancouver and left early with a huge grin on his face after two solos! We went back up for a fourth flight and after watching Andrei get drilled with sink & wind, we all decided to call and early night of it. It was soarable at launch but further out looked ugly as the inflow kicked in. Benny Report - Al and Rob took Amir up for his Benny intro flight. Al and Amir scratched around for about 30 minutes landing at the Dyke LZ, while Rob flew for 2 hours landing at the Marshmallow Field near the parking lot. Pretty good flight for a stable day with a defined inversion layer in the Fraser Valley. Blanchard Report - About 20 mixed hang and para pilots were on hand; mostly due to phone calls and a few web wind indicators. The forecast was nothing that would motivate. People showed up, and conditions died....or so it seemed. Lots of folks had fly-downs, or just drove away. Some of us were quite late to the party and hadn't even unloaded gliders. We kicked rocks for ~45 minutes while we waited for a sign. I believe Tom Allen was the last paraglider to launch, and perhaps his sacrifice was just what the wind gods were waiting for. Things started to change; slowly at first, and then BAM! The nil-wind launch turned quite technical. Three of us were ready for it (Ben McBroom, Jimmy, and myself). Darren Fox and 1 (or 2?) other pilots began setting up, and they were able to join us later. We flew until the sun finished setting......give or take. :o) This was not a sunset we were about to watch from the ground if at all possible.... - Skyculler Blanchard Sunset here!
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Woodside Report - it was only good for ground handling and ground school at the Ranch today as strong outflow winds came thru from Harrison all day. Launch never even got one cycle all day as it was too stable. | New students Kevin & Sam did really well with their kiting practice and later we were even using the re-shaped training hill area as the grass has grown in nicely. Hopefully, we can get their tandems and solo flights in tomorrow. XC Mag's Turkish Superfinal PWC Report - Read about it here. |
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