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FlyBC is continuing APCO Demo Days. We have Allegras, Bagheeras (new and slightly used), Fiestas and Futura Tandem available in many sizes available for testing and your critique. See what new technology has done for safety and performance.
Winter sale is officially on NOW; we will take 10% off all gear ordered between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31, 2000, including in-stock units. We also have some SupAir harnesses on sale at 10% off retail price, most colors and sizes available. Call for details - 618-5467.
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Date | Site | Forecast | Precip. | Winds Aloft 3000 ft. | Comments |
November 30 | Whidbey Island in the PM | Rain at times, clearing in the afternoon. High 8. | 50% POP | SW winds 15-25 km/hr (KOMO weather report) | Whidbey Report - no pilot reports yet, but Whidbey Island NOAA reported soarable winds all afternoon and no rain. |
November 29 | Stay Home or GO TO WORK IAN, I can't afford any more time off! | Rain at times heavy tapering to showers in the afternoon. Windy. High 10. | 100% POP | 120 degrees at 30 knots at 3000 feet | Pilot reports encouraged here! Please email your exploits. |
November 28 | Sumas (desperate call!) | High 9, locally windy later be very careful! | 20% POP | 110 degrees at 25 knots at 3000 feet (forecast has been wrong more than right lately) | Vancouver Island Report (Malahat) -the wind was NE on launch and strong!! We waited about half an hour and saw that the whitecaps on the Saanich Inlet had let up
and Claudio Mota launched his tandem Ozone
with my ex-girlfriend, Kirsten Brown (her first flight ever!). An amazing launch, as Claudio turned perfectly and then took two steps down the hangie ramp and they went up uP UP!!! Normally Malahat works best in a ENE-ESE, but the ridge lift was fabulous. They stayed up for 40 mins or so - just within the height restriction (2500 feet within the control zone). I think that they landed early just out of sympathy for me (I was the self-sacrificing driver) - this sport is soooo good that I don't even feel too bad about it. WOW. The view of Mt Baker and surrounding mountains was absolutely stunning. I am asking for a digital camera for Xmas (anybody?) to record these amazing views - that way I can start coaxing some of you "mainlanders" over for some great flying |
November 27 | Woodside | High 5, rain showers possible | 50% POP | 290 degrees at 7 knots at 3000 feet | Woodside Report - When I heard Allan Dickie and Ian Johnstone were heading to Woodside it reinforced the call for Woodside.
This Magic Mountain can be awesome when it is raining everywhere else. I had to join the guys and arrived at 1:30 to see them sitting in Ian's truck, cloudbase never lifted enough to head up to launch.
I encouraged them to pile into my truck and head up. Allan kept saying he would drive, not convinced that it was going to be flyable. We sat on launch for 30 minutes in beautiful 20-25 km inflow winds and it cleared once for 30 seconds. We drove to lower launch to see where cloudbase was and then back up to launch. I saw the LZ a few times and joked that I was going to launch next clearing and laid out my wing. Not really serious about flying, and then it cleared completely and I was off and heading up fast! Big Ears wasn't keeping me below cloudbase so I pulled a B-stall right in front of launch to descend below the clouds, and then another in quick succession, and then kept big ears in for a long time just soaring everywhere. No penetration problems, just "idiot-lift" everywhere! Then the clouds enveloped launch again before Allan or Ian could launch (they were both laid out). After 30 minutes the clouds lifted enought for Allan to get off and it socked in again with Allan and I soaring the cloudfaces out front (well within Transport Canada rules of course). When the sky cleared for the last time, Ian launched and joined us for a while before heading out. I was very high (no vario) and Allan was probably 200 meter lower as Ian launched and we found ourselves behind launch quite far as we couldn't see the ground below us as we were soaring VFR-on-TOP for some time. As we tried to head towards the LZ at 4:15 PM we both figured out that we were not going to get down before dark so we headed over the Fraser River to land on the east side of the mountain (we were not in radio contact). I stayed close to Allan and still above him and decided to land at the Tempo Gas Station to use the phone to get Ian to pick us up. We landed with good daylight, but after packing up and arriving at the station it was dark. We made the right call! My total flight time was 1 hour and 21 minutes. Picture at the end of the flight! - Jim Reich Vancouver Island Report - Jayson Biggins and Claudio headed up to Duncan. The sky was void of any Cu's but we had to check out launch. Prevost has two launches: the steep quick-turning S facing and the further glide to the LZ but better setup, West. A short hike past frozen ponds (a first for Claudio) and we were greeted by 7 bald eagles soaring the west face in solid 20-25km winds!!!!! suffice it to say that it was an excellent call, as we flew for nearly 3hrs (I top-landed 4 times to switch over with Claudio, did some assymetrics,etc. etc.!!!!!) Too much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Jayson |
November 26 | Whidbey Island (Ebey's) | High 9, rain showers possible | 70% POP | SW winds forecast on the ground (currently 30 kms/hr!) | Whidbey Island Report - it is gonna take a long time to dry out our wings!
When we arrived at 11:30 AM the sky was cloudy with the sun poking thru,
and the measured wind was SW 40-45 kms. A bit strong so we went for lunch. After lunch the winds subsided somewhat and it started to spit as I pulled out the Zen. I could not penetrate forward rather was heading downwind pretty far with no brakes or trim. I abandoned the Zen and got Colleen's Allegra out and same problem, no penetration forward (had to do dig in to stay in one spot). It started to rain harder. I had Ian J help drag me off launch and had a few circuits of the ridge getting up a few hundred feet at the north end of the ridge, I top-landed next to Ian and Colleen and I encouraged Ian to get his wing out and he was able to get off unattended as the winds were subsiding. Colleen clipped in and tried to bring up her glider but by now it was soaked and weighed 100 kgs. After many attempts the winds died right off and Ian landed after 30-40 minutes flying in the rain. It probably wasn't worth the drive, but Ian got his "fix" . . . and our house is full of wet nylon. The Allegra was still wet this morning! |
November 25 | Dallas Road, Victoria (road trip for Saturday returning to Woodside for Sunday) | High 11, Wind Warning ending by noon | 30% POP | 170 degrees at 15 knots | Vancouver Island Report - Jayson Biggins email jaysonb@telus.net and Bruce McGuigan email bmcguigan@coastnet.com showed me around the Island Launch Tour, because it wasn't windy at Dallas Road, the local ridge soaring site.
Tour consisted of Mount Douglas, 300 meters elevation right in town (NW facing),
Malahat Launch SE facing (recently reopened through negotiations with local TV station that
has a lease on the property), DND Radar Site SW facing that may become a good thermal site (close to Sooke Road). We didn't have enough time to go to Mount Prevost (although I know a few mainland pilots have flown at Prevost). I encouraged Jayson and Bruce to organize a fly-in next season to attract some of us Mainlanders over to fly. |
November 24 | Stay Home | High 9, Heavy Rainfall Warning issued | 100% POP, gusty winds | 170 degrees at 26 knots | Pilot reports are appreciated, let everyone know what they missed! |
November 23 | Whidbey Island | High 10, Cloudy | 100% POP, due to clear in the PM | SW 10-15 mph forecast at 0 ft. | Pilot reports are appreciated, let everyone know what they missed! |
November 22 | Grouse/Woodside | High 11, Sunny | 0% POP | 160 degrees at 10 knots at 3000 feet | Grouse Report - Ian Mitchell and I flew at Grouse today. We got to the top at about 2:45 where we found the winds to be switching from north east to east. We launched off the
cut because of the wind direction, (there was no helicopters flying today). Smooth flights and happy faces.
We got stuck on the tram for a few minutes when going up, stopped working for some reason. When we went to retrieve Ian's car the tram was broken down again. I
think we took the safer way down today! - Justin Woodside Report - Norm and I met a few people out at Woodside today, We got 1 flight in each, other than Rob S he got 2. We went up and it was coming up nice but light, I did a forward off launch and got some small lift but nothing to stay into. I flew out to land nice and smooth air, to be expected this time of year. Bruce and John launched their hang gliders, and then after a while Rob S, Klaus, Monica and Jacques also flew off but they said they had to wait as it was tail. All sled rides. But we all got a flight - Bev |
November 21 | Eagle | High 11, Sun w/mix of cloud | 0% POP | 110 degrees at 8 knots at 3000 feet | Grouse Report - Today I flew Grouse later in the afternoon, getting to launch at 3:30. Wind very calm, not like the forecast. As I was getting laid out it started to blow down. I waited for a lull, inflated, aborted. Laid out, waited and launched. No lift, but very smooth, bouyant air on the way out. The sun was setting so the flight was scenic anyways, Landed facing the Capilano Valley as the wind had turned to outflow. 20 min. Hiked back up to retrieve my Jeep, at least I am getting my exercise! - Justin |
November 20 | Sumas or Stay Home | High 9, cloudy | 40% POP | 130 degrees at 15 knots at 3000 feet | Pilot reports, please. |
November 19 | Sumas | High 8, sunny | 0% POP | 120 at 17 knots at 3000 feet | Sumas Report - about 18 pilots flew Sumas today, some getting 3 flights. Rob S. had a great flight later in the day. Some students also got to soar for the first time getting above launch! Hemlock Report - Monica and Klaus decided to go for a hike and walk up to the top of Hemlock for a flight. They got to the top of the Red Chair as the east wind died down and launched into 20 minutes of thermal flying! |
November 18 | Sumas | High 7, sunny w/cloudy periods | 0% POP, cloudbase forecast to be 4200 feet, thermal index is 600 ft/min (if trigger temp of 72F is attained) | 090 at 10 knots at 3000 feet | Sumas Report - about 10 pilots flew one flight off Sumas at approximately 12:00, and Kevin Ault was able to soar above launch for some time. Most everyone had extended sled rides landing at the #3 Rd. LZ. Later a few of us went to Woodside as the winds became inflow at Sumas, just sledders there too! |
November 17 | Woodside/Grouse | High 7, sunny w/cloudy periods | 20% POP, cloudbase forecast to be 5200 feet, thermal index is 724 ft/min | 9900 at 3000 feet (light and variable) | Woodside Report - Kelly arrived at Woodside and no one was there but some soaring eagles. She launched as the eagles flew out and never felt a bump. |
November 16 | Woodside | High 7, sunny w/cloudy periods | 0% POP, cloudbase forecast to be 4800 feet | 300 at 6 knots at 3000 feet | Woodside Gloat Report - Bev, Norm and Josef launched at 1:30, followed by Bruce Lemky (lone HGer), Jim Reich, Glen Taylor and Derek Thomas. Bev immediately climbed out following (chasing) several eagles thermalling in front of launch. Soon there were 7 gliders soaring above Woodside launch until 2:30. Thermals measured at 4 m/s (720 ft/min - just like the Soaring Forecast said!). Everyone but Derek landed to thaw out (he got 1:30). There were no CU to mark the thermals but there were many different cores scattered in front of the mountain. Thermal drift was up the mountain face, no strong winds to break them apart today. - Jim Reich November 16 soaring record according to Allan Dickie and Kevin Ault. |
November 15 | Woodside | High 9 | 0% POP | light and variable 9900 at 3000 feet, locally windy forecast for ground level! Check Chilliwack Windtalker at 122.975 mhz or call 792-1003 before you launch. | Woodside Report - Norm flew and got 30 minutes, I flew three flights soaring on one flight. The forecast"Locally Windy" conditions never materialized - Bev |
November 14 | Sumas (or stay home) | High near 8 | 0% POP | 080 degrees at 5 knots, locally windy! | Grouse Report - Peter Graf called me at 1:30 to see if I was in for a flight. I had just finished a meeting so I headed to the North Shore for meeting him at 2:30. I got to launch just as he was setting up and we both launched at 3:00 in light cycles, as I got to the cliffs to do a few turns, I saw Peter going up near the CUT. Slow climb but he climbed above the trees at the bottom of the CUT. I never got to his height but the lift worked for about 30 minutes, intermittent and wandering. Even the Eagles were having problems working the strange meandering lift. We both landed a few minutes apart in no wind at the LZ - Jim Reich |
November 13 | Sumas | High near 7 | 20% POP | 080 degrees at 8 knots | Sumas Report - Charles was the only one to fly on his HG, we monitored his flight and he probably flew 1.5 to 2 hours (reporting 40 km wind speeds at times!). Rob S and others were at launch but it was too strong so they headed down.
Eagle Report - we tried Eagle today when the forecast winds seemed wrong, we could drive to launch but it was strong North Wind and we had to drive back down. Good thing too, the wind at Woodside had picked up to 010 at 16 knots and gusting! Oh well a bad call all around today!! Grouse Report - Peter Graf flew off the Peak around 13:30 and had to dodge a lot of cloud heading out by the cliffs where the development was getting heavy. By the time Thomm and I were halfway to the Peak after 14:00 it was clear at the top but the gulley was totally obscured, so we launched with some difficulty (no wind) off the cut which was all clear. We did not hit any appreciable wind until well clear of the hill, and then it was moderate easterly to about 500 agl where it quit - Thomas Hasek |
November 12 | Woodside (PM) | High near 7 | 30% POP | 160 degrees at 8 knots | Echo Report - after almost rolling the Suburban on the icy road on the way up to Deroche Hill, we bailed and headed to Woodside. Here is the report from the "Flight of the Magnificent Seven", written by Rob Samplonious - We hiked up from the beginning of the ice to the Deroche launch in less than 1.5 hours. Light cycles coming up the slope (0-10kmph) Decided to head for the obvious cresent shaped field on Nicomen Island directly below launch. Seven good launches, found air fairly bouyant with some lift on slope to the left of launch (0.8m/s max). flew to selected LZ with thousands of feet in height, landed in light winds. We expect that the property owner has a pretty liberal attitude due to the fact that his field has been used for some vehicular amusement and he has no fences around it. Another realistic choice was to just land on the road next to the field since it has 30 foot wide shoulders on both sides and is lightly traveled, this was the option choosen by our fearless leader (??). Eagle Report - Don Smith and Greg B flew off Eagle around 2:30 and landed in the Woodside LZ. Woodside Report - a few pilots flew off Woodside today too, no great soaring but we all flew a few flights. |
November 11 | Woodside | High near 7 | 0% POP | 280 degrees at 7 knots | Pilot reports, please. |
November 10 | Sumas in the PM | High near10 | 10% POP | 080 degrees at 9 knots, gusty outflow winds this morning, should mellow out by 1:00 pm when the inflow sea breeze kicks in. | Deroche Hill Report - Thomas and I drove up to Deroche Hill today to scope out the conditions. Click here for picture of the view towards Woodside. Good thing I have good tread on the Suburban cause the snow is 6" deep in places with ice underneath. We went past the turnoff down to launch to find a turnaround and arrived just as a unknown party launched. This eagle hopped out of a tree and started soaring above us, by the time I pulled out my camera he/she was 500' over launch. We were on the east slope and it looks launchable off the road in not too strong conditions with an easy glide out to Squakum Park Beach or even Woodside if Colleen is flying. We didn't venture down to launch because there is deeper drifts on the way down and we didn't have our snow boots. It is still a 1 km hike in, I would guess, but if the snow is as deep on the meadows it will be easy to launch a paraglider. The drive is tough, worse than Bridal Upper at the worst. But about as long, you need a driver for this site. Ivan Tomecek posted that he and Eddie flew this hill in 1993, so he named it "Deroche Hill", I guess that name is official! |
November 9 | Stay Home | High 10 | 100% POP, gusty outflow winds developing this morning | 050 degrees at 16 knots, no Fraser Valley launches face this direction | ![]() Sunday - Sunny with cloudy periods. Monday - Sunny with cloudy periods. This long weekend weather looks marvellous! Keep the faith! |
November 8 | Stay Home | High 10 | 80% POP, skunky | 100% POP, gusty outflow winds developing this morning | Pilot reports, please. |
November 7 | Stay Home | High 9 | 80% POP, skunky | light and variable @ 3000 | Pilot reports, please. |
November 6 | Woodside | High 12 | 40% POP, afternoon clearing | light and variable @ 3000 | Woodside Report - I had two good flights today, one was a sledder and the other a soaring, thermaling flight, it was sooooo cool I loved it!!!! Norm got a good soaring flight and Allan, Kevin and myself had a great soaring flight. Others were out and did good. It was awesome! I am as enthusiastic as the day I started with you guys "grin". Pretty good flying for the month of November - Bev |
November 5 | Woodside | High 10 | 40% POP | 220 degrees at 6 knots @ 3000 | Woodside Report - we got a late start and didn't make it to the Harmony Bowl Work Party, so we headed to Woodside and arrived at launch around 12:00. I talked Norm into flying, and it was quite gusty so I ballasted him off (see above). He immediately climbed out to a few hunderd meters over launch and was doing some cloud avoidance for about an hour. It never mellowed out enough for students, so I flew a new student on tandem dodging clouds too. I got about 30 minutes before it socked in and we had to fly out. No wind in the LZ despite strong upper level winds - Jim |
November 4 | Woodside | High 12 | 80% POP | 300 degrees at 28 knots @ 3000 feet, this is a daring call for late afternoon if the rain subsides and the wind calms | Woodside Report - we never made it to Woodside, conditions looked too poor, but we overheard Ken and Greg on their HGs sled-riding to the LZ after waiting for some up cycles. Charles and team were up at Eagle and the winds were not favourable there either. Grouse Report - I was on my way to join you at Woodside this afternoon, but it had turned so clear over the North Shore that Grouse looked very inviting - with Cues developing and drifting gently - no sign of the howling winds of earlier in the day. So Thomm and I headed up and gave it a try. With the hike to the peak we were on launch around 14:30 and there were good cycles coming up. By the time Thomm laid out and was ready to launch the cycles had died off, so he launched forward in nearly still air, and did not sink much until he was halfway to the cliffs - then he hit some persistent sink and flew out into stable air in front and landed between fields with soccer games above and below. I attempted a reverse, but it was too light, and launched forward on my second attempt. I had a bit of lift right at the Grouse Nest and a little at the bottom of the Cut - where the installation of the high speed quad is well under way. Visibility was fabulous and the wind still seemed to be quite strong down in Richmond, where smoke was travelling easterly at ground level and not rising. I squeezed about 25 minutes out of the flight - about the same length of time I waited on launch for a cycle. But the soccer was over by the time I landed, with almost still conditions in the LZ - Thomas Hasek |
November 3 | Woodside | High 14 | 20% POP | 190 degrees at 9 knots @ 3000 feet | Woodside Report - six of us flew Woodside til 3:30 pm, when it started to rain. Smooth buoyant air, not any sustainable lift. Even Norm sunk out to the LZ! |
November 2 | Woodside | High 12 | 20% POP | Light and Variable at 3000 feet | Grouse Report - Hey Jim, It was pleasant at Grouse today; sunny, light winds, gentle thermals to cloudbase at 4200ft. I played lazily for an hour, until my fingers were cold - I should have brought warm gloves - Bret |
November 1 | Eagle/Sumas | High 10 | 30% POP | 120 at 10 knots at 3000 feet, too east for Woodside | Pilot reports, please. We had so many pilot reports in October 2000 that my file size limitation was hit several times! Lots of great flight reports, lots of airtime which is pretty good for October in BC. Keep those reports coming, the site of the day page is read everyday by "ground-bound pilots" who have to stay at work. |
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