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@ 3000' | Rate /1000' | Base | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Woodside Report - Denis, John M, Al, Martin N and Gary P were all out hoping for a good day. Martin N perhaps had the longest flight launching mid-pack. Al got above launch in a few bubbles but it got too milky for good thermal formation. | Click here to see today's tandem fun as well as other May activities. The Fraser River is starting to over-run the Fairfield Island area on the south of Woodside.
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Woodside No Fly Report - Ryan & I spent the morning doing admin chores related to his Instructor/Tandem rating. It was flyable around noon, but no one came out to fly so we didn't go up for a flight. It looked windy around 3 pm. |
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Woodside Report - good conditions early on for students both for kiting and flying until about 2 pm, when it blew hard in the Valley. | I did three tandems and the last tandem was when the stronger cycles were coming through at Woodside. I was clipped in with Caroline and 4 people were holding the glider down, and when we got a lull I inflated the glider and as it stopped overhead a violent gust from the north yanked us off our feet dragging us across launch and into the gulley with a 1-1/2 riser twist but the glider flew and I controlled the flight path facing backwards towards launch and we flew away (more luck than skill in retrospect). Fortunately, our video camera on-board was out of batteries, and no one caught the launch on video from the ground! Stewart T flew off after us on his HG and almost crashed getting dumped and having to run off the edge. Nasty air around launch, but nice on the South Knoll where we thermalled around for 30 minutes before heading to Harvest Market. As pilots started coming back in retrieve vehicles from the noon launch crowd, we were hearing stories of getting flushed at Ludwig, Green Hill, Herrling Island. Pretty windy at Bridal LZ as pilots were getting blown back. As we were driving back to the Ranch, we saw Jim H landing his HG at the HG LZ, and at 20 feet off the deck he got hammered into the ground. 2 downtubes folded up but he got up right away. Nasty air on the ground too apparently, although Harvest Market LZ was smooth an usual despite +30 kph winds. We sent everyone home at 4 pm, and it started to rain around 6 pm, so that was the right call. Report from Central Mexico and the Panamerican HG Championships - our favourite flying destination in the Winter Months.
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Woodside Report - we started flying around 1 pm and the first tandem with Anne was a sled ride. Nice launch cycles but no lift enroute. | ![]() Anne on her first tandem - captured by Anne The second tandem with Brad C went well with good launch cycles and some lift along the ridge, and a nice landing at the Ranch. Thomm McE soared for sometime before landing with us at the Ranch. Daryl S was out after a long hiatus. We then went back up and this time more solo pilots were flying and doing really well. Thomm was flying the Small Delta, Norm on a borrowed Sprint, Martin N on his Nova, and Kevin A on his Mantra M4 and I took Anne tandem for a second flight feeling like she should have a longer tandem this time. Apparently after 15 minutes Anne had had enough and the air got "a little chunky" and we flew out to land. Strong climbs reported in the +5 m/s range on the last flights. Thomm had a few collapses on the Delta, but he said if he had been on his M1 he would have totally lost the wing! Thomm top-landed to drive Kevin's rig down, but no one else could get in to retrieve the Suburban so a retrieve trip was required later. Nice day despite a gloomy forecast at Mother Woodside.
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Woodside Report - Ryan, Alan D and I went up to launch around 1 pm and did some brush cleanup in the forest to the SE of launch removing some sharp stumps and taller trees in the top-landing approach. | After we completed the cleanup, Ryan took me tandem on his new Ozone Magnum 41 as part of his Tandem Certification Course and we had a nice flight and stayed dry. Click here to see today's tandem fun as well as other May activities. We went back up when Thomm arrived and as we headed up Woodside we witnessed the aftermath of a 2 car accident at the bottom curve. A Ford Pickup heading west strayed over the centreline (driver fell asleep) and glanced off a Mazda Car before hitting the barriers and flipping over landing wheels-down in Duncan's driveway. I checked out the occupants of the Mzda who were cut up a bit, and the truck driver was sitting on the barrier with no injuries. Other drivers were directing traffic and I was trying to get the Mazda driver to get out of the car to a safer location when the RCMP and Ambulance arrived, so we left and drove up to launch. Nice cycles and even some sun as Alan D clipped in with Ryan K and they launched beautifully and were soon on the way to the Ranch. Thomm followed on the Delta S and there was hardly a beep for either flight. Weird as there was a lot of towering CU in all quadrants, and later it OD'ed into a rain storm but both flights we stayed dry. Motha Woodside! Site of the Day - "Bringing Folks together for 15 years" - Ryan K headed to the city to visit his aunt's boyfriend at St. Paul's Hospital last night where he was in donating a kidney. It turned out the boyfriend was Harry Siempelkamp's brother. Harry was in the hospital showing his brother the Site of the Day on his computer the day before and Ryan's aunt saw that Ryan K was out here training and she called him to come visit. Six degrees of Separation!
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Woodside Report - no flying here as I thought it would get wet and windy. Wind didn't materialize, but it did rain on and off most of the day. | ![]() Huge CU developing over Cultus Lake - captured by Klaus W It was raining when I went to Chilliwack around 3 pm, and it must have come out of this monster cloud! European Report - Just a quick update before we head off to check out another new site. ![]() Martina on launch - captured by Derek Not a single spot to lay out my glider!!! :) We've been having a great time discovering new places to fly...although I don't know what people did before Google! The last couple of days we've been at Andelsbuch, Austria and have had some fun flying over here. ![]() Martina over launch - captured by MKL We're heading towards Switzerland or France today, we don't have any set plans until next week when we go to Laragne for the Ozone Chabre Open. Hopefully one of us will win the grand prize draw which is a new Ozone wing, since we've both gotten lots of UV damage on our current wings this trip from so many hours of flying in the sun, ha ha :) - Martina & Derek
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Woodside Report - we had 4 tandems to do with the Enn's Family for Ed Enn's 65th Birthday which was on May 2nd. | The whole family arrived around noon and it was leeside, so after paperwork and briefings we headed up the mountain with Craig (student) being our wind technician. Craig had a pretty good forward launch in no wind and a smooth flight into the ProCircle to avoid any sprinkles. There were no sprinkles on his flight. Then it blew down for 30-45 minutes for Ed and I after one aborted attempt when we were running too slowly. Then the wind calmed down enough for another attempt after resetting the wing 360 degrees a few times. This time down the slope, we ran like mad and took off and I gave Ed the controls and he flew us to the Ranch. It was a short 10 minute flight and the whole family was out in the field to watch us land. Originally the plan was to land at the ProCircle where Mom was waiting in the car, but when we saw the large family group milling about the field we landed in the normal circle, and Mom missed the landing. We packed up and headed back up for Melanie's flight, as she took the kids out of school to watch and couldn't come back for a few months. We had Chris B, Craig and Ryan K on board this time too. When we got to launch the cycles were straight in and reversible so I laid us out and we were off in 30 seconds leaving Ryan to watch Craig's launch (Ryan is here for the Instructor course). We were off and soaring around the construction site area and it was feeling windy already as forecasted from the south. We played there for a few turns and then went fast as possible direct to the Ranch and had a nice landing near the circle near the family. As we packed up it was clear to me that the other solo pilots were having penetration issues, Chris was high with Craig much lower, and they both looked parked. At times Chris hit some layers that made him go backwards. He looked good, much better that Craig but he didn't hold his line and next thing he was behind the goal post trees and sinking ($20 goes to Burt's Cookie Jar). I told Craig to "get skinny" and hold his line and he was soon landing past the circle in strong south winds. Ryan headed to Riverside cause he launched last and had to forward speed. We decided to wait for a sunny day for brothers Jarred and Colin to complete their flights, and they talked of coming out and doing the Certification Course. Click here to see today's tandem fun as well as other May activities. New SCirroco 18 Speed Glider from SkyCountry - demo is ordered and will be here soon at FlyBC
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Woodside Report - we did 3 hours of ground school for Ryan K's Tandem Course, including training on how to pack reserves as we repacked 3 today. | We were going to head to Bellingham for a change of pace, but we got so late a start we bailed and came back to Mother Woodside. Roger had flown his HG earlier and landed at the Ranch because the HG LZ was blowing hard east wnd and he doesn't like the approach cross field. We were up on launch after he flew and it was all leeside cycles so Ryan didn't bother flying. Click here to see what our Local Hero Brett Hazlett has been up to.
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Woodside Report - we had a busy day at the Ranch with 9 tandems, 2 students and many demo flights on Deltas. | Click here to see today's Tandem fun as well as other May activities Alastair Collis was out getting his Tandem/Instructor Recert, and was very helpful with new tandem candidate Ryan K. Colleen and I did 4 tandems each and most were soaring flights, Alastair helped 1 tandem for our biggest group of 5 persons. We ended the day by 7 pm, and Matt J said it was still soarable when he came in to land on the Delta M. Lots of toplandings for retrievals from Mark T, Rob S and Matt J in perfect smooth lifty conditions. Click here to see why Search & Rescue, Police and Ambulances were heading up Sylvester Road last night, and it wasn't for paragliding.
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Woodside Report - we did errands and chores til 2 pm, when the clouds broke and the rain stopped.
Ryan K and I were doing Instructor/Tandem Ground School lessons from 10 am til 2:30 pm, and when Thomm arrived we loaded up the truck and went up to launch with Ryan, Colleen, Thomm and I. No one else around but us Desperados. | Excellent launch cycles, and cloudbase had lifted to 80 metres over launch and Colleen took off and was cloud-surfing, next off was Thomm, followed by Ryan and finally I launched test flying a Buzz Z3 Small with my heavy kit (+25 kgs over). I expected to sink out as we were all initially just maintaining, but soon we got into some pretty good cloudsuck! Colleen headed out after 30 minutes when she saw the other 3 of us get enveloped in cloud, not wanting to avoid us in the "white room". We all kept free of cloud after that with "big ears". I flew to the North Cliffs getting parked over the North Ridge even on speedbar, so I hugged the ridge left into the lift band and was soon creeping back to launch where I worked for 20 minutes finally top-landing as launch got obscured in clouds. Colleen and Thomm had rough rides into the Ranch, while Ryan stayed up for another hour and had a smooth ride in as the winds subsided.
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Agassiz-Merritt-Savona-Agassiz Report - since the weather looked bad here we did a road trip. Cecilia said Merritt looked calm early on so that was the first stop. Jeff, Craig, Norm & Bev followed me up country. | We got to the top of Sugerloaf Mountain and it started howling. I pulled out the DeSCent 15 speed glider and kited for a bit but it was clearly too strong for a regular sized wing, plus it was gusty and sprinkling rain lightly at times. Off to Savona where we passed thru some squalls, to arrive at the Toilet Bowl to light west winds. Within a few minutes it turned to strong east winds so off to the Dump Ridge where Craig took a flight almost soaring. Click here to see today's Savona fun as well as other May activities On to Ashcroft where it was strong west there, so we bailed and headed back home Glider Retrieval Report - glider from Friday's tree landing report was expertly extricated by John ver Donk, a local faller, aided by Rob S and Alan D who guided John into the woods. Less than 3 hours from meeting at the bottom to drying the glider at the Ranch, was a great feat. Details emerged about having to swing Tarzan-style from tree to tree to get to the glider! No apparent damage to glider or reserve at this time.
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Woodside Report - we had some nice flights at Woodside with Craig flying his new Ozone Geo II and getting a nice 45 minute soaring flight. It got windy so we headed to Bridal. | Bridal Report - we headed to Bridal for Craig's first Bridal flight and he had a brilliant launch and was soon off at Alan's Ridge climbing out as I told him to avoid the Knob Soarer's who may or may not know their ridge rules. I had a "hell-of-a-time" getting off launch: cravatte, bad cycle, tangle, crossed brakes and then I handed over the Delta to Trevor to demo and I flew off on his Aspen I and climbed out at Alan's Ridge with Klaus to 1100 meters watching Craig still flying and was able to guide him in to the LZ (which he really didn't need). Around 6:30 pm we saw an un-named female pilot on an Advance Epsilon throw her reserve in the lee of Bridal Falls area and just after we landed the entire Police, Ambulance and Search & Rescue teams were already at the LZ. ![]() Emergency Personnel gathered at the Bridal LZ - captured by Euan Forrester Rob S and others top-landed and started the trek into the woods to locate said pilot and waited to Search & Rescue to arrive and she was out of the tree by 9:30 pm, but the glider is still in the trees. ![]() Glider location from the Bridal LZ - captured by Euan Forrester ps: the newly expanded LZ looks great!
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Benny Report - Rob called to say he had an interesting flight off Mt. St. Benedicct today. Launched with a tangle that kept causing 30% asymmetric collapses, so he flew down the valley middle and kept climbing to 1400 meters finally landing at the Parking Lot near Hwy 7, while everyone else struggled to get up near launch? | Click here to see what the Valley offered up today for those on Leonardo.
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Woodside Report - a group went up around 1 pm, and had mixed results before it blew hard. Alex & Nicole were heading east when I left the Ranch to head to Poco for a dentist appointment, with Al landing at the Ranch to chase them down. | Then a group headed to Bridal where it was equally windy, but I got a report from Kevin that he took his tandem passenger on an Elk excursion with an Annis Road landing. Alex Raymont completed the "Raymont Challenge" - Woodside-Bridal-Woodside, landing at the Ranch!. Click here to see what Woodside offered up today for those on Leonardo.
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| ![]() Woodside Report - many pilots came out to Woodside today with XC hopes, and they weren't disappointed. I even got to fly today launching the R09 after Denis & Tonya flew, with them almost sinking out before climbing to cloudbase. I was more fortunate and never hit any sink and was soon at 1400 meters in the North Bowl area. Nicole joined me as others were looking for lift over the big clearcut near the South Knoll. I ventured part way to Sasquatch but it was quite shaded there and so I came back to the North Bowl. A few folks went over the back towards Agassiz Mtn. and I saw Al hit the mountain rather low where he said he hit a +11 m/s thermal that "rattled him". Seeing the shade and the other pilots getting low, I stayed on the Woodside side and when we got some shade I came in and top-landed when I heard other pilots sinking out in places. Miguel was at Seabird Island, Martin N at the RCMP Station in Agassiz, Matt J in Laidlaw with Nikolai, but Al was working Green Hill with Nicole. I packed up and drove the Suburban towards Agassiz and got Martin, Miguel and Tonya and we went to A&W to pickup lunch. Kevin was coming from Chilliwack and offered to pick up Nikolai & Matt J, so we stayed on the Woodside side. We waited for Al & Nicole to sink out but they managed a good climb out joined by Rob and they headed towards Ludwig. We went back to Woodside Launch with some new folks in tow, and the second set of flights went well with Jack demo-ing the Delta M, and Gilles came out for a late flight and everyone got high for over an hour. As they were landing we saw Al & Nicole come back from Elk and Rob top-landed to drive Matt's truck down after doing the triangle too! Matt J relaunched from Bridal and made it back to Riverside late in the day. Click here to see what Woodside offered up today for those on Leonardo.
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Woodside Report - heavy rain in the AM so I went to the USA to pickup some new gliders where Bellingham looked very windy. |
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| ![]() Savona Report - I was driving through Hope at 8 am, and saw a tandem HG flying at the Hope airport. Pretty early for a tandem I thought, and later saw it was Danger Dan taking his HG lessons when I logged onto FaceBook last night. I continued on to Savona where I met Craig at the Miller's crossing Restaurant at 10 am and we went straight to the Toilet Bowl Ridge and started flying him early. He had two sled rides in light west wind landing in the clearings below, then we headed up to Upper Launch where it was too leeside for a first Savona high flight. Down to Lower Launch which faces more easterly, where the conditions were favourable. Craig was clipped in and ready fast and was soon reverse launching into some smalll thermals . . . not quite enough to take him to the Toilet Bowl so he landed mid-valley right in the cleared area. Three flights and it is only 11 am! Back to the Toilet Bowl where we met Dimas, our new Savona student to deliver his Ozone Buzz kit. It was now blowing east so we headed to the Dump Ridge, where Craig & Dimas flew 2 flights each in moderate cycles. Dimas and his bride Guida headed home to Cherry Creek and Craig continued flying with Chris B from Hope and they got 2 more flights before we headed for Lunch finally at 2:20 pm. I was starved and I wasn't even doing anything? Gilles found us at the Savona Pub on his trip back to Kamloops. After lunch I drove Craig straight up to the Dump Ridge and he bagged another flight just before it went west and the other guys couldn't launch. We headed to the Toilet Bowl at 3:30 pm, where we stayed til 7 pm. It was strong but launchable at the Toilet Bowl and Craig got 4 more flights for a total of 10 flights today. His launch skills are perfect and his landings are becoming very precise. Our best students historically have spent some time in Savona getting their launch skills perfected with many repetitive flights, and the results are worth the extra effort driving up here. Gilles flew the DeSCent 15 speed glider off the Toilet Bowl Ridge a few times and he "loved it"! It was getting stronger and Gilles launched and got "hoovered up" and had a nice 20 minute flight at the Toilet Bowl before it got too strong and he got blown back to the Crash Pad for a nice top-landing, for one of the nicest soaring flights I have seen on this ridge. I was home at the Ranch by 10 pm, as the conditions are collapsing here at Savona and I have some errands to run, delivering gear. Gas Deal of the Province - the native Gas Bar just west of Deadman's had regular at $1.15 a litre last night, so it made the trip home cheaper! Next flyable window looks like Tuesday at the coast. Belated Blanchard Report from last week - Doug M reported getting to Bellingham High School on his first demo on the Ozone Delta L. Matty Senior flew from Tiger Mountain all the way to Blanchard this week. It was 78 mi but I don't have any other details other than he had speeds over 60 mph and he only landed there for logistical reasons on his Ozone R10.2. Matt Senior's flight log here . korea arrival from broers philippe on Vimeo. Watch for our Canadian Team Member Brett Hazlett - Ozone R10.2 Pilot
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Woodside Storm Watch - we were at the Ranch early and Craig and I went up to check out the new clearcut in the North Bowl to see if it could become a north launch at Woodside. | It was then that we knew the day was going to be bad! Trees were getting buffeted from every direction at 800 feet. When we got to the bottom it was very windy from the NW. I called the day early but Craig kited all afternoon getting ready for Ashcroft tomorrow. Martin N and I dug up Colleen's garden instead of flying and that was way safer! Oddly, I saw Bellingham looked flyable later in the day, but everything inland looked bad with outflow winds and precip. Belated Blanchard Report - Doug M reported getting to Bellingham High School on his first demo on the Ozone Delta L. Matty Senior flew from Tiger Mountain all the way to Blanchard this week. It was 78 mi but I don't have any other details other than he had speeds over 60 mph and he only landed there for logistical reasons on his Ozone R10.2. Matt Senior's flight log here . Doug at Blanchard by Judy M
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Woodside Report - Friday the 13th lived up to it's reputation. Crappy outflow winds were good for kiting practice but Al, Alex R & Matt J didn't like the air. Leo F sat on launch all day with his HG and didn't fly, getting rescued by Jon & Charles later in the day after they went to Hope to tow. Oddly, no wind in Hope but they did tow to the east. | Pemberton Report - Gilles phoned to say he and Aline flew two flights from Lower Mackenzie, 500 metre hike to launch in the snow still.
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Woodside Report - Good day at the Woodside for training and for experienced pilots too. | Martin N launched his Nova around noon and climbed out fast and was last seen heading east towards agassiz, eventually landing at Seabird Island. Small & Medium Delta demos went out with Alex R and Rob S respectively and they had some pretty nice XC flying, last time I saw Alex, he and Nicole were at 1800 metres over Woodside heading off. Craig got his first tandem today and we climbed to 1200 metres early to check out the air, before he flew us out to the Ranch. Very buoyant over the Ranch and Duncan's today. We then regrouped and Sam came out to complete his training in his off-road wheelchair and bagged 2 great flights. Gilles came out with his friend Aline from Pemby and they both had 2 great flights. Sam and Craig launched last at 5 pm, and they climbed to 1200 metres in smooth glass-off lift and it allowed me to drive leisurely to the Ranch to guide them in (which neither needed, even though this was Craig's first solo flight). They landed at 6 pm! Delta Report - Hmmm what to say? Nice glider, it really has the performance that folks talk about. While still being a real EN C. Better performance than my old EN D and better safety. Light bar so you have no excuse for not using it lots. My worry was it might be too stable and not enough feedback. No problem, talks more than I expected so you know what the air is doing and where to go. Well done Ozone - Alex Raymont. Alex's Delta Demo Flight here. Spring Speedriding Fever from Jason Jones on Vimeo.
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Savona Report - too windy for beginner kiting at Savona, but soarable for experts on the Dump Ridge. We headed to Ashcroft and did some ground school in the Manor over lunch and headed to the soccer fields in ashcroft where it was safe to kite until it started raining so back to the Ranch for Thursday. |
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| Woodside Report - We started flying student Blake early today and he was off for the first flight at 930 am, followed by 2 more flights before he had to run home to Lillooet. He is loving his new Ozone Geo II. By the time Blake had left I had finished the first of 5 tandems with Anna1 from Germany getting to cloudbase, and her cousin Greg had a shorter flight but we still had some climbs. Chris B drove one round for us and then went solo in the strong stuff, I didn't ask him how he liked it in the air as he was gone early. Then the girls from Delta arrived for their tandems and they had a ball. We got to cloudbase at between 1200 - 1400 meters everytime and twice we landed at Harvest Market, super-strong lift off launch but I only had an IQSonic audio vario so you have to watch the videos to judge the climbs but I think it was a steady +5 m/s up. Kevin was coming from Chilliwack and picked us up the first Harvest run, and after that the other girls drove the Suzuki down to retrieve. Last flight of the day was just me & Marlise, Kevin, Brad and Klaus - the air glassed off after we landed but we had a nice last tandem flight after getting plucked off launch when I tried to abort as Marlise fell over (pretty active air even late in the day).
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Woodside Report - we had an awesome day at Woodside today. | Blake managed one solo flight before it got too thermic. Cloudsuck and many trips to the "White Room" ensued during my 3 tandems. Martin N was test flying the Delta L demo and logged 3 hours, then Delvin took it for a 1.5 hour spin later in the day ridge soaring with Kevin, Tom Chromy, Gary P and Blake & I on tandem. Hammer flew around 3 pm and said it was too strong and flew out to land at the Ranch? Alan D was overheard at Bridal during his 2 hour flight, with cloudbase at 1200 meters or below just like Woodside. Massive XCs in the Alps this weekend on Ozone gear.
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Woodside Report - Thomm, Martin N, Tom W and I drove up around 1 pm, when the sky looked more promising. | I dropped off the ATV at Joe's for retrieval and drove up with the trailer so I had a retrieve plan in place (testing it for the tandem hordes coming this spring). Martin and Tom W went first and were the "sacrificial lambs" today to the Thermal Gods. They both just squeaked into the Ranch after hitting big sink! I got a chance to fly the Delta L demo today and launched after Peter, Claudia, Andrew, Tom C, Thomm McE, Paddy, Andrei, Amine, and Arthur and everyone was soaring around trying to keep out of the clouds. Thermals and ridge lift mixed, but cloudbase was around 1000 metres so it was easy to white-out. Surprising small crowds today, but it looked iffy from the start, rain in all 4 quadrants, black clouds over Cultus Lake and Sumas flats. We flew for an hour and a bit and then Thomm and I top-landed and Thomm drove Paddy's truck down to the Kettle and I drove the Suzuki down. I took the ATV up the mountain around 7 pm to test it out and it will work well (once I adjust the chain tension). Oh yeah: The Delta L is a sweet ride. I loaded it at 108 kgs today and it has a max loading of 115kgs and it floated nicely and still had good speed. Come and test it before it get sent back to Ozone. Euro XC Report from David Dagault (Ozone Designer) - Click here for details of 325 km straight distance flight
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| ![]() Riverside & Bridal Work Party Report - Thanks to the WCSC Volunteers today who made your LZs safer. It was a wet, cold day but we had 14 volunteers come out and work at Bridal and Riverside this morning. Riverside Team: Lee, Mark T, Kevin, Steve, Claudia, Peter, Ihor, Thomm, Chris, Mark F all worked hard to rid Riverside of Blackberries and Gorse. Thanks also go out to Rob, Wade and the Other Martin for working on the ditch levelling project at the Bridal LZ today. We met at the Sasquatch and had Pizzas and drinks to warm up after getting soaked. Everyone went home and I arrived back at the Ranch to find that Kerry, my tandem passenger came out despite the weather and wanted to go flying. I said it was unlikely just as the sky opened up and the rain stopped! Mark F said he would drive for us so we went to launch and were rewarded with a magical flight into the Ranch. Pictures and video of Riverside, and our flight today by clicking the picture above. What a great day! Martina & Derek's Europe Report - We've been hesitant to send in any flight reports since the only other ones we see posted on your site are "FAI" this and "100k" that. Unfortunately our flights are a little more boring - only 10-20 km flights throughout the valley here in sunny Slovenia. :) - Martina & Derek ![]() Launch is the ridge right in the middle of the picture (the "middle step" on the hill that slopes down with 3 bumps). The LZ is at the base of what looks like Cemetery Hill. - captured by MKL ![]() Here's the LZ for the other site. The pink building beside the highway is the bar, you can sit outside & watch who lands in the "Pro Triangle" (although you can land in any of the other fields of course.) - captured by MKL
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Bridal Report - cut down tall offending bush/tree at the east end of LZ. Installed more plywood over nasty ditch and built a small bridge for garden tractors and pilots to cross nasty ditch. | Rob will be at Bridal managing the remaining work at 8 am Saturday May 7. Jim will be at Riverside mowing and handing out tools to volunteers there to clean out the blackberries. 9 - 11 am should do it. Thanks in advance for coming out.
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| ![]() Bridal LZ Report - Alan, Rob S and I met at the Bridal LZ today and did a reconn mission. A bit too good of a reconn mission apparently! We took out the brush cutter and my riding mower and started cutting back the tall grass to see how bad it was going to be on Saturday and promptly got the riding mower stuck in the NE corner (too swampy). After Alan and I freed it up it was clear sailing (or cutting)? I was running the brush cutter and Alan was driving the riding mower and we soon had the LZ twice as large as 2010. Rob showed up and took a few turns and it got even bigger. We have mowed east of the tree to be removed. Alan will take care of the tree on Friday. Rob is going to take over the project on Saturday at 9 am to move some of the dirt near the ditch to some low spots so we need some shovellers and wheelbarrows to move it. We can re-mow the LZ when it gets drier and really make the LZ shine. Now for the big change in the weekend plans: I need some volunteers in Riverside to cut back the blackberries after we mow there on Saturday May 7. Loppers, brushcutters, weedwhackers needed. We can meet in Riverside at 9 am, for those who don't want to shovel dirt at Bridal where Rob is managing the show. It should also take no more than 2 hours, rain or shine at either location.
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| ![]() Savona Report - another big day for the AB students. We started right at the top launch at Savona around 11 am, and Cedric and Joe flew off first and Cedric had to go to the Valley LZ, and Joe was soon coming in after him when Joe hit some lift and started working the thermals hard. After getting his turns coordinated, he started to climb and was soon above launch and heading to the Crash Pad LZ. About 3/4 of the way there he got parked as the SE winds kicked in as forecast. He got battered a bit by turbulence and I suggested he head downwind to the Valley LZ and he was coming back at over 70 kph! Good landing into the gusty winds and they kited a bit while we drove down. We went to the Dump Ridge and I pulled out the DeSCent 15 speed wing for them to kite after clipping in and testing the air. Jake clipped in first and got pretty good at controlling the DeSCent 15 so I suggested he fly it down. Too bad he didn't have a radio as he forgot to crab into the wind and landeed on the wrong side of the road, but a good landing was accomplished. We headed to Ashcroft for calmer winds and were rewarded with stronger winds from the opposite direction? While trying to see if it was safe to fly off the south side of Coyote Hill we tried kiting a wing and it wouldn't get firm overhead, suggesting rotor so we were packing up when Lee called from Savona and said the lake was glassy, and the smoke going straight up. We raced back and straight to Deadman's Launch and everyone got 2 flights except Katrina. She was too tired after a week of FlyBC Adrenaline, and an exciting landing in the parking lot at Lower Savona Launch. We went back to the campground and the AB pilots wrote their beginner exams and "aced" them with only a few mistakes. They logged 15 flights off 5 different sites and their new Ozone gear is almost here. We are committed to getting pilots signed off here, and the last 3 weeks of Savona flying is a testament to that. Gilles got signed off in 2 weeks, and these folks are 1/2 way to being signed off in 5 days. Bridal Work Party Plans for May 7 - we are still planning to be at Bridal LZ at 9 am Saturday to extend the mowed area. Wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes, weed-whackers, muscles needed. Rain or shine we want to make this LZ safer. Woodside/Bridal Report - I talked to Alan D and Norm L and they both had good flights, Nikolai was complaining about rough air at Woodside but made it over to Bridal where he landed. Darren W was out for the first time this year and top-landed (or flop-landed) to retrieve his truck. Norm said he though the air at Woodside was fine, but he is on the Delta!
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| ![]() Savona Report - we started off by heading up to Deadman's Upper Launch at 10 am. Cedric launched first to test the air and got some lift and made it to the Crash Pad. Katrina launched next and after 15 minutes of ridge soaring she also made the Crash Pad on a Flight Design A4. After those two launched a snow cell let go NW of us and the cycles went lame. Hugo joined us and took new student Blake for a tandem as part of his tandem recertification and they had a nice tandem into the Valley LZ as the cycles/themals died off. Jake went last and followed Hugo into the Valley LZ. I headed down to get everyone and Cedric started kiting on the Toilet Bowl Ridge and managed 2 more flights before it blew out. Everyone got a few more flights off the Toilet Bowl including Hugo who ridge soared for sometime getting high enough to top-land a few times on a Buzz. It got pretty strong so we went to lunch and then headed to Coyote Hill near Ashcroft. When we arrived it was SW so we looked at the South Launch and discussed landing options. Never land in a gulley was my sage advice! As we watched the winds swing 180 degrees and we headed to the normal launch facing Ashcroft Manor. Everyone bagged a nice flight down to the Manor, and Blake was kiting the A4 on top when he had several good reverse inflations in light wind, and then a few perfect forward infaltions and I decided why not fly down? Off Blake went for solo #1 and a perfect flight and touchdown. By now it was 5 pm and we headed back to our camps, and I drove down to the Valley through Merritt where it was howling. It was hard to keep the Suburban in my lane on the highway! all the way to Hope was windy, yet we managed to find calm winds at Ashcroft. Productive Day!
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Savona Report - we tried flying Ashcroft in the morning but before we could try a flight it blew over the back at Coyote Ridge. | We headed to Savona and we had east winds so we thought we would kite until the west kicked in here. ![]() FlyBC groundhandling session at the Crash Pad (note student is 200 lbs on a 15 meter DeSCent Speed Wing) - captured by JPR It got strong fast and we had to resort to kiting the APCO Prima 22 and Sky Country DeSCent 15 for safety and students (and I) were getting dragged around. Time to go for lunch! I went into Kamloops and met up with Terry B and got his Vista L which he is selling as he stepped up to an Axis glider. It was stormy in Kamloops and it was a good time for Suburban maintenance. When I made it back to Savona it was still gusty but the forecast looks good for the next two days here. Belated Flora Peak Report from Biff from last weekend Flora Fun with Lots of Sun from Kevin Ault on Vimeo.
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Woodside Report - we had a good day despite a clogged up launch at Woodside. | Instructors and Pilots alike need to ensure that they are clipped in and ready before getting into the launch slot. Several students from an un-named school were seen getting into the launch slot with twisted risers or other issues that took too long (IMHO) to resolve tying up launch. If something isn't right get out of line and start over. It is too crowded on weekends to have this tying up launch. We had the 4 pilots from AB here to experience Woodside after an awesome day on Saturday at Savona and they all did fantastic, getting to soar above launch and learn a new landing zone. We also had Steve, Lee, Chris and Tom out training today. Colleen and I did our first Groupon tandems with May and Shannon and they had a ball despite the long wait to launch due to congestion. Woodside XC Report - many XC pilots left Woodside today with one notable accomplishment - Al broke the 100 km barrier today on his Ozone Mantra M4. Click here to see what Woodside offered up today for those on Leonardo. Many pilots today completed the Raymont Challenge (Woodside-Bridal-Woodside triangle). |
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