@ 3000' | calculated by SOAR8.XLW | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| /1000' (unstable) | 2250 ft. |
Woodside Report - when I flew over Woodside at 9:00 am on the way to Newark NJ, it looked flyable with developing TCUs. Colleen reported rain in New Westminster most of the afternoon.
| /1000' (unstable) 2250 ft.
Woodside Report - it rained hard and it was very windy when I left at 2:30 pm to drive to Vancouver. All the way in the weather looked better. When I looked at the Woodside WebCam later it looked like sun on the mountain around 6:00 pm, but Alan says it must have been short-lived because he was fishing on the Fraser and saw only partial breaks.
| /1000' (stable) 3450 ft.
Woodside Report - east wind all day until 3:00 pm when it calmed down, no birds. A few pilots flew and there was no lift to be found.
| /1000' (stable) 3450 ft.
Woodside Report - it was blowing hard from the NE in Eagle Ranch but we were patient and did a few chores while others headed up the mountain. Gerry L was the wind techician for the first flight, hitting big sink but making Eagle Ranch as the conditions mellowed. Next off was Don and Greg on their HGs for 20-30 minute flights. Then Ian J launched, then Colleen and I (with a nice frontal just away from launch). We watched Colleen sky out as we plummeted. There were some interesting landings in Eagle Ranch as the thermals were kicking off the field with pilots hovering above the LZ for 10-15 minutes looking for sink.
| Bridal Report - Rob S reported flying for 2 hours and then toplanding with a tailwind. Sumas Report - pilots seen soaring at launch height for a while, no reports on the radio.
| /1000' (unstable) 2250 ft.
Reserve Clinic Report - we had a good turnout of pilots for their first clinic and we found 2 rigs that were problematic, but are now fixed. Unfortunately all the clear weather missed Woodside so we never flew.
| Blanchard Report - After working all morning, I got a call from local pilots saying it might be good at Blanchard this afternoon. Met Doug and Delvin at the Lz at 1:45. Hang gliders littered the sky, but not a paraglider to be seen. On the radio from launch, Stacy reported that it was still to strong to launch. We hurried up anyway, passing the Murdoch-mobile on its way down to head to Whidbey. By the time we got to launch, it was not only launchable, but spectacular. Both launches were working. Southwest wind 10-12 mph. About seven of us launched and began climbing slowly but steadily in smooth air. When the Murdoch-mobile got down to where they could see us all, they turned around and came back. I topped out about even with top of the mountain which put me at 2200', but others had another 1000 feet on me and were getting close to the white room. Eagles, paragliders, and hang gliders shared lots of sky for about an hour, when it turned off. A couple pilots who had started heading to Bellingham were caught far from the LZ when it turned off and made tracks to land where they could. Several went back for more, as it came back on, but not as strong, while I headed to the Mushroomer's survivors banquet - TJ
| /1000' (unstable) 2550 ft.
No flying Friday but maybe Saturday will dry out later.
| /1000' (unstable) 2550 ft.
Vancouver Report - lots of car accidents due to heavy rains, but not much flying observed.
| /1000' (unstable) 2550 ft.
Someone flew somewhere in the world, but not on the west coast. It was very wet and windy in Vancouver!
| /1000' (unstable) 4350 ft.
Woodside Report - flyable until 1:30 pm, when it got windy. Chilliwack reporting 12 knots gusting to 17 knots. No pilots were out at Bridal or Woodside.
| /1000' (unstable) 3250 ft.
Woodside Report - I arrived at the Ranch at 3:00 pm to see Andy landing and he had a nice soaring flight, but missed Norm to see how his flight was. I watched a yellow PGer scratching their way into Riverside so it didn't look like it was worth going up. My daughter showed up on her way home from the Interior so I went to lunch with her and when I came back to the Ranch no one was flying. | I had to take some aerial photos for a guy who was trying to map out a line-of sight communications tower up to Echo Island (on Harrison Lake), so I fired up the DK Whisper and took off around 5:30 pm, and there was a nice thermal out of the Eagle Ranch LZ that took me up to the Telus Towers in a few minutes, it must have been glassing off. I arrived at the towers north of launch and idled down to take pictures and I was still climbing and was soon above Agassiz Mountain and drifting to the north in a strong in-flow layer! No vario on board but it felt like +2.5 m/s sustained lift. I took about 12 pictures and determined the best location for a tower and marked my GPS position and then started to head out to land. I had to leave the throttle at idle for best glide speed,as the power increases your angle of attack and slows you down and was only getting 13 km/hr. I arrived at the Ranch just above Lower Launch altitude and cut the motor and started spiralling down and I wasn't losing height. I pulled ears and I was still maintaining, and it was getting darker. I gave up on the ears and spiralled over a field west of ours away from the LZ thermal and managed to land before dark . . . barely, as I was packing in the dark after loading the motor on the Van - Jim Bridal Report - I contacted Alan on the radio around 3:00 pm and he was at 1800 meters on the east side of Cheam over the lake! This was on his return flight after flying to Elk Mtn. and then on to the Butterfly for a total flight distance greater than 40 km. March is finally rewarding us with good thermals. Ivan T was at about 1400 meters and the rest of the pilots were at or above the soaring knob at Lower Launch. As I was heading out to motor I overheard Rob P asking Rob S where his keys were so I assumed he top-landed to retrieve the Suzuki for Rob S. Ihor and a bunch of others were out and it sounds like everyone had decent flights.
| /1000' (unstable) 3250 ft.
Woodside Report - we started the day mowing and roto-tilling the grounds and by noon a bunch of pilots showed up at Eagle Ranch eager to fly. The strong gusty NW winds kept us on the ground until 2:00 pm when it was forecast to go inflow. Most pilots had extended sledders, one HGer got above launch for a few minutes but it was quite stable - Jim
| /1000' (unstable) 3250 ft.
Valley Report - strong NE winds all day, no flying overheard on the radio, but I got a report from Brad H. that the conditions at Elk were not suitable for flying. Scary landings at Eddies' place! Most pilots hiked down wxcept Brad and Ivan.
| Nicole's Brazil GV Report - March 20 -Today woke up to pouring rain, so the decision to head up was pushed back to mid-morning. The meet directors finally decided to send us up to launch, and the same task as yesterday was set. We were all set up on launch, when several cu-nims started forming around us and merging together in super-cu-nims, so the task was cancelled for safety reasons. Most pilots decided to drive down, but some elected to fly and were caught in the increasing winds. Some didnīt make the goal LZ and had to land on the other side of the river. We were glad to not have flown after it started gusting and raining on the way down! So the comp is finished; the weather didnīt co-operate but apparently it is very atypical for this area. Total results should be up on the Go Up website (ttp://www.goupresults.com/2005worlds/) soon. Canadian final overall results (153 pilots): Chris 32nd Nicole 48th, 1st womenīs JF 67th Glenn 109th Canadian team results: 15th/38 teams The awards ceremony was tonight; I picked up a nifty trophy and got to schmooze with the top pilots. Big party and door prizes later on at a local nightclub (they party late here!). Now a day or two to relax, and I will be back in Vancouver on Tuesday! - Nicole
| /1000' (unstable) 2550 ft.
Nicole's Brazil GV Report - March 19 - Today task was set for 36 km race to goal with multiple start times. Away from launch was very scrappy and light thermals, not like close in to launch where we had to fight to stay out of the clouds. Lots of pilots sunk out near the river, away from easy road access. I was stuck on a formation called the īwhaleīs backī trying to get up to make the jump over to the good thermals. Finally made it to the next town down the road, and landed just outside town. Nobody made goal, and lots sunk out early, so a low-scoring day. Tomorrow is the last day of the comp.
| Overall results to-date (153 registered): Chris 31st Nicole 47th JF 67th Glenn 106th Nicole
| /1000' (unstable) 2550 ft.
Woodside Report - you could see launch on the WebCam all day, even on my Palm when I was in Edmonton (technology is so cool!), but it was very windy. The Captain on the return flight reported 100 knot headwinds all the way from Edmonton to Vancouver - Jim
| Nicole's Brazil GV Report - March 18 - Today sunny skies and a 47 km triangle task. First turnpoint was upwind into booney-country, and it picked up so strong most of us couldnīt punch the headwind to make it, so most landed about 5 km short next to the only access road for kmīs around. Lots of swearing from the pilots as they were coming in (some things you can tell even when itīs not English)! Every turn we made took us away from where we wanted to go, and we would lose all our height we had just gained going on the glide back upwind. One local made goal despite the wind; I think he was very fast and got most of the task done before the wind picked up. Donīt know total to-date results yet; they will tell us tomorrow - Nicole
| /1000' (stable) 2550 ft.
Nicole's Brazil GV Report - March 17 - Task was called today for a 36 km flight with no turnpoints. However the shade came in just as the window opened, and many pilots sunk out right away. A bunch of us waited until just before the window was to close, then launched in the shade too, hoping for something. We found nothing, and we all sunk out within the bomb-out zone (8 km radius and the best flight was 7.2 km). So an invalid day, and no points scored today :( - Nicole |
| /1000' (stable) 2550 ft.
Nicole's Brazil GV Report - March 16 - Todayīs task was cancelled due to bad weather. The weather is supposed to improve as the week progresses. Today as I was flying down to the goal LZ, I watched a pilot land on the island since he was too low to make it across the river, and too low to make it back to the other side. He landed on the main street, right in front of a car who fortunately stopped in time to allow the pilot to land. I donīt know how he avoided the overhanging trees and powerlines in the area; he is very lucky! - Nicole |
| /1000' (unstable) 2550 ft.
Woodside Report - as suspected we had more rain than forecast and it was very windy. Cloudbase was okay all day. No reports from Blanchard but the NOAA reports showed south winds at up to 15 mph, so definitely soarable.
| Nicole's Brazil GV Report - March 15 - Today the speed-run task was cancelled at the last minute (literally!) due to cu-nims and t-storms in the area. (We were all hooked in waiting for the window to open when they finally made the call with 2 minutes to go.) So instead attended a seminar by Dennis Pagen, who is here as our FAI observer and weather-briefing guy. Very cool to hear his views and talk to him about flying and weather conditions, and tips on how to fly comps and how to thermal better, etc. - Nicole
| /1000' (stable) 1200 ft.
Woodside Report - the wind wasn't a problem, but the heavy rains were! We looked at driving up around 3:30 pm but went for lunch instead and it poured while we were eating.
| Blanchard Report - Blanchard was working for everbody at different points of the day. I've never seen so many wings in the air there. I got a valuable lesson in penetration when the wind switched from South to West while I was East of launch and about 500' above it. The switch simultaneously killed the ridge lift and made it impossible for me to get back West. I ended up having to emergency land in the clear cut. Not a pretty landing, but a safe one. I had been airborne for 35 minutes when forced down. Others who were near the knob when the wind switched either flew out and landed because it had become strong, or waited parked for awhile until it eased off again, but stayed West. I had a second flight with light lift enough to extend it to 10 minutes instead of 4. - TJ Whidbey Island Report - Yesterday I called Ernie to see if they were going flying anywhere. They were not able to go but while I drove north on 405 he worked his magic with the MM5 web site. The prediction was for Whidbey (the fort) to turn on at 2:00 PM and be flyable until after 7:00. Well, MM5 was spot on, I arrived at 2:00 and John K. was rushing to his van saying "it just turn on". Within five minutes I was in the air flying with Redtails, Baldies, Baldy juvenile and Peregrine. All day long we were flying maybe, better described as floating, with these birds in baby butt smooth air. On several occasions I was able to get within 15 feet of a redtail that was parked in the air 200 over the cliff. It really looks as if they know who we are and that we are no threat. I'll tell ya, I doesn't get much better. Thanks to Ernie for the good call.- GGrice MM5 web site: http://www.atmos.washington.edu/mm5rt/ Nicole's Brazil GV Report - March 14 - Similar conditions to yesterday, very light and patient conditions. Task was a 55 km downwind task with 1 turnpoint at 34 km. Many pilots sunk out soon after launching, and many more sinking out along the courseline. A few of us managed to make it to the vicinity of the turnpoint; I landed about 2 km short at 32 km, and the others landed about 0.5 km short. A few made it past but sunk out too. My retrieve was horse-and-cart to the village where the others landed, until the bus came for us. Took 3 hours to make the 32 km, but very satisfying! Canadian rankings so far (147 pilots registered): Nicole 18th Chris Muller 24th JF Paradis 81st Glenn Derouin 101st Nicole
| /1000' (stable) 5040 ft.
Hemlock Valley FLY-IN 2004 Report - we had a great turnout of 20 pilots and the conditions were on from the morning until it lightened up around 1:30 pm when we headed down to Woodside. | ![]() ![]() Everyone flew from 1 - 3 flights and the only incident was Lee trying to soar with too much brake and he full-stalled into a snow bank from about 25 feet, scary but if you have to do it snow is very forgiving! ![]()
| /1000' (stable) 2640 ft.
Woodside Report - Colleen and I flew around 4:00 pm getting a nice thermal flight soaring above launch for 20-30 minutes before it shutdown. No one out? Light cycles at launch, small thermals, no ridge lift despite forecast of 14 knots - Jim
| Nicole's Brazil GV Report - March 12 - Not a great flying day, cloudy and rain showers. Sun off in the distance but wasnīt getting to us so finally launched for a sled ride into the GV goal field LZ. Launch is on the back side of the mountain, so have to cross around the side and in the lee if you want to fly into town. Not pleasant when it is windy I think! Tomorrow is teamsī īParade of Nationsī for the pre-worlds, then soccer game if itīs not flyable - Nicole /1000' (unstable) 2640 ft.
GV report - March 11 - First flight of GV. Launched into sweet lift off the mountain, and around the mountain it was very nice but low cloudbase (1300m), but hot (shorts flying weather). However away from the mountain very scratchy and lots of blue holes, a lot of the Nats pilots sunk out early and I donīt think anybody made goal; many pilots said it was very hard today! I managed to eke out approx 1 hour on the flats before landing near the main road to GV, and got a ride back with some of the French team. Nats awards and party tonight! Hope you are having fun in the cold (heehee)! - Nicole | Woodside Report - quite a few pilots and only Norm got to soar, sledders for the rest. But it was flyable all day til dark. Hemlock Report - I went up to the mountain to prepare logistics for the Fly In March 13. Passes and waivers are all in order. And then I went up to fly as they said they had NE wind all day. I no sooner arrived at the top of the Red/Skyline Chair than it started to blow from the west. I tried a few inflations in the lulls and it was hopeless. I laid the wing cross wind and ran down the road to the south to the green runs and got in the air for a few seconds before face planting in wet snow. After a long struggle back to the top I inflated to the SW again, got airborne for a few seconds again and faceplant #2 and very tired! It was getting stronger and the sun was setting behind the mountains so it had to be good this time. One violent inflation over my head towards the west, run down the slope and do a 180 to fly off the east! And made it this time, for a short ride into the LZ, but at least I didn't have to hike down. My wing should be dry by Saturday :-) - Jim /1000' (unstable) 2640 ft.
Woodside Report - about 10 pilots flew Woodside getting to 1100 meters and logging flights from 0:45 to 2:45 in punchy lift. +5.9 M/s up and -3.9 m/s down. Norm and Robin definitely were having a great time, getting low and then back up to 1100 meters many times. I had a great flight except for a couple of over-eager pilots (not Norm and Robin) that kept flying straight at me in the thermals so I headed out to avoid them - Jim
| Bridal Report - a bunch of pilots met at 1:30 pm and headed up to Lower Launch, Alan was working and saw a few pilots at the 1400 meter level. My radio turned off mid-flight and I missed all the Bridal action. It was a good day everywhere despite east wind forecast. /1000' (stable) 4250 ft.
Woodside Report - Jeffrey and I drove up at 3:30 pm and it was blowing 50+ kms at launch, so we drove down. I was working on the Suburban and Jeffrey left for North Vancouver and as soon as he left it mellowed out to very flyable conditions around 6:00 pm. No one else ventured out due to the high winds in Vancouver - Jim
| /1000' (stable) 2400 ft.
Woodside Report - Boy, is it hard to call the weather based on Environment Canada's forecast! I arrived at 2:30 pm,to see Bev packing up her car to go to work. Norm drove for her for 2 sledders, not wanting to ruin his flight average. Don Smith, Delvin, Kevin, Rob S, Jim T all arrived late to fly, but it was very stable on the last flights too. Score: Pilots 7, Trees - 0.
| /1000' (unstable) 2400 ft.
Woodside Report - heavy rain all day, huge puddles. Good time to work on the Suburban and get it ready for the Hemlock Fly In.
| /1000' (unstable) 2400 ft.
Woodside Report - a few pilots were out despite mixed forecasts. Bev got high, 1090 meters landing in a frozen heap. Good soarable conditions with cloudsuck. Score: Pilots - 7 Trees - 1 (Incident report to follow).
| Blanchard Report - Saturday was another day better for Hangs than Paragliders at Blanchard. I launched during a "lull" in the South wind. Several PG's had had respectable soaring flights though and it was only about 10mph when I launched. Some lift, but mostly a strong SE layer pushing me out to sea. I headed inland and out and it quickly got stronger. I went straight up. I was well above launch without even trying but a third of the way to the LZ. Eventually, I lost the lift and didn't dare circle back as I was penetrating less and less well. So full speed bar for the next ten minutes got me to the bailout. No other PG's launched after watching me park on the elevator. HG's were having a good time until it rained - TJ Nifty GPS Holder - a Garmin Geko 301 holder mad from a cell phone case, mounted on the riser. This way it is within easy view. ![]() /1000' (unstable) 2400 ft.
Woodside Report - no flying, just rain and hail all afternoon accompanied by 70 km+ winds from the south.
| Blanchard Report - Winds were way too strong most of the day, but banking on a pre-sunset lull I headed out to Blanchard at 5PM. When I arrived there were 5 hangs way above launch jockeying for airspace with several eagles. It was still too strong for me, gusting to 44kph, but just before sunset it slowed down dramatically. Three of us launched and had very nice flights using what was left of the ridge lift for about 12 minutes - TJ Reserve Clinic Update - don't forget the WCSC Reserve Clinic this Saturday. If you are unable to make the WCSC clinic, FlyBC will be having a follow-up reserve clinic at Eagle Ranch on March 28, 2004. /1000' (unstable) 1600 ft.
Blanchard Report - Jim, that was a good call. Doug Beers, Colin, Joe, and several hangs all had
great afternoon flights. I left work early and phoned Doug on his cell. He
was 1000' above launch in smooth as glass air. I hurried down to launch but
by the time I unpacked my wing, it had gone catabatic. :-( The window to
fly was quite short, between rain and high wind, then catabatic in about 3
hours - TJ | Woodside Report - mixed bag all day. Some sun, some rain, lots of wind but it got flyable later in the day when launch cleared. Alex (my son) and I started moving rocks with the customized S-10 after we got it running. We installed a hydraulic hoist and cut off most of the box to swing rocks into the bed. I had no time to fly until the project was finished and then it was dark - Jim NEB says no to Sumas power plant project March 04, 2004 - 1:46 pm By: Treena Wood It's great news for Abbotsford and anyone who wants to take a deep breath in the Fraser Valley. Sumas Energy 2, which wanted to build power lines through Abbotsford for it's massive plant just across the line in Washington State, has been turned down by the National Energy Board. The board decided there wasn't enough benefit for us in the deal, and the negatives like the pollution the plant would generate were way too high. Opponents of the plan are celebrating right now outside the hotel in Abbotsford where the announcement was made. The NEB's decision still has to be reviewed by the federal government. /1000' (stable) 1600 ft.
Rain all day.
| /1000' (very unstable) 5300 ft.
Woodside Gloat Report - I`m sure you will recieve posts from anyone that flew there today.
I`ll let the others give you the sh** eating grin reason why it was sweet.
Inversion at about 1050 m ,but the ones who launched earlier broke through and got really high.
5.3 m/s up and 3.8 m/s down but pretty damn fine !!!!!
Top landed and drove down after about an hour and twenty mins - Thomm (The more people I meet the more I like my dog!)
| Woodside Gloat Report II - Ian J had the same grin, reporting 2100 meter altitude and getting very cold. Alex R said he was up for 1.5+ hours tandem and it was rough at times but nice. Bev reported being depressed at her job at Harrison School watching pilots above launch! Plane Crash Report - it was reported that the plane that crashed on Sunday was piloted by Toni Onley, famous BC Artist. The plane was a Lake Amphibian and on Sunday when we were working on the deck we saw a Lake Amphibian fly right over Eagle Ranch at 200 feet heading west around 11:00 am. Could have been the same plane as there aren't that many of this model flying around here. ![]() The strong Fraser River currents have created big problems for crews looking for the body of artist Toni Onley. Divers are concerned Onley's body has been swept down the river and they're temporarily calling the search off. The RCMP says there's nothing more the dive team can do. There's no indication there's a body to be found near the site of the wreckage and Corporal Rhonda Stoner tells News 1130 there's a chance they may not find Onley for some time. They've contacted his family to let them know. Stoner says they have to come up with a new strategy. The plan is to consult subject matter experts to determine what they do next pertaining to a search of the river and where they conduct it. /1000' (very unstable) 5300 ft.
Woodside Report - bum call today! It blew hard all day in the Eagle Ranch LZ from the North. We did go up the mountain around 3:30 pm but it was coming over the back so we drove down. I saw a vehicle at the bottom of Sumas on the way out but saw no gliders in the air but Sumas might have been flyable in the North winds.
| Hemlock Valley FLY-IN 2004 - March 13-14 and March 20-21 (rain date), Hemlock Valley Resort. Andy has been approached by the Mountain Management to put together a FLY-IN during the Spring Break. This used to be a tradition when Thomas Hasek lived up at Hemlock but we missed a few years due to weather and conflicting events. If you are interested in attending this event please email us at FlyBC E-Mail, to ensure we have enough prizes. Hanggliders, Paragliders and all invited to fly and party on the mountain! This is a great outflow site and if it isn't flyable on Hemlock we can be at Woodside in 25 minutes. Chains required on vehicles, so car pooling is a great idea. HPAC Insurance Mandatory and available at the event, bring cheques, no cash accepted (cause I will spend it). /1000' (unstable) 3140 ft.
Woodside Report - after I posted Sumas as the possible site to fly, I drove to Chilliwack for some lumber and I could see the east winds never materialized. It was actually getting sunny by 10:30 am. I returned to the Ranch to start working on the deck and by 1:00 pm pilots started showing up after writing the ham exam.
| Jeffrey, Kirril, Bob, Garry, Rob S, Gerry L, and many others started falling out of the sky into Eagle Ranch, Gerry had a 20 minute soaring flight but Rob claimed top honours by scratching out 40 minutes landing at Riverside. Not an epic day but lots of flights. No reports from Sumas. Plane Crash In Fraser River February 29, 2004 - 1:57 pm By: Reaon Ford/Maria Weisgarber Rescue crews are still searching for a 75 year old pilot who crashed into the Fraser River yesterday. Witnesses say a small, cessna-type aircraft crashed into the water between Maple Ridge and Mission. There is no idea on what caused the crash - News1130 Search for downed plane in Fraser River called off MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. (CP) - After hours of searching the depths of the Fraser River Sunday, Coast Guard divers gave up their search for the pilot of a plane which crashed in the river earlier in the day. "There was no hope of survivors," said Capt. James Pierotti of the Coast Guard. Pierotti said a Canadian Forces helicopter spotted oil from the plane and directed divers from a Coast Guard hovercraft where to search. "They found pieces but they couldn't find the actual wreckage itself," he said. "They searched for four to five hours. There was no hope of anyone surviving down on the bottom that long." Coast Guard spokesman Corp. Wayne Kennedy said a lone male was in the plane according to reports from Delta Heritage Park where the plane took off. |
February 2004 Site of the Day archives some local flights extended to an hour with vigourous scratching above the trees. Good paramotor month.
January 2004 Site of the Day archives Mexican road trip yielded 20 hours of flight and a wet Canadian January kept most local pilots on the ground.
December 2003 Site of the Day archives we flew a few times but it got really cold at the end of the month as we prepared for a gala New Year's Party for 40 of our close personal friends and neighbours.
November 2003 Site of the Day archives windy and wet with the odd good soaring day, not many pilots out these days.
October 2003 Site of the Day archives Women's Fly In was great fun, some good soaring days mid-month, most of the students are signed off.
September 2003 Site of the Day archives good conditions until the last days of the month when it got stable. Most days were flyable at Woodside or Bridal.
August 2003 Site of the Day archives Forest closures made the end of the month a non-flying period unless you headed to Blanchard. FlyBC SIV 2003 was a great success with 9 stunt pilots and no deployments or crashes.
July 2003 Site of the Day archives we flew most days early at Woodside until it got windy, then over to Bridal. Good Golden flying reports from the "Willi".
June 2003 Site of the Day archives we flew most weekdays at Bridal, Woodside worked most weekends. Bridal Air Races had one great day with only two tree landings!
May 2003 Site of the Day archives not a great weather month on the coast, especially on the weekends but a few pilots managed to get some great airtime at Bridal. The Nationals were held in Lumby and it didn't rain!
April 2003 Site of the Day archives rain for 28 of 30 April days, but we managed to get a few flights in between showers. Even the golfers were complaining!
March 2003 Site of the Day archives some high spring flights in early March, but not a great weather month. Still no HPAC Insurance!
February 2003 Site of the Day archives some nice long spring flights in late February. HPAC Insurance expired on Feb 14, so many pilots stayed home instead of getting USHGA coverage.
January 2003 Site of the Day archives lots of rain all month in BC so we bailed and headed to Tapalpa Mexico for three weeks. Norm and Lucille had a great XC flight the first day we arrived.
December 2002 Site of the Day archives lots of rain all month.
November 2002 Site of the Day archives not a great flying month, lots of rain in the beginning and then super stable and inverted for the balance of the month. Even the Savona Road Trip wasn't that great. Looking forward to Mexico!
October 2002 Site of the Day archives Still soarable some days, great fun at the Women's Fly In 2002 in Chelan. Allan logged 15 hours and only flew a few days. Most of the students are ready for signoff soon to get ready for Mexico trips!
September 2002 Site of the Day archives Still soarable most everyday! Some scary incidents at Woodside. Fun flying at Ashcroft.
August 2002 Site of the Day archives More spring-like days with super lapse rates, great fun up-country at Revelstoke and Mara, with some good XCs for all.
July 2002 Site of the Day archives Some spring-like days with super lapse rates, but still rather wet at times.
June 2002 Site of the Day archives another rainy and windy month with great lapse rates, some great flights at Bridal with some getting above Cheam Peak. The Club Cup was nearly rained out but they got one valid task in on Sunday June 30.
May 2002 Site of the Day archives an extremely rainy month with the more spring mayhem, another reserve deployment at Lil Nick and a pilot crashed at the top of Deroche Mountain, uninjured but with a ripped glider and long hike down the mountain. Colleen placed 5th place at the Canadian PG Nationals in rainy Lumby!
April 2002 Site of the Day archives a rainy month with the usual spring mayhem, one reserve deployment at Woodside and a pilot hit a parked car at Bridal LZ, fracturing his leg.
March 2002 Site of the Day archives a few great days days with lots of snow and rain mixed in.
February 2002 Site of the Day archives two epic days already (4.5 hours and 2.5 hours!).
January 2002 Site of the Day archives Mexico vacation shots, some local flying but it was wet on the coast.
December 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, wettest December on record, some good days sprinkled thru the month.
November 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, had some good days at Woodside +2 hours, lots of rain later in the month.
October 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, but great flying at Chelan at the Women's Fly In.
September 2001 Site of the Day archives starting to get pretty stable, more sled rides forecast for October.
Aug 2001 Site of the Day archives Mara, Bridal, till some great flights locally
July 2001 Site of the Day archives Road Trip Month, Golden, Mara, points east!
June 2001 Site of the Day archives Great Month, 3 hours of airtime for some pilots every time they flew Bridal Lower! Some getting up to 6 hours in a single flight!
May 2001 Site of the Day archives Unstable Month, 2-3 hours of airtime for some pilots every time they flew Bridal Lower!
April 2001 Site of the Day archives Rainy Month, not as much airtime for some pilots
March 2001 Site of the Day archives Spring has Sprung!
February 2001 Site of the Day archives Spring is in the Air!
January 2001 Site of the Day archives - Mexico Flying Trip
December 2000 Site of the Day archives
November 2000 Site of the Day archives (great month for airtime!)
October 2000 Site of the Day archives
September 2000 Site of the Day archives
July - August 2000 Site of the Day archives
June 2000 Site of the Day archives
March - May 2000 Site of the Day archives
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