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@ 3000' in knots |
Rate °C/1000' Cloud Base in Meters |
6-30-16 |
![]() Agassiz BC Sunny. High 26C. Winds SW at 10 to 15 km/h. 1100 metres Amazingly good launch conditions right up til 1 pm, when it exceeded 20 kph. We got three student rounds in by then and Paul got his first two solos in and got to soar on both flights on the EONA L. He climbed to 1000 metres on both flights out by the Constructon Zone. Paul works for the Armed Forces in the Abbotsford Airport and the highlight of his day was seeing one of his SeaKing choppers fly past him as he soared at Woodside . . . wonder if they saw him?
We did indoor ground school sessions and exam se=riting for the balance of the day before sending everyone home. 6-29-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Sunny. High 26C. Winds SW at 10 to 15 km/h. 1100 metres The first two flights went well with new students Carlos & James up for their first solos after a long day at Mission yesterday. They were quite scared but did a great job on both flights with perfect launches, approaches and landings (the FlyBC System works well for new pilots). On the third round it was getting windy and Frejya launched first and got above the South Knoll quite fast.
We went down as it was too windy for third flights for the new guys, and retrieved Frejya before heading to Harvest Market and a tour of the different LZs in the area as we are scouting out new landing areas as the Harvest Market LZ is being planted in hops soon. The rest of the day was spent kiting and indood briefings for the students. 6-28-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Sunny. High 27C. Winds light and variable. 1100 metres We got three student rounds in before noon, and they all did great! Alex climbed to over 1000 metres on the EONA S over the highway and stayed up for 45 minutes. Only one student failed to make the Ranch as he tried to thermal but kept 360-ing instead of Figure-8s in the wind and got too low. Another $20 for Burt's retirement fund! I helped Denis & Kevin launch their tandems before getting Remy ready for a tandem. Thanks to Martin N for the ballasting and the driving too! Sure enough, as I got in the air with Remy on the new SwiftMax tandem we had some slow forward speeds. Kevin had been in the air for a few minutes and climbed out high over launch and was soaring the South Knoll with Abel on tandem when he headed downwind towards Harvest Market. Remy & I soared for some time before we headed east too at around 900 metres, and it didn't feel that fast on the downwind (no GPS). We tried soaring Cemetary Hill but kept blowing back even with some open trims, so we headed out to the LZ. Kevin had landed mid-field but we were able to penetrate up to the road despite our light loading (Remy is only 70 pounds). After we got picked up we headed to Mission with all the students and had a great round of kiting in strong winds. Some tree incidents but overall a good session til 6 pm getting the new students ready for high flights, and tuning up the students with multiple high flights but some bad habits to work out. Bad news from the owner of Harvest Market: He is planting hops soon to feed the Brew Industry so we will have to locate another field soon. Pass on the word to your XC buddies. 6-26-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Sunny. High 27C. Winds light and variable. 1100 metres New student Aaron was ready to fly after 3 hours and he did well with two high flights and hours of reverse kiting at the end of the day in Mission. We only got two flights in today as it blew out around 3 pm, but it was still good for Paul & Ali who got signed off last spring and have just returned from France where they flew Dune de Pila. Martin, Derek & Alan flew Bridal and had amazingly nice flights for over 2 hours later in the day after some serious weedwhacking on launch, thanks guys! 6-26-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Sunny. High 27C. Winds light and variable. 1100 metres The forecasted outflow was very light and we saw others flying in smooth air earlier so we headed up. Another very busy day with 9 students and 8 tandems, so we were hopping just to get all these folks to launch, let alone getting then into the air smoothly. At the end of the day we had done 4 student rounds and 4 tandem rounds. Thanks to Denis & Tonya for the tandem help. Many happy students at the end of the day! We flew til 7 pm and the conditions were perfect for light soaring and smooth landings for all. ![]() Pemby Report - as it gets stable in the Fraser Valley (good for students), Pemby had cloudbases at 3000 metres and folks flying every direction. One notable flight from Tom M had him fly past Whistler to Black Tusk near Garibaldi and back to Pemby! 6-25-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy this afternoon. High 21C. Winds light and variable. 1100 metres We had one set of student flights before noon, and Denis & Colleen flew a set of tandems and Colleen climbed out on the new Ozone SwiftMax tandem with a hefty passenger. Nice climbs and great glide were noticed immediately.
We kited until 4 pm, and then went back up the mountain for a third student flight round and it was a bit breezy but easily launchable, and again Frejya soared on the EONA S. This girl likes to soar! Last flight was after 7 pm, and as forecasted by CanadaRASP it was windier for the last launchers peaking at +20 kph. Colleen launched to test the air and went up to 1000 metres. Followed then by Mark & Frejya who also went straight up. Colleen was almost out to the Ranch when she caught a climb back to 800 metres and back to launch, and then it took her over an hour to land with big-ears & speedbar and lots of maneuvering. Mark and Frejya missed the turbulent layer Colleen experienced, described as a shear layer between 200 & 300 metres with north winds. Fortunately I had not launched Ayez & Macek yet, but only because Ayez kept duffing his launches despite kiting all day. Something about being on Launch seems to negate all previous kiting knowledge and the brain goes soft. Good thing in this case as they ould have been in the air for over an hour in somewhat bumpy conditions. A good day with four high flights for the students, and three hours of kiting practice. Mark is close to signoff now and he needs to write his P-2 exam, so he can go fly with Max & Tobias. 6-24-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Showers. High 17. UV index 3 or moderate. 400 metres 6-22-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Showers. Risk of thunderstorms late this afternoon. Local amount 10 to 15 mm. High 17. UV index 3 or moderate. 400 metres We did have a good weather window around 3 pm, with light winds and an open launch free of clouds, so I called Derek but he was in Vancouver so no one to play with. Disappointing as my new SwiftMax tandem arrived on DHL, and Remy was "jonesing" for another flight. But then it started raining so we would have had a short flight anyway into a wet LZ. 6-22-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC A mix of clouds and sun. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 23C. Winds light and variable. 800 metres New students included Frejya, Dylan and Remy (8 years old) and they all had many flights down the training hill. Some tree action from the more experienced students as they wandered off course on takeoff. After 3 hours at Mission everyone was ready to fly, but when we got back to Woodside it was windy in the Valley, and Harrison Bay was frothed up. Wiley launched and went straight up and it wasn't too bumpy but he flew straight out as he had to work at 4 pm. Later flights by Josh & Tommy proved that it was way too strong and turbulent for students as they pounded into the Ranch LZ while we were kiting. We had a 2-3 hour reverse kiting session in the LZ and by 530 pm it had calmed down and we headed up the hill with Derek to get Dylan a tandem flight, while Frejya got her first solo flight. DJ, Gary, Mark all flew too with great reverse launches and some light lift. We went back up for a last flight at 6:30 pm, and it was stronger on launch and Derek launched solo and started ridge soaring. Freyja launched next with another perfect forward launch and was soon soaring too about 100 metres over launch, soon to be joined by all the others.
![]() Bridal Report - Claudia & Kevin flew all alone at Bridal and logged 2-3 hours in nice conditions, despite the cloudy skies. 6-21-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC A few showers ending early this morning then cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers. High 20. UV index 5 or moderate. 800 metres But by 9 am the forecast had changed for Woodside, and CanadaRASP said windy after noon and calming again after 2 pm, so we stayed and flew Woodside at 10 am and again at 11 am, but it was getting pretty windy by noon, so we did some ground handling and reverse launch sessions. New student Frejya arrived at that time and right from the start she had great launch skills and no fear. After 2 pm it did calm down and we headed back up with Jim, Alex, Mark, Eric (now at 25 flights) and Gary and they all got to reverse launch in 20 kph winds. Oddly, no ridge lift yet just some punchy thermals at the Construction Zone. We repeated again at 4:30 pm and this time Jim showed us how to thermal which is not bad as he has only 6 flights! He caught a climb out front and rode it to cloudbase or about 800 metres all by himself.
All the students got one more flight too for a total of 5 flights today. When we checked the Kamloops/Merritt weather at 4 pm there was SW winds of 35 gusting to 45 kph so a roadtrip would have been a waste of gas to Savona, good thing we stayed home as we flew all day and no precip. 6-20-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Partly cloudy skies this morning will become overcast during the afternoon. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 24C. Winds light and variable. 1400 metres I flew off twice with Remy to check the air and it was very smooth and inverted, not even a bump over the ridgeline. Light winds to tailwinds for part of the day, and only one student got denied his third flight at the end of the day. Remy (8 years old) now wants to fly solo off Woodside as he thinks he is ready after 5 tandems. 6-19-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Sun and clouds mixed. High 21C. Winds light and variable. 800 metres We had 9 students, all brand new except for kiting in the rain yesterday, and they did an amazing job on the training hill for 3 hours. Uncounted numbers of flights there as they got themselves ready and pounded off flight after flight! They were all ready to fly Woodside so we headed back to the Ranch. There was North wind in the LZ here, but launch had inflow cycles and we had some wind techs waiting at the Ranch that came up with us. Perfect launch cycles for first flights and the first student off was Stephen (18 flights) and he found the magic outflow thermal over Duncan's farm, and he was up for 45 minutes doing the approach over the Ranch. Not rough, just lifty everywhere. The second student was Carl and he too hit the magic thermal. The rest of the flights were extended sledders but everyone did very well for their first flights. The cycles got a bit lame so there was a lot of waiting between flights on the second round.
A few experienced pilots flew after our second round and headed towards Agassiz where one of the landings was called in to Search & Rescue as a downed pilot and there was some SAR activity (I assume it was a spiral landing). ![]() 6-18-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Cloudy with showers. High 13C. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 60%. 400 metres We were full on kiting and the guys were just getting good when the rain came down hard and we ended up with seven wet wings whicch are all now hanging in the Barn drying. It was a early end to the day but we got the Ground School done, kiting checked off the list and now maybe some training hill work in Mission before they are all ready to fly Woodside. 6-17-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Plentiful sunshine. High 23C. Winds light and variable. 1500 metres We got to the top at 10 am, and it was blowing in despite all the forecasted outflow? It was actually blowing up at 8 am when I first looked at the telescope. We had Samuel, Erik & Yves and they all did amazing! Samuel started yesterday and thanks go to John for helping him on the training hill, cause he really had some mad launch skills! Erik & Yves were "duking it out" on the last flights today getting above 1100 metres near the South Knoll.
Congratulations to Yves who has now logged 28 flights in 7 days! We have been busy. He also has more than 10 hours cause he loves to soar! ![]() Some folks were flying Benny hoping for a good day, and some didn't like the turbulent air there and landed after some pummeling. Alex however decided to try a Hammer-style route west and he flew over Golden Ears before landing on the east dyke of Pitt Lake.
| ![]() Agassiz BC Sunshine and clouds mixed. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 18C. Winds SW at 10 to 15 km/h. 1500 metres Nice cycles and smooth air on flight #1, and oddly the wind in the Eagle Ranch LZ switched to north on the second flight but the students figured out that approach pretty well. When it blew out as predicted on CanadaRASP, we went back to review the forecasts and they were spot-on. We headed to Mission for training hill exercises until it got lighter in the afternoon and they students got 4-5 runs in, great practice both forward & reverse launching. We got back to the Ranch and assembled two truck loads of students and pilots and it was very nice soaring as Colleen & Annette traded gliders with Annette "jonesing" after Colleen's new Swift4. They both had nice flights but Colleen stayed up much longer ignoring her student landing duties. Yves & Dawson had 1 hour + flights but we couldn't launch DJ and Samuel as it got too strong for even John to launch. It is always a shame to have to drive down, but at least the extra trucks got down without a retrieve.
![]() Reports from Blanchard with altitudes to 5500 feet and a mini-XC flight to the I-5. 6-15-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Considerable cloudiness with occasional rain showers. Thunder possible. High 17C. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 50%. 1500 metres We opted for a Mission session to reaffirm that they had the skills needed to fly off Woodside and they did very well!
Yves has been here for 5 days now and has flown Woodside, Merritt and Savona but it was good for him to do Mission too. Even John T joined us after a long hiatus from flying in Prince George. After 5-6 flights off Mission Hill, they were definitely ready for Woodside. Colleen, Annette, John, Derek and Martin N were along to test the air for the students and everyone got high around 5 pm. After Colleen got on the ground and reported good landing conditions I launched Dawson first and he went up everywhere on the EONA M (loving these new SupAir wings!).
| ![]() Agassiz BC Thunderstorms likely. High 14C. Winds SW at 10 to 15 km/h. Chance of rain 80%. Temperature steady near 12. 1500 metres We actually got a window around 11 am, so we headed up to Woodside Launch and were offered up nice launch conditions and lots of cloud suck for them to practice "big ears and speed bar". I encouraged them to get down below the clouds as it look like rain to the SW, and sure enough on the drive down it started raining heavily on the mountain but not much in the valley. Only Yves got his wing wet, but we did lay out all the wings to make sure they were dry for travel. Congratulations to both Doug & Matt for achieving the P-2 in a week of flying, lots of travel miles and hard work but they are leaving confident and they are flying very well! ![]() Drone Warning over Bridal Falls - a commercial film company is doing a drone shoot near Bridal Falls but they expect to be finished by 3 pm on June 15th. Watch out for them if you plan to fly earlier. 6-13-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Cloudy. Rain beginning this morning and ending this afternoon then 40 percent chance of showers late this afternoon. Amount 10 to 20 mm. Becoming windy this afternoon. Temperature steady near 12. 700 metres Congratulations to Doug & Matt who have achieved P-2 status in 7 days of hard flying & driving. They both passed their P-2 tests with high 80's marks, as they should as they are military pilots! Yves was out kiting the EONA L after the rain passed, and after I had replaced the A-lines and risers up in the sail loft. It almost looked flyable a few times but the area around us had black thunderclouds and it looked ominous, better safe than sorry! 6-12-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC un and clouds mixed. High 19C. Winds light and variable. 1000 metres First flights were already lifty and third flight student Peter found a nice Construction Zone thermal and he rode it to 1000 metres where I left him flying on his own for 40 minutes while I launched the others. These new SupAir EONA gliders are amazingly stable EN-A ships but they thermal really well. We had a vist from Yassen Savov, who is here to work with Northshore PG at Grouse and he was doing his tandem checkouts today and he took Peter & Bev for a fun tandem ride (both looked green after the acro!). Yassen is an Ozone Team Pilot and an active PWC Competitor who has been the Europena Champion.
By the end of the day our students had 5 flights and many hours of airtime.
| ![]() Agassiz BC Agassiz: Cloudy. Showers beginning early this morning. High 15. UV index 3 or moderate. Merritt: Increasing cloudiness. 30 percent chance of showers this afternoon. Wind becoming southwest 20 km/h this afternoon. High 17. UV index 5 or moderate. 1700 metres We headed straight up Sugarloaf Mtn. to find nicely launchable winds and got everyone ready to fly. We had Doug, Matt, Yves, Ben, Jackson & Jamie along today and they all got ready fast. We launched Ben first and then Matt and they had nice uneventful flights down to the hay field LZ, and then after that everyone that launched was going up fast under the cloudy sky. They were all able to penetrate well, except Jamie who was perhaps on the light side on the SupAir EONA S, and he was going backwards at times. No problem as we have many fields downwind of the intended LZ. It was a good time for the pilots to practice big-ears as the cloud suck at times was quite strong, but they were a long way from enveloping anyone.
Launch actually got calm while I was guiding them so it was all valley winds. I checked the Kamloops weather as it looked more promising there for multiple flights at Savona. The forecast was for SW 20-25 kph so the Toilet Bowl should work. We arrived to find a large contingent on the Dump Ridge where it was blowing 30 kph from the NE. A group was here from Squamish, Ryan & Brian were here from Surrey with their motors and some others from the Okanogan. The speed wings were trying to stay up but the winds were too light and the speedwings too small.
Everyone had a good time, great launches even in the stronger winds, and most students were able to fly and top land with some coaching. Most pilots got 4-5 flights to add to the one Merritt flight, so it was a very productive day. Now if anyone can tell me why it was blowing SW at 30 kph in Cache Creek and 30 kph the opposite direction in Savona, I would be quite interested! 6-10-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Agassiz: Rain early...then remaining cloudy with showers in the afternoon. Thunder possible. High 17C. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 90%. Merritt: Considerable clouds this morning. Some decrease in clouds later in the day. High 18C. Winds SSW at 15 to 25 km/h. 500 metres We did indoor ground school prep til noon, and then it opened up for kiting sessions in the Ranch LZ and the winds were +20 kph from the East and very smooth. Some of the crew were from last summer sessions and remembered their lessons well, and the newer guys that had never touched a wing were kiting reverse within 30 minutes like pros!
Nice conditions for first solos after Doug & Matt got to thermal a bit as they were the wind techs today. Six pilots flew and had perfect approaches and landings. A very productive day all around despite the forecasts, and no driving. 6-9-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Merritt: Mainly sunny to start, then a few afternoon clouds. High 21C. Winds SW at 10 to 15 km/h. 3000 metres We arrived to strongish +20 kph SW winds on top, but the crew here is good with higher wind launches. We had Brian (signed off wind tech), Doug, Matt & Erik here today all flying nicely loaded up gear and they all flew off with nice reverse launches. Brian found the best line on his SupAir EIKO glider and caught a nice climb out front. We had the others do some ridge soaring before heading out to the big hay fields below, where they were parked on final. Much stronger in the valley but very laminar.
I checked Kamloops and it was 14 kph SW there so we headed to Savona on Hwy 5. We arrived in Savona to find +20 kph NE winds and we got to the Dump Ridge and had an awesome session with 3-4 flights each with Doug and Brian top-landing a few times. We had a bald eagle come in and show us how to ridge soar, and I know it was showing off for us as it hung out for 10 minutes showing us the lift band and best climbs.
His downwind landing did not scare the +30 Big Horn Sheep that gathered below to watch us fly.
| ![]() Agassiz BC Partly cloudy this morning. Increasing clouds with periods of showers this afternoon. High near 20C. Winds SW at 10 to 15 km/h. Chance of rain 40%. 1000 metres The second flight at 10:30 am still had relatively light cycles for Matt who launched first this time, and he arrived with good height too. By the time Doug launched it was windier and just soarable around launch, but it was getting turbulent in spots and Doug had only enough height to come into the aircraft approach and land.
The boys are making good progress with excellent forward & reverse launch skills checked off the list of requirements and it is only Day Two. 6-7-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Plenty of sunshine. High 27C. Winds W at 10 to 15 km/h. 1000 metres We kited in the Eagle Ranch LZ til after noon, when Denis & I did a tandem. Thanks to Linda for driving today! Denis got a nice climb at the South Knoll but it was thermic rather than the forecasted SW winds, and we were climbing there too but lost the thermal and I headed north to the Bowl to find some lift. The thermals were not well formed as it is still inverted and hazy, but we maintained and got some altitude gains but the push out was slow as I had the light passenger of the two. I was at good altitude over the highway but got parked and was going backwards at times near the goal post trees so I turned back to the HG LZ to land. It was gust and strong on the ground, the lower valley layer was the only wind that got the right forecast. Denis came in behind me but opted to keep going with open trims and he just cleared Chimp Creek, through the goal post tree rotor, and landed just inside the field boundaries. It clearly was too strong for students so we went to Mission Heritage Park for the afternoon and Linda joined Pat, Doug & Matt and they were all doing laps with some good thermal pops to extend their flights. At 6 pm we headed back to the Ranch and Linda launched first on a used Mojo3 we just took on trade, Doug was flying the Advance Epsilon we sourced for him and Matt was flying the NK1 we have in stock as the EONA is being re-lined this week with new A's. They all had great launches, with 10-15 kph SW wind, except the wind dropped to nothing for Matt so he had to do a no-winder for his first solo flight. Great flying and landing conditions for the first solos! Reports from Lumby say conditions have improved with Martin reporting climbs to +2500 metres and Bill G ended up near Mabel Lake somewhere, 6-6-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Mostly sunny. High 28C. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 km/h. 1000 metres Steve B is here for Day Two of an Intro Course and already up to 4 high flights and using speed bar and other fun tricks. Dennie & Degas worked on the training hill with everyone until 11 am and then we went up the hill with Steve B, Mark and Samuel A (back from his Iceland Adventures). Light to no wind on launch despite the RASPs all saying +14 knots by now? A very defined inversion line was showing out towards Bridal.
Rumours have surfaced that we use old gear for training . . . from the Island apparently. I guess they don't follow this page and see all the students flying 2016 EONA models and doing very well on the new technology. Steve got a bit low and had to come in behind the goal post trees and just made our field, the valley winds had picked up but just a layer about 100 metres off the deck so it was not affecting the kiting at the training hill, only the pilots flying in. Good lesson on wind gradients. We loaded everyone up and headed to Mission Heritage Park and I ran some errands while Degas & Dennie had the student pilots doing laps. Steve has skills, as I witnessed him reverse inflate the EONA S and sprint forward with enough energy to clear the 8 foot high apple tree that many run into! I saw him do this twice, and Dennie tried it too. Apparently everyone got 8-9 flights off the Hill, and they were making it across the flats almost to the picnic sheds. We headed back to the Ranch at 6 pm, and headed up the hill for a last flight for Steve and a tandem for Dennie & Linda.
| ![]() Agassiz BC Plentiful sunshine. High 32C. Winds light and variable. 1000 metres Latest student additions Steve B from the Yukon arrived at 9 sharp and I took him out to our training hill and he was another natural. After showing him one inflation, he started knocking off one after another perfect launch with precise timing and he was getting his feet in the air everytime. After 30 minutes we had him packed up and in the Van for his first flight. We had five students in total today, and they all logged four flights with a bit of thermalling (it was very stable and not leeside at all). I had one tandem at 3 pm and it was an extended sledder. Then at 5 pm we started the first group of four tandems with Colleen taking 265 lb Serge and they were soaring and getting up high. Kevin took 90 lb Taylor and they also soared high, good thing it wasn't windy with that light a load. They flew for an hour as the students got their last flight in today ending at 6 pm. Kevin and I took the last two tandems with perfect launch conditions, and I had to "cut in" on Alexandre and Andrei as the were trying to get Alexandre back in the air after a one year hiatus. After launch we found the air less than ideal as we caught a few bubbles near launch but plummeted down fast to a nice soft landing at the old ProCircle near the firepit. Kevin barely had enough altitude to do an approach at the main circle. One hour was all it took to change the air that much, the students did not miss anything stopping early! 6-4-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Plentiful sunshine. High 32C. Winds light and variable. 1000 metres Somehow we ended up with 9 students, with 3 of them that had only ground handled with Max & Tobias here at the Ranch on Friday, but they did well and got 2 flights later in the day. Meanwhile the other students logged four quality flights with some soaring too! Hunter is progressing well as is Mark & Kate from the UK. 6-3-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC A mix of clouds and sun. High around 25C. Winds light and variable. 1000 metres We must have had a good day as we got two new pilots that arrived today from the UK a bunch of flights. Kate & Mark are here for their honeymoon staying at Mt. Woodside B&B. I was driving up around 5 pm and the students exclaimed that this was their fifth flight today, and it was not a bit stressful for me! Mark got his thermalling wish today on flight #4 as he found a nice thermal over the clearcuts partway down and he rode them way above launch, very smooth. Hunter is here for Day Three and he mastered ridge soaring on the EONA L, staying aloft for over an hour while more experienced pilots "dirted".
| ![]() Agassiz BC Chance of a morning shower. Cloudy early with peeks of sunshine expected late. High 18C. Winds SW at 10 to 15 km/h. 700 metres We did do some new student briefings later in the day for a new couple learning to fly from the UK. Max & Tobias were out checking out Tobias new Swift 4 and they are flying here locally for a few weeks. 6-1-16
| ![]() Agassiz BC Mostly cloudy skies. High 21C. Winds light and variable. 1000 metres Max & Tobias were flying early with Tobias trying out Dereks Swift 4 and my harness. Max made it to the Ranch today! We had Hunter & Dooley working on ground handling til noon with Degas, while I worked with John on his new Blackhawk 220 paramotor. John logged his first two solos on the motor taking off and landing with good style and no drama! He burned about 10 litres of fuel getting used to the paramotor. We then went up the mountain to fly the guys off before it got too windy, and they all got in a nice flight with some windy turbulence in the LZ due to the front coming in. John mastered the landing flare now on the smaller 28 metre wing, after flying the BDG Dual tandem a few times. Late tandems today at 6 pm, got cancelled at the last minute as the rains came in faster than expected. |
1253 Kilby Road, Harrison Mills, BC V0M 1L0 Cell: 604-618-5467 Skype: flybcpg E-Mail: FlyBC E-Mail |