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Date | Site | Forecast | Precip. | Winds Aloft 3000 ft. | Lapse Rate | Comments | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
August 1 | Whidbey Island | Windy at times. High 24°C. | 20% POP | 270° at 11 knots | -3.0°/1000' (unstable stable lapse rate) |
Marie Claude (M.C.) Dumont was named the FlyBC Rookie of the Year 2001 at the Eagle Ranch Grand Opening. She really earned the title and received a new Charlie Insider helmet for the award! FlyBC's Paragliding School is back bigger and better in 2002!, go to FlyBC's Eagle Ranch Page for more aerial shots taken by Colleen on Sunday Feb 10, 2002. July 31
| Bridal
| Sunny. Windy at times. High 24°C.
| 20% POP
| light and variable
| -3.0°/1000' | (unstable stable lapse rate)
Bridal Report - Colleen and I drove past at 3:00 pm, and there was the usual assembly of pilots waiting for rides up the mountain to Brial Lower Launch. One pilot soaring on a blue glider withtons of CUs waiting to be chased. Even better looking CUs were witnessed through the Coquihalla Valley as we drove down . . . it is just a matter of time before someone "busts a move" up the #5 - Jim
| Norm's Bridal Report - Norm logged 3.5 hours at Bridal getting to Elk Mountain and various other spots on the south side of the valley. Much better than getting soggy sledders in Golden! July 30
| Mara
| Sunny. High 27°C.
| 30% POP
| light and variable
| -3.0°/1000' | (unstable stable lapse rate)
Mara Report - we drove through rain and hail to get to sunny Okanogan skies. But as we assembled to go up the mountain it overdeveloped and started to rain as we repaired a blown tire on Charles Warren's rental truck. We waited at launch for some time before driving down. Then the skies re-opened and we headed up. I launched first into light cycles and managed to maintain over the first clearcut for a while, then over to the creek where there was no lift but had about a 25-30 minute flight (no vario). | The UP Summit flies very nicely in light lift, very efficient turns and quick to do a 180 when needed when you fall out of lift. All in all 5 of us flew and Colleen, Lewis (Ontario Pilot) and Norm drove down cause it turned tail on them :-( - Jim Golden Report - we left early as Mike and Barb Spencer flew in from a sled ride between wind and rain, but they flew. Later reports from Ted said it rained all day, so we made the right call in heading to Mara. July 29
| Golden
| Cloudy, rainy. High 23°C.
| 40% POP
| 270° at 12 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (stable stable lapse rate)
Golden Report - strong winds and overcast conditions kept most on the ground until 5:30 pm, when everyone launched and about 25 gliders came into the LZ, with Chris Muller giving a great acro show on his Trango. SATS galore with a few loops before spiralling into landing. Colleen stayed up until everyone landed. Jerry D and Scott from Golden flew to just past Columbia Valley Lodge for 15 kms.
| July 28
| Golden
| Cloudy. High 23°C.
| 40% POP
| 270° at 8 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (stable stable lapse rate)
Golden Report - better flying today with Colleen & Andy getting 3 flights and I flew one last flight when the thermals started to crack off and I was on my way to Mt. Seven when a beautiful rainbow started to form around me cause it started to rain lightly. I was flying Colleen's Simba and I was concerned that it might not fly too well with my weight and being wet so I headed out to Nicholson. Mark F and Bob G hung in there and made it to Parson (25 kms).
| July 27
| Golden, 'cause the weekend looks blown out for the Fraser Valley
| Sunny. High 23°C.
| 0% POP
| 270° at 15 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (stable stable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - Search and Rescue was called out for a tree rescue in Riverside LZ, as a female pilot flying with a "private company that wanted to remain unidentified" was hanging in a 70 foot tree. She was uninjured but the "private company" was so embarrased that they wouldn't give out their names (It was not FlyBC Paragliding involved in this incident as we were up in Golden) . Perhaps a donation to the Search and Rescue fund is appropriate as they helped get the wing out of the tree - in Seattle this service costs $500 USD from a local forestry worker.
| Golden Report - Colleen and I called the weekend and headed to Golden with one student for more high flights as the weather looked ominous in the Valley. I flew one flight mid-day Saturday and it was windy from the north and had some interesting collapses while thermalling near the "bumps" which prompted others to not fly until much later. Colleen and Andy didn't fly that day as the wind didn't quit. Pembie Report - it blew hard all Saturday, from many directions according to many reports. July 26
| Golden, 'cause the weekend looks blown out for the Fraser Valley
| Sunny. High 23°C.
| 0% POP
| 270° at 11 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (stable stable lapse rate)
Goldmember Review - Colleen and I drove to Golden on Friday after working in the morning and arrived in Salmon Arm in time to see Goldmember - Austin Power's third installment. It looked too windy to fly as we went through the interior anyway.
| As usual, Mike Meyer's created a wacky cast and improbable time travel sequence into 1975 in a pimp-mobile. 4 stars out of 5, but Austin doesn't get lucky? New characters and a lot of fun, many cameos from famous actors and new costumes for the upcoming Austin Power's party scheduled for September 14th. More to come on the party, stay tuned! July 25
| Golden, 'cause the weekend looks blown out for the Fraser Valley
| Sunny. High 23°C.
| 0% POP
| 270° at 11 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (stable stable lapse rate)
| Marie Claude (M.C.) Dumont was named the FlyBC Rookie of the Year 2001 at the Eagle Ranch Grand Opening. She really earned the title and received a new Charlie Insider helmet for the award! FlyBC's Paragliding School is back bigger and better in 2002!, go to FlyBC's Eagle Ranch Page for more aerial shots taken by Colleen on Sunday Feb 10, 2002. July 25
| Bridal, Golden after this cause the weekend looks blown out for the Fraser Valley
| Sunny. High 27°C.
| 0% POP
| 270° at 11 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (stable stable lapse rate)
Bridal Report - we watched a few pilots fly in really strong south winds get blown back into the swamp, so we bailed and did dome mowing at Eagle Ranch, see you in Golden - Jim
| July 24
| Bridal
| Sunny. High 30°C.
| 0% POP
| 290° at 12 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (stable stable lapse rate)
Bridal Report - Ian J and Rob P got 1-1.5 hours flying in light lift.
| Golden Report - a few 100+ km flights this week, pilots getting tuned up for the Willi which starts this weekend. July 23
| Bridal
| Sunny. High 34°C. HOT!
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable stable lapse rate)
Grouse Report - Today went up Grouse Mtn in hopes of getting a flight in . . . sunny and hot with a pretty standard lapse rate. Launched around 5:30 after Thomm, Justin on tandem with his Dad, and Glen on tandem and scratched around the rocks for a bit but not much lift and a bit of North to the wind made for ratty air. I think 30 minutes was the most anyone got today, not like yesterday! - Nicole
| July 22
| Bridal
| Sunny. High 34°C. HOT!
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.9°/1000' | (unstable stable lapse rate)
Bridal Report - Allan D reported a stable day, hot, with light east winds at launch and a 25 minute flight. Others didn't get above launch later. | Grouse Report - Up we went at 5 pm. Light cycles, some straight in . . . Launched and several others like rapid fire right after. A little punchy over the cliffs but hooked a couple to get up over launch, got a bit busy so headed to the bottom of the cut and worked some light stuff there till it shut down. Ahhhhhh !!! warm summer nite beers after . . . - Thomm McE. Golden Report - On Monday Chris Muller decided to try and fly to Cochrane from Golden. He launched at 2 pm and landed at 6:30pm between Nakoda Lodge and Morley – 138km. He ran into a stiff east wind just outside of Canmore. July 21
| Sumas looks like the only chance
| Sunny. High 31°C.
| 0% POP
| 060° at 14 knots
| -2.9°/1000' | (unstable stable lapse rate)
| Woodside Report - Barry Bateman said that he never liked flying off the east side of Woodside because it never seemed like true east wind only NE rotor, but who would have thought how bad it could be. For an in depth flight report ask me personally. What I can say is that it was possible to launch on the east side and land at Eagle Ranch! Bridal Report - we waited for the strong east wind to die down at Woodside but it never happened and we had two keen tandem passengers so we headed to Bridal as we heard Ian J was getting ready to launch at Loggers Leap. I took Jen B for her first tandem, a pretty nice flight up to the Saddle to wave at some bikers, then Jen flew the tandem for a while doing some nice thermal turns before we did a few stunts into the LZ. Then back up for another tandem later. Mark F had the best flight climbing up to Cheam, several others followed (Rob S, Nicole, Hamish). Golden Report - Just thought I'd write to thank you for the Tandem course and rating and to tell you about my epic tandem flight. So I got to take the girl of my dreams on a tandem in Golden this weekend. I went from Golden to Invermere in about 4 hours, and probably could have kept going for at least another 50, but you know girls and their small bladders. So on my first "qualified" tandem flight, I equal the Canadian tandem record (>100 kms), it must have been the quality instruction I received from FlyBC ;) - Greg Hemingway July 20
| Bridal/Woodside | FlyBC is at Eagle Ranch today flying students Sunny. High 27°C.
| 0% POP
| 300° at 14 knots
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable stable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - many great flights by beginners and experts, quite thermic mid-day when the students went for lunch. I managed to get two really nice thermal flights tandeming students kids at that time, while Colleen kept having to land to guide students. Many of the students got their first taste of smooth Woodside thermals. About 20 PGs and 8 HGs - Jim
| Martina's Gloat Report - What an awesome flight today! I'm sure glad I had witnesses - I don't think I've ever had a more beautiful launch. Did I mention that I love flying? - Martina Bridal Report - reports on the radio from Bridal indicated smooth conditions up high, with Alan D top-landing to retrieve Keith's vehicle, sounded like about ten pilots at Bridal. Vernon Gloat Report - Jeremy H called on his cell to tell me he had 3 flights yesterday off Baldy (just above King Eddie). First flight was 20 minutes, next flight was just short of 1 hour, then the last flight was 2+ hours and he flew 30 km! Not bad for getting signed off 3 weeks ago (must be the quality instruction he gained at FlyBC!). Fly Safe. Janet Roddan's Honk Kong Report - What a trip, I live a 30 minute bus ride from downtown HK in a small town called Stanely . . . I wake up in the morning in my 5th floor funky little apartment to look out into the blue morning mist of the south China Sea and listen to the chorus of tropical birds who sing loudly in the morning then play in the thermal lifts all day . . . I’ve linked into the paragliding scene here - a 69yr old American expat who is a paraglider pilot & has lived here for 30 years has taken me ‘under his wing'. Saturday we flew from Lantau island - also the home of the world's largest sitting budhha - the one the Chinese destroyed in Tibet was a sleeping buddha - we took off @ 2,000 ft on a jungled hillside and ridge soared for a while and then flew out over the sea and landed on the beach and drank long cold ones from a little beach restaurant . . . life is good in shangrila . . . - Janet July 19
| Bridal/Woodside | FlyBC is at Eagle Ranch today flying students Showers in the morning, Sunny breaks in the PM. High 25°C.
| 40% POP
| 280° at 11 knots
| -2.9°/1000' | (unstable stable lapse rate)
Bridal Report - too much cloud cover and overdevelopment so everyone headed to Woodside after waiting for some time for it to clear.
| Woodside Report - three good flights each for new students Darren and Andy, two in the morning then one last flight after all the experts logged 1.5 - 2 hours soaring up high. Pretty strong lift, Colleen reported climbs in the 5-6 m/s range during a flight in the afternoon. The final flights at 7:30 pm were still lifty, but hands-off smooth into Eagle Ranch. No out-landings today, so no "Bounty Hunters" got free beer money, pity. July 18
| Bridal/Grouse
| Cloudy periods in the morning, Sunny breaks in the PM. High 23°C.
| 20% POP
| 240° at 6 knots
| -2.4°/1000' | (unstable stable lapse rate)
Looked gloomy, no pilots in the air at Woodside at 6:00 pm - Jim
| July 17
| Woodside/Grouse
| Cloudy periods in the morning, Sunny in the PM. High 23°C.
| 60% POP
| 190° at 6 knots
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable stable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - it looked sunny at 7:00 pm when I flew over to Abbotsford but no one was flying, probably because they can't afford the $20 outlanding fee! No other pireps received.
| July 16
| Woodside
| Cloudy periods in the morning, Sunny in the PM. High 27°C.
| 10% POP
| 210° at 6 knots
| -2.8°/1000' | (unstable stable lapse rate)
Bridal Report - I launched in light cycles but was soon soaring in widespread lift with 2 other PG pilots, most got 2 hours, I got 2:06! - Jeremy
| Mara Report - lots of action over Mara Lake this weekend. Carl, Rob S had to throw their reserves at the clinic due to cravattes. Jack C decided he wanted to see if his reserve actually worked and threw his for a nice controlled descent into the water. He says he feels much more confident now! July 15
| Woodside/Bridal
| Cloudy periods in the morning, Sunny in the PM. High 25°C.
| 10% POP
| 260° at 7 knots
| -2.1°/1000' | (stable stable lapse rate)
Bridal Report - I took off at 6:50 pm and soon was watching Mark F and Allan D way below me as I climbed out over the Chilliwack Valley and headed east towards Hope. I was having trouble seeing the other two as I made it over Hope . . . but then again I was in a 737-700 climbing thru 22,000 feet! Fly safe!
| Grouse Report - Launched @ around 5 pm in fairly strong cycles west then run it out in a lull. Fairly punchy with Peter up high buzzin everywhere. Easily got up over launch and flew around for a while then had to race to the LZ to be home for the babysitter @ 6.30. Many others flying and looked like tandems got more than one flight too. Ahhhh summer has finally arrived and on vacation for two weeks ... doesn`t get much better than this !! - Thomm Grouse Report #2 - It was a great day for flying at grouse we did a bunch of tandems at grouse and I think there were some solo's out too. I talked to the Helicopter pilot today after I noticed a note in the sign in book about people flying in the Heli area. There have been some people flying (both hang gliders and paragliders) and not respecting the no fly Helicopter area in the past few weeks, including east of the cut. The pilot is not too happy that this has been happening, it leaves him no way out if he has a problem or an emergency. I personally have watched pilots do this and they have most often been team members and not guests. It is a serious thing if the helicopter has a problem and we need to give them their agreed on space. I feel that if a pilot can't or won't respect this they should not fly grouse. I appologize for being a bit heavy but I feel it needs to be clearly addressed. Hope you are all enjoying the summer, Rob Polack July 14
| Woodside/Bridal
| Cloudy periods in the morning, Sunny in the PM. High 25°C.
| 0% POP
| 280° at 9 knots
| -2.2°/1000' | (stable stable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - we arrived at launch at 11:45 am and it was coming in at up to 30 km/hr, toostrong for students so I took them tandem instead. Nice soaring, getting to cloudbase quickly. After 30 minutes I headed out for a long flight into the LZ. Strong conditions reported in Riverside LZ. 1 more tandem and a solo flight convinced us that the students should go home before we headed to Bridal for a flight - Jim
| Bridal Report - arrived at the top at 5:30 pm, and I launched first and headed to the gulleys below Upper Launch and could maintain but not climb well, so I headed back to the Knob and climbed out there, cloudbase was 150 meters over launch so we couldn't go far. Colleen, Ian J, British Trevor and Derek flew, conditions in the air ranged from smooth to punchy depending who you asked, most got an hour - Jim Mara Maneuvers Report (from Norm and Bev) - good flying conditions, Carl D had an adventure . . . full stall into a cravatte, into a spin then had to throw his reserve. Good place to try these maneuvers, over a lake with a rescue boat and at a clinic. He landed safely just a bit wet! July 13
| stay home, big rain cells coming on the radar!
| Cloudy. High 27°C.
| 40% POP
| 260° at 8 knots
| -2.1°/1000' | (stable stable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - we had some visitors arrive from the Island and Hemlock Valley and we went up to launch because the conditions on the ground were mellow, BIG SURPRISE at launch . . . blowing over the back at 30-35 km/hr. We went shopping for household items instead of flying - Jim
| July 12
| Bridal
| Sunny and hot. High 32°C. Be aware of strong marine inflow winds to develop possibly later.
| 0% POP
| 260° at 7 knots
| -2.4°/1000' | (stable stable lapse rate)
Grouse Report - a frustrated Justin reports NE winds at launch despite light and variable wind forecast, he waited a while and then descended on the tram to go home.
| Mara Report - a verrry happpy Norm skyed out for 3+ hours at Mara Lake. A few pilots were arriving for the Maneuvers Clinic but were not so lucky. July 11
| Bridal
| Sunny and hot. High 32°C. Be aware of strong marine inflow winds to develop possibly later.
| 0% POP
| 260° at 7 knots
| -2.4°/1000' | (stable stable lapse rate)
no pireps
| July 10
| Bridal
| Sunny and hot. High 34°C.
| 0% POP
| 270° at 6 knots
| -2.6°/1000' | (unstable stable lapse rate)
Bridal Report - I was on my way back from working in Hope and arrived at Bridal in time to witness "Alan D. set a new personal record at Bridal". Unfortunately it was a 'shortest flight ever' record. His flight time at Bridal was 12 minutes. I decided that doing chores at home was more rewarding so I headed home....If the master can't stay in the air.....it is time for me to do laundry - Kelly R.
| Grouse Report - Arrived at 4:30 in the l.z. to a high overcast that blew in but decided to go up anyways. Slightly east at launch but when Russ came up the chair to join us ( Justin, Mike R and myself) he brought some sun with him. Launched in a very light cycle and scratched over the cliffs for about ten mins and it shut down. The Fargin sun made an appearance when we landed. Nicole was in the l.z. having a similar flight. But the Albino Rhino`s at Earls tasted mighty fine later !! - Thomm July 9
| Sumas is the smart call, but could also be good at Woodside
| Sunny. High 29°C.
| 0% POP
| 090° at 7 knots
| -2.667°/1000' | (unstable stable lapse rate)
Bridal Report - it was coming up lightly at launch as we arrived at 4:00 pm. I had to be at Abbotsford Airport at 6:00 so it was going to have to be a short flight but it only ended up being about 25 minutes (10 or so spent under Upper Launch in a gulley), it was sinky around Lower Launch and there was one small thermal north of there. No real gains just hanging out at 400 meters. Ian J got 25 minutes and Nicole a bit less, I don't know who else launched - Jim
| July 8
| Woodside later
| Clearing in the PM. Windy at times. High 20°c.
| 50% POP
| 230° at 7 knots
| -2.2°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - it cleared up by 3:00 pm, the birds were soaring nicely but no pilots showed up - Jim
| July 7
| Bridal
| Sunny. High 22°c.
| 0% POP
| Light and Variable
| -2.0°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - by 10:00 am the day looked bad, rain on the horizon and the forecast was amended for no clearing . . . but we went up the mountain anyway and got 2 flights in before the rain hit. Good student sledders with north wind in the LZ so the approaches had to be modified. We sent the students home at noon and mowed and gardened the rest of the day - Jim
| July 6
| Bridal/Woodside/Grouse
| Sunny. High 26°c.
| 0% POP
| Light and Variable
| -2.9°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - lots of pilots flew, Colleen got above launch twice yesterday. Mosquitoes got more airtime than the pilots! Jim
| Bridal Report - Rob S got 2:37 after everyone else bailed for Woodside. He was wondering where everyone went? Grouse Report - Grouse was leeside again, but the cycles were very weak today. Launched at 5:15 and had to pound off a forward launch. Not much at the cliffs again but managed to eke out just over an hour at the Cut. A solitary but consistent trigger that seemed to be coming from the main tram parking lot kept me going. Max lift 3m/s. - Ian M Interior Report - Bev got 1000 meters over Coopers and she is now the "Queen of the Sky"! July 5
| Bridal/Woodside/Grouse
| Sunny. High 23°c.
| 0% POP
| Light and Variable
| -2.8°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - Thomm McE flew his new Proton and had a great flight going up everywhere. One student flew Woodside later and had a great flight.
| Bridal Report - lots of great flying at Bridal, some folks working their way up to Cheam. Many above Upper Launch, weird North wind in the LZ (very atypical) so the approaches were different but everyone missed the outhouse. Grouse Report - Grouse was leeside from the NE today with a good lapse rate. Got 800' over launch and cruised around towards Crown and back, then out front but there was little over the cliffs so I went over and worked the Cut. Up and down like a yo-yo, in a few 2,000' plus thermals, but not even a wing tuck. These old bones took a lot of G's today. Flew for about 1 1/2 hours and called it a day. Justin flew a tandem and Big John was landing as we left - Ian M Golden Report - Yep not a bad day at 7 today! Flew 3 hours got up to 2900 meters but to much south to go any where, just flew around 7 mostly. Latter I took my old buddy Hogo for a tandem, yep I managed to talk him into letting me fly! got up to 3400 meters and managed to fly home, not bad for an evening flight, landed just in time for supper and a couple of cold beers, ahh I love being back here! - Mark F July 4
| Stay at Work
| Heavy Rain. High 19°c.
| 100% POP
| 240° at 8 knots
| -3.0°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - despite the gloomy forecast a few students showed up and had two nice flights before lunch. Then it got too thermic and I was allowed to fly and had a nice soaring flight over Woodside for 45 minutes. The lift was smooth and consistent. Then after I landed it got windy and we called the day - Jim
| July 3
| Woodside in the morning, Bridal for Intermediate Pilots in the PM
| Afternoon sunny periods. High 20°c.
| 0% POP
| 240° at 9 knots
| -3.3°/1000' | (unstable RODEO lapse rate)
Woodside Report - Colleen flew first at 10:15 am to test the air for the students! She said it was too windy requiring speed bar to penetrate, so the students drove down while I tandemed the heaviest student for a nice soaring flight above Woodside Launch.
| I had no problems penetrating with the Tandem but as I hit the LZ my first clue that it was gonna be thermic was the huge amount of fluff in the air, blowing every direction. The wind was SE at 10-20 kms, but the thermals were cracking off in every direction as I zoomed overhead. I had several collapses as I turned in to do my approach. I made a few fast wingovers to the ground to penetrate thru the crud and landed smoothly after getting hoovered up on final about 20 meters! Rodeo indeed, no one else flew and we kited for a few hours before calling the day - Jim Grouse Report - Did the Grouse Grind with my brother as he wanted to see what the view was like from up there...did the Grind (1 hour 17 minutes), then went up to the Peak. No pilots there but was blowing straight in on launch; cloudbase was at Crown Mtn. peak height and it was super cold. Too bad I didn't have my glider with me :) - Nicole Lumby Report _ Jack called to say he got 2500 feet over Coopers, with Norm getting a sledder. Nice soaring at Mara too, but they were heading down as the weather was turning bad there too. Bev fell out of the tent (how do you fall out of a pup tent?) July 2
| Woodside in the morning, Bridal for Intermediate Pilots in the PM
| Afternoon sunny periods. High 21°c.
| 0% POP
| 270° at 7 knots
| -2.8°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Bridal Report - Several pilots showed up at Bridal as the forecast was for good soaring conditions and little valley wind. However, high cloud moved in as we launched, and getting above lower launch was tough. Ian J eventually made it to upper launch and top-landed, others were able to just barely get to upper launch height after much effort. It pretty much shut down after a couple hours of hard work getting up so we all landed, looking for the driest spot in the driving range to land in. At least it was way better than yesterday! - Nicole
| Woodside Report - as forecast the day was a great student day with only one cycle up the mountain being too thermic. Colleen was above launch for 30 minutes at 11:00 am when I forced her to land to guide. I then took a tandem that took us about 300 meters over launch in a matter of a few turns, Colleen said her vario registered 4 m/s up. I was vario-less. Students got 3 flights each plus a tandem each so it was a very productive day, especially after the non-productive long weekend - Jim July 1
| Woodside for students, Bridal for Lemmings
| Cloudy with afternoon sunny periods. High 21°c.
| 100% POP
| 270° at 9 knots
| -3.0°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - a little windy when we first arrived at launch at 11:00 am (25+ kph), so I borrowed Colleen's small Simba for a nice soaring flight showing the students how an asymmetric looks and acts. Later after lunch the wind really started to howl as we wired off the Hangies into the void.
| Bridal Report - too windy! Chilliwack reporting 14G20 knots til dark. June 30
| Woodside for students, Bridal for Comp Pilots and Lemmings
| Cloudy. High 17°c.
| 100% POP
| 280° at 12 knots
| -2.6°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Bridal Report - the task was set and validated with Paragliders flying Bridal and Hanggliders flying Woodside. Tough flying with many not getting to the first turnpoint. Search and Rescue called to extract a paraglider from the outhouse in the Golf Course LZ :-)
| Woodside Report - Score was: Gliders 0; Trees 2 Hangglider bites the dust! or should I say trees - John O dropped a tip on launch and it turned him into the trees south of launch and he flew through them and destroyed the glider but he emerged unscathed. Then Lynn a visiting PG pilot, launched and drifted into the same trees and was hanging 25 feet in the air with no injuries. That glider took 3 hours to extract from the tree, leaving for the Club Cup Party at 9:30 pm. It was a bit too strong at Woodside for students (25 kph) but Kevin A, and Richard (from the Interior) flew a nice 1+ hour flight getting 1500 feet over launch. Eagle Ranch Hangglider Landing Reports - despite rumours to the contrary, several hangglider pilots used Eagle Ranch for the Club Cup after making turnpoint #1 (courtesy of FlyBC Paragliding) and had great smooth approaches and landings. There was someone spreading rumours of catastrophic rotors and obstacles in the Eagle Ranch field in late June but these rumours turned out to be false according to those involved. |
June 2002 Site of the Day archives another rainy and windy month with great lapse rates, some great flights at Bridal with some getting above Cheam Peak. The Clup Cup was nearly rained out but they got one valid task in on Sunday June 30.
May 2002 Site of the Day archives an extremely rainy month with the more spring mayhem, another reserve deployment at Lil Nick and a pilot crashed at the top of Deroche Mountain, uninjured but with a ripped glider and long hike down the mountain. Colleen placed 5th place at the Canadian PG Nationals in rainy Lumby!
April 2002 Site of the Day archives a rainy month with the usual spring mayhem, one reserve deployment at Woodside and a pilot hit a parked car at Bridal LZ, fracturing his leg.
March 2002 Site of the Day archives a few great days days with lots of snow and rain mixed in.
February 2002 Site of the Day archives two epic days already (4.5 hours and 2.5 hours!).
January 2002 Site of the Day archives Mexico vacation shots, some local flying but it was wet on the coast.
December 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, wettest December on record, some good days sprinkled thru the month.
November 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, had some good days at Woodside +2 hours, lots of rain later in the month.
October 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, but great flying at Chelan at the Women's Fly In.
September 2001 Site of the Day archives starting to get pretty stable, more sled rides forecast for October.
Aug 2001 Site of the Day archives Mara, Bridal, till some great flights locally
July 2001 Site of the Day archives Road Trip Month, Golden, Mara, points east!
June 2001 Site of the Day archives Great Month, 3 hours of airtime for some pilots every time they flew Bridal Lower! Some getting up to 6 hours in a single flight!
May 2001 Site of the Day archives Unstable Month, 2-3 hours of airtime for some pilots every time they flew Bridal Lower!
April 2001 Site of the Day archives Rainy Month, not as much airtime for some pilots
March 2001 Site of the Day archives Spring has Sprung!
February 2001 Site of the Day archives Spring is in the Air!
January 2001 Site of the Day archives - Mexico Flying Trip
December 2000 Site of the Day archives
November 2000 Site of the Day archives (great month for airtime!)
October 2000 Site of the Day archives
September 2000 Site of the Day archives
July - August 2000 Site of the Day archives
June 2000 Site of the Day archives
March - May 2000 Site of the Day archives
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