@ 3000' | calculated by SOAR8.XLW | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
/1000' (unstable) | 2700 ft. |
Woodside Report - we flew a few flights at Woodside today, extended sledders mostly. You can drive to the parking lot as most of the snow is gone.
/1000' (unstable) 1700 ft.
Vancouver Report - many homes without power in the Lower Mainland after the winds roared thru last night, but we finally saw blue sky!
| /1000' (unstable) 1700 ft.
Valle Report - another task run today at El Pinon launch. If you think the LZs are small here check out this video Colleen took a few weeks ago of Chris Santacroce landing at the lake.
| /1000' (unstable) 1700 ft.
Hope Report - Rain and snow out east!
| ![]() Norm is still digging out! /1000' (unstable) 1700 ft.
Valle Report - Jeffrey and Brent are still in Mexico flying Valle, no reports from them but the Monarca Cup 2004 is on and they ran a 50+ km task with 13 pilots in goal for a valid task, wish I was there!
| Woodside Report - Alan said there wasn't much flying this month but he did bag a 45 minute flight last weekend. He mentioned an unhappy farmer in the Riverside landing field, more on this later when Margit returns from her world travels I guess. /1000' (unstable) 1700 ft.
Vancouver Report - heavy rain and 33 km+ winds in the Valley. Mexico is still sunny I assume!
| /1000' (unstable) 10500 ft.
Joco Report - we drove straight up to Joco Launch and arrived there by 11:00 am so we wouldn't get blown out. Goal was the Hotel Real Chapala, 16.8 kms down range east. Colleen launched followed by Jack, Jeffrey, Bruce, Brent, Norm and I while a friend drove down. Everyone got high for the initial ridges but only Normando and I made it into the goal field. We had to pack up and checkout because we were flying home at 4:50 pm.
| ![]() ![]() Two views of the flight path and Ajijic on the way in to the Hotel, the Hotel Football Field is on the lakefront, top 1/3 of the pictures. Mexico Landing Report - There I was, I thought I was dead. After a beautiful flight in a light head wind along the Joco ridge, I thought I could make it to the Five Star hotel. But alas, a town landing looked eminent. I turned back (now the wind had switched) and hunted for fields. My options were limited to very small patches of mostly cultivated land interspersed with houses. I finally settled on the best option – about a half acre of what looked like trampled yellow grass, surrounded by trees and power lines. I manoeuvred tightly in front of the power lines, and came in for a controlled landing in the middle of – you guessed it, the chayote field. Let me tell you about Chayote. It is a ‘fruta’, sort of like a pear, grown on vines suspended off the ground, on a canopy of poles and barbed wire. Needless to say, my feet went through the canopy, and I found myself suspended by one arm from barbed wire, my legs dangling below the vines, one of the support poles lodged lightly in my armpit. Lucky for me, the canopy was only 8 feet off the ground, I found a foot hold on the pole, and the farmer helped my gently pull my wing through the hole I had created. The senor said “esta bien” to $20 US, helped me pack up with great humor. No damage to wing or limb (ok, the bruises are healing) - Colleen. /1000' (unstable) 10500 ft.
San Marcos Report - Norm and Colleen wind-dummied and got high after we helped a tandem HG off launch. It was getting late so I suggested they fly over the back to land in the valley so we can get to beer faster. We moved to Hotel Real Chapala which is east of San Marcos, and they both landed before dark in nice fields.
| /1000' (unstable) 10500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - more south wind at Tapalpa and we started launching early with Norm and Colleen outsoaring the French Team again.
| ![]() Jack launched and had a rough ride down the gulleys until he got out front. Brent launched and hit strong lift and wind right off launch and went up and back and top-landed right back on launch! We collected his wing and when it mellowed I launched and penetrated out fine, as Brent relaunched. We flew for a while in ratty windy lift landing north of the Piano LZ and Bruce drove down. We all got back together in the Van and headed to Joco. Joco Report - I launched into what looked like benign conditions after 1:00 pm and went straight up for 300 meters and I was still right over launch! I pushed the bar and started heading towards the Piano LZ and got lift all along the ridge but not much speed. I got brave and headed along the ridge behind Joco Town and was getting high which got me into stronger winds and I couldn't penetrate. This went pn for sometime when I finally bailed out in the Piano LZ below Joco. This was my welcoming committee in the LZ. ![]() /1000' (unstable) 10500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - more south wind at Tapalpa but we flew in strong lee conditions getting high out front, but no one went very far.
| Joco Report - As the winds got stronger we headed to Joco Launch (south facing) and Norm and I launched into fairly strong lift and it was rough so everyone else stood down. We were planning to land at the 5 star Hotel Real Chapala again, but if we could go further we had to do our own retrieve via bus or cab. I passed Norm on the halfway point and watch him grovel for lift down low and I blazed past and landed in the Hotel Field (goal and 16.8 kms) in 35 minutes! I thought Norm was on the deck and his radio was dead because I couldn't reach him. As I packed up I saw him come over town quite high, heading east. He landed three towns away for a total of 34.2 kms, landing on a plateau approximately the same elevation as launch. I took a bus back to meet the rest of the team and heard Jeffrey and Colleen landing below launch in rough air. Norm had to take 4 buses to get back to Tapalpa later that night. San Marcos Report - we headed up San Marcos (west facing) and arrived to see a pilot launch on a UP Trango after the HGers had already launched. I launched after the UP and got high quickly as everyone else but Colleen launched. She had offered to drive. We have video of some very interesting launches we hope to publish soon! I follwed the UP to the south but turned back as I saw him heading back to the ridge. I offered to top-land so Colleen could fly in this magic air we were encountering as it glassed off. I tried to come down with big ears but I was still going up. I watched the UP pilot SAT and helicopter down to launch height as he was trying to top-land to get his Van as well. We SAT'ed and spiralled together and even when we were below launch we would get rocketted up as we approached launch. I spent 30 minutes trying to get down on launch and the closest I got was 10 meters off! It was getting dark so I had to abandon this nonsense and I headed over the salt flats to descend. When I looked back I noticed the UP was gone and Colleen said he "stuffed it in" downwind below launch. It turned out it was Peter Brinkeby (UP Team Pilot), in town to visit his girlfriend in San Juan Cosala. Nice stunts! We landed together on the flats before dark in a classic glass off. /1000' (unstable) 10500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - we awoke to strong SW winds and gave up on Tapalpa. By the time we made it to Joco launchabove Lake Chapala it was blown out and we headed to dinner early.
| /1000' (unstable) 10500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - first launches at Tapalpa Launch around 12:00 noon, as we watched the French Team soar. They had launched at 11:00am. Our team is now six strong with Jack Carlson joining yesterday. Normando launched and started grovelling, followed by Bruce B and Jack C. They were low in front and looking for lift when Lucille and Colleen launched. Lucille found a therm right away and stayed high, while Colleen also was getting low. As Jack and Bruce hit the dirt after 30 minutes, Colleen started climbing out fast and left Norm grovelling but not giving up. He eventually climbed past Lucille and had a great low save from about 100 meters AGL.
| Colleen climbed to the top of the stack, outclimbing a few French pilots in this gaggle. ![]() She radioed me that she would top land if I talked her in. She had good height so I suggested a straight in approach from the south using the width of launch as a runway and she made a beautiful top-landing as the wind swung from the north as she flared. Now I get to fly. I launched into a good cycle as spent some time soaring near launch until I hit huge sink and was low in the gulley below Norm and Lucille when a good thermal kicked off and I made a 5.0 m/s climb way above launch. I thought I was "the man"as I climbed above everyone soaring with a bird, tracking toward the ridge behind launch. As I got closer I hit sink (-3.8 m/s) that wouldn't quit and I plummeted back to the gulley to pick it up again. I struggled for 10 minutes as the lift got blown apart with south wind and I finally gave up and headed out to land as Norm kept working the rough stuff. Lucille and I headed out together to land as Colleen drove down. We assembled our team and drove back up to launch to have lunch, my turn to build the sandwiches as Normando sunk out. The French Team picked him up and he arrived in time to eat. The French Team is heading to kite at the "Rocks" as we decide to head to Joco. We encountered strong south winds on the drive past San Marcos and decide to head straight up to Joco Launch. This launch is rather small and overlooks Lake Chapala (Mexico's largest lake). We arrived in record time with Colleen driving and I launched immediately into nice cycles with landing at the Joco Soccer Field as goal. I hit some good lift and went to the left of launch and climbed quickly above the ridge and decided to head the other direction east instead to Ajijic (where we had to pick up some special Mexican hooch later). All along the ridge I climbed at 2-3 m/s as I made 65 km groundspeed. I waited for Normando to join me and and radioed him to follow me to Ajijic where I spotted a highschool football field way in the distance. ![]() We played on the ridge for about 5 km until it fades back and then followed the highway over town before heading in to land. As I overflew the field I noticed a beautiful swimming pool and patio? ![]() Maybe this isn't a school field but I landed anyway. Norm followed me in as I radioed Bruce to keep coming as he looked good. Lucille and Jack opted for a safer landing 6 kms back from us because they couldn't see us. As we packed up a few people came out to watch us but no fuss. As we walked up to the patio we found out we had landed at the fanciest hotel in Ajijic, Hotel Real Chapala (5 stars). We went into the bar and ordered some Cervezas as we waited for Colleen to show up. We met some bikers from the US that were on a 3 week tour of Mexico who watched us land and they chatted with us for a while. The oldest biker was 81 from Texas on a Gold Wing, and he was a keener. ![]() Colleen arrived with Jack and Lucille and gave us the bad news that we only travelled 16.9 km on this XC, we should have gone further I guess but we all had great flights. Even Bruce who lost most of his wing high on the ridge when we suspect he tracked to far back in the lee. He managed to reinflate the wing and keep going despite falling a few meters. He said that never happens on his hangglider! /1000' (unstable) 10500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - we arrived at launch at 12:30 pm and we saw the French Team "piano" into the designated LZ at Tapalpa, with the exception of one guy on a Gin Oasis who was tracking one nice thermal. Normando launched first, then Colleen, Lucille and Bruce Busby (who arrived last night from Calgary). They all worked similar therms that tracked from the south for 45+ minutes while I drove down, no way to top-land this day in Tapalpa.
| I collected all the pilots and we headed to San Marcos yet again for afternoon soaring. When we arrived no one was at Launch but we had nice cycles starting. And a few vultures soaring made me confident enough to launch into the sky. I climbed out at +5.5 m/s and got way high over the peak and quite far over the back and I watched Colleen set up and launch, then Bruce while Normando was to drive so he was standing down. As Colleen was getting ready I buzzed launch in a big swoop that made everyone scatter on a top-landing approach, and then I climbed back out in a good therm up to the peak altitude again. I watched Colleen and Bruce soaring the "grovel pit" to the north and setup for another top-landing waiting for Lucille to launch. I was about 35 meters up and behind launch in a nice lift band waiting for her to go and the cycle to mellow out to land when I hit huge sink and I plummeted to the launch in a banked over turn to miss some trees and landed crosswind on launch between Lucille and her wing without disturbing a line. Very exciting! I logged 45 minutes and gave my Sport to Normando to fly after Lucille launched. She got very high along the ridge but was complaining about rough air. I drove down to retrieve Bruce "Buttsby" and Colleen while Normando climbed out quickly. Bruce earned the name Buttsby after a very dramatic landing in the Piano LZ! By the time I arrived Lucille was packed up in the LZ. When we arrived back at launch Normando was still in the air (Sky Pig), and the Mexican Air Force arrived with leader Felipe Karim as we queued up Bruce, Colleen and Lucille to launch again. They got another 40 minutes while Sky Pig was still soaring around. After everyone landed we headed back to Tapalpa and saw this glorious sunset. Every evening brings a new sunset more beautiful than the previous one. As you can see there is some marine air coming in so it may be more unstable tomorrow. ![]() /1000' (unstable) 10500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - we headed to Tapalpa Launch at noon and it was blowing over the back with the occasional cycle coming up. One of the French Team launched his Sigma 5 and soared for a while and then did a beautiful top-landing in front. Normando launched and was experiencing "ground-suck" but found a thermal out in the valley with a nasty north drift but we radioed him to take it and land near the highway so we could pick him up. Colleen launched with part of a tree attached to her harnesss and found a nice thermal out front and Normando and her duked it out for a while getting way above launch out in the valley. The other two french pilots that launched after our group headed to the ridge and got nothing but turbulence.
| The French Team is headed up by Pierre who started flying PG in 1982, actually launching parachutes off the Alps until conventional PGs were made. He claims a 2:1 glide ratio on his first chutes. He is still teaching and flying in France and takes tours around the world with his pilots. ![]() We drove down and picked up Normando and Colleen and headed to San Marcos launch. We drove straight up and there were 12 HGers set up on launch so we had to wait for them to huck off. Only two of them soared above the launch and the rest "piano-ed". One HG (Caesar) crashed on launch just before we got there and was nursing a sore ankle and broken keel and leading edge, "tree are our friends" as he hit them over the edge. I launched first and climbed nicely getting above the peak but everytime I hit the inversion I got spanked and the wing dove at -4 m/s so I intentionally started do some acro stuff as I got high. During a SAT attempt, I locked into a great spiral (-16.8 m/s) and my harness broke and I was hanging asymetrically so I thought the leg strap had broken so I headed straight in for a down wind top-landing. It was just a seat board adjustment strap but I blew it out! Everyone else launched and got high except Lucille who couldn't find the lift band soon enough. Colleen and Normando had nice flights getting above the crowd of french and mexican PGers. Colleen got high then headed out to join Lucille in the LZ. ![]() I was all packed up to drove down when Normando asked if he should top-land and I said no, I would drive when I got the great idea to fly the cerveza down to the ladies in the LZ. He was below launch at this point so it was a daunting challenge but he made it into the top launch ("like an albatross" says Normando). Once I knew he was on the launch safely, I launched and spiralled down to the LZ before dark with the beers. ![]() /1000' (unstable) 10500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - we awoke in Tapalpa to more west wind and it wasn´t launchable at Tapalpa launch so we followed some locals to a site above Tapalpa that faces west.
| More hiking as the gate was locked. We never found the launch after 2 hours of searching so we hiked down and drove to San Marcos. We were supposed to meet the locals at a turnoff near San Marcos, but they never showed so Colleen and Lucille got a ride with a local pg pilot as we waited in the van. When the other guys never showed and we got a good report from launch and saw 3 HGers and a PGer climbing out we decided to try driving the van up again. The road was drier and we made it to launch in record time as Colleen launched, then Norm kind of launched (the cycle launched him and he missed the trees!). Lucille launched after Norm as 10 more locals showed up to fly. Our group climbed to 2500 meters and soared until dark, as I drove down. /1000' (unstable) 10500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - we arrived into Guadalajara around 1:30 am from Valle and stayed in Motel XCaret. It was a strange
motel with no desk clerks and you drive right into a garage that closes you away from the world. It appears that this is
connected to the Boom-Boom Club in front (strip joint).
| We headed up San Marcos later due to the west winds and the van got stuck due to the recent rains so we hiked in. Yes, Norm even hiked. ![]() We arrived at launch to strong cross cycles, but I was air-horny and launched anyway. I took a 50% collapse right off launch and then started climbing fast, but heading north towards the peak of San Marcos under a black cloud. I flew for 20 minutes then jumped over the back and hit huge sink (-5 m/s down) landing backwards in el Molino to the north. No one else flew due to the strong cycles and they hiked down. I met all the kids in el Molino and they arranged a ride back to the van, halfway up the mountain and I met the hikers there. ![]() /1000' (unstable) 13500 ft.
Valle Report - we stayed at a closer hotel and got to launch by 10:30 and
waited a long time to get cycles and most pilots were piano-ing down to the Piano LZ.
| ![]() The girls launched and climbed out nicely in the gaggle that started to form as the lift kicked in. Normando also launched and had a short flight into the Piano with Lucille. ![]() Colleen arrived after they got a ride and hitched a ride to lunch as I launched for a 45 minute flight - toplanding to drive down and I was told I was in the elite club that has top-landed el Piñon launch. And Lucille was there anyway so we drove to lunch. Tomorrow looks like rain so we head to Tapalpa. After replacing a tire, for our third flat. Someone before us rented the van and got two huge spike holes in the tires and did a poor repair and the tires wore thru all the cords. ![]() /1000' (unstable) 13500 ft.
Valle Report - we arrived at the high launch at 11:00 and Lucille and Colleen flew first getting high before heading out to land at the Piano LZ. They arranged a ride up as Normando and I launched mid-day and flew for a few hours getting low and then back up and I finally bailed over the back to the Football LZ. Normando loked like he was headed for the Piano and he got back up and headed over the back to the Lunch place. Great day despite the clouds.
| /1000' (unstable) 13500 ft.
Valle Report - More Valle flying with small XCs.
| /1000' (unstable) 13500 ft.
Valle Report - we arrived at the local parapente shop near the Laguna LZ and discovered the LZ is about the size of Woodside Launch. So no one was flying the morning site and we were lucky to meet Percy (a local who we flew with at Tapalpa the past four years). Percy was headed to El Pinon and we met at the LZ near Restaurant Jovan (an XC landing area). We were briefed on the way up to launch about the hazards and the house thermals and we arrived at launch around 12:30 pm to watch about 25 gliders climbing out. Chris Santacroce is here with 12 pilots from the US and one girl from Vancouver who he is training. The others were foreign pilots from all over.
| Norm and I launched and also climbed out for about an hour not getting far from launch, climbing at 6.0 m/s and hitting -6.0 m/s sink in several places. Norm was doing quite well and I thought he might go XC and I lost my concentration and got blown over the back in a mild thermal as I hit sink and I was heading east and down fast. I headed for a ridge with 2 corsses and climbed above that but couldn't penetrate back towards launch so I had to decide to land and soared a few fields before touching down in 30+ km winds! Norm also blew over the back and landed at the Football Field LZ in a spectacular fashion getting picked upon final to about 30 meters then getting dumped (he was okay). We met up with Colleen and Lucille who drove down to locate us and headed back to launch for the glass-off flight. Lots more pilots launched and were soaring and watching Santacroce dazzle the crowd with helicopters, SATs and top-landing. Colleen and Lucille launched after Norm and they all went up and had nice flights as I prepared to follow down Santacroce's driver when I noticed two people in the van. I stopped them and got the passenger to drive our van down so I could fly down with Chris (we swapped gliders and I flew the Vulcan down, trying some stunts as we landed just before dusk) - Jim ps: note to Chris Muller - Percy says hi and to come fly Valle and stay at his house anytime. /1000' (unstable) 13500 ft.
Road Trip Report - we awoke to heavy rain in Tapalpa and after breakfast and intensive internet weather briefing decided to head to Valle.
| ![]() The locals said it takes 5-6 hours, so off we went at noon. We drove south to CD Guzman and then east toward Valle and the rain abated. It eventually took us 9-10 hours due to the slick roads and getting lost several times but we arrived in Valle at 12:30 am after getting Domino's Pizza in a small town an hour away from Valle. /1000' (unstable) 13500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - we arrived at launch around 12:30 and met up with 20 locals looking for a wind dummy (me). I launched and soared the microwave towers for a while and didn't find much lift there so headed back to launch without much luck so I headed to the house thermals where the birds were soaring and finally landed in the designated LZ after 45 minutes. Colleen launched after the locals and logged a similar flight getting above launch. Norm got above launch 3 times for almost an hour. The locals all sledded down ("piano flights") except for Filipe (Mexican National Champ).
| /1000' (unstable) 13500 ft.
Guadalajara Report we arrived at the Guadalara Airport and we were on the road in a Dodge Van towards Ajijic where we were headed to try and find Bob White, who had our roof rack from last year. We arrived at his hacienda and he was home! So we went out for dinner and crashed at his place forn the evening after Karioke. | /1000' (stable) 2600 ft.
More rain :-(
| /1000' (stable) 2600 ft.
Wet Coast Weather - at least it stopped snowing, but it is wet!
| /1000' (stable) 3600 ft.
Snow Report - not much flying, even Air Canada cancelled many of their Vancouver Flights as Colleen is stranded in Williams Lake.
| /1000' (stable) 3600 ft.
More outflow winds and very cold, great time to be heading to Mexico or Dominican Republic!
| /1000' (stable) 3600 ft.
Fraser Valley Report - more outflow winds and record low temps means no flying.
| /1000' (stable) 3600 ft.
Fraser Valley Report - strong outflow winds and very cold, Eagle Ranch was deep in drifted snow requiring special driving skills to get out!
| /1000' (stable) 3600 ft.
Woodside Report - the conditions looked good for flying, but I wasn't motivated as the chains wouldn't fit the white Suburban and the yellow Suburban needs a new tranny and I didn't feel like hiking up. It is also too snowy for motoring.
| Road Trip Report - I just arrived from the Okanagan. Managed to get in 3 flights off of a mountain over looking the Salmon valley northwest of Armstrong called Hulcar Mtn on new years day and the 2nd. of Jan. Apparently there is a local chicken farmer who occasionly flies there. Access is very easy, even with 1 ft of powdery snow to a beautiful open southwest facing slope perhaps 1200' high. The access and launch are property of the Shuswap first nations. The friend who showed me the way up says that they are quite approachable regarding official permission to fly. Several groups of snow mobilers passed us by with complete disregard. Two of my flights were sledders but the last flight I managed about 30 min. until I was completely frozen in nice ridge lift on wind blowing in from the Salmon river valley - Jeffrey /1000' (stable) 3300 ft.
Fraser Valley Report - very windy and cold all day, strong North winds and drifting snow made it a day to stay indoors.
| /1000' (stable) 2300 ft.
Fraser Valley Report - it snowed all day, and it scared many party-goers from travelling to Eagle Ranch for the New Years Party but the 40 or so that showed up enjoyed Bob's Pig Roast and Norm's salmon.
| Bob Fletcher was voted the FlyBC 2003 Rookie of the Year, and was presented a Flytec 4010 vario as his prize. He also just took delivery of his new Makalu XL. ![]() Bob Fletcher, pig roaster and Rookie 2003 (left) with Garry Hache, DJ for the evening. |
December 2003 Site of the Day archives we flew a few times but it got really cold at the end of the month as we prepared for a gala New Year's Party for 40 of our close personal friends and neighbours.
November 2003 Site of the Day archives windy and wet with the odd good soaring day, not many pilots out these days.
October 2003 Site of the Day archives Women's Fly In was great fun, some good soaring days mid-month, most of the students are signed off.
September 2003 Site of the Day archives good conditions until the last days of the month when it got stable. Most days were flyable at Woodside or Bridal.
August 2003 Site of the Day archives Forest closures made the end of the month a non-flying period unless you headed to Blanchard. FlyBC SIV 2003 was a great success with 9 stunt pilots and no deployments or crashes.
July 2003 Site of the Day archives we flew most days early at Woodside until it got windy, then over to Bridal. Good Golden flying reports from the "Willi".
June 2003 Site of the Day archives we flew most weekdays at Bridal, Woodside worked most weekends. Bridal Air Races had one great day with only two tree landings!
May 2003 Site of the Day archives not a great weather month on the coast, especially on the weekends but a few pilots managed to get some great airtime at Bridal. The Nationals were held in Lumby and it didn't rain!
April 2003 Site of the Day archives rain for 28 of 30 April days, but we managed to get a few flights in between showers. Even the golfers were complaining!
March 2003 Site of the Day archives some high spring flights in early March, but not a great weather month. Still no HPAC Insurance!
February 2003 Site of the Day archives some nice long spring flights in late February. HPAC Insurance expired on Feb 14, so many pilots stayed home instead of getting USHGA coverage.
January 2003 Site of the Day archives lots of rain all month in BC so we bailed and headed to Tapalpa Mexico for three weeks. Norm and Lucille had a great XC flight the first day we arrived.
December 2002 Site of the Day archives lots of rain all month.
November 2002 Site of the Day archives not a great flying month, lots of rain in the beginning and then super stable and inverted for the balance of the month. Even the Savona Road Trip wasn't that great. Looking forward to Mexico!
October 2002 Site of the Day archives Still soarable some days, great fun at the Women's Fly In 2002 in Chelan. Allan logged 15 hours and only flew a few days. Most of the students are ready for signoff soon to get ready for Mexico trips!
September 2002 Site of the Day archives Still soarable most everyday! Some scary incidents at Woodside. Fun flying at Ashcroft.
August 2002 Site of the Day archives More spring-like days with super lapse rates, great fun up-country at Revelstoke and Mara, with some good XCs for all.
July 2002 Site of the Day archives Some spring-like days with super lapse rates, but still rather wet at times.
June 2002 Site of the Day archives another rainy and windy month with great lapse rates, some great flights at Bridal with some getting above Cheam Peak. The Clup Cup was nearly rained out but they got one valid task in on Sunday June 30.
May 2002 Site of the Day archives an extremely rainy month with the more spring mayhem, another reserve deployment at Lil Nick and a pilot crashed at the top of Deroche Mountain, uninjured but with a ripped glider and long hike down the mountain. Colleen placed 5th place at the Canadian PG Nationals in rainy Lumby!
April 2002 Site of the Day archives a rainy month with the usual spring mayhem, one reserve deployment at Woodside and a pilot hit a parked car at Bridal LZ, fracturing his leg.
March 2002 Site of the Day archives a few great days days with lots of snow and rain mixed in.
February 2002 Site of the Day archives two epic days already (4.5 hours and 2.5 hours!).
January 2002 Site of the Day archives Mexico vacation shots, some local flying but it was wet on the coast.
December 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, wettest December on record, some good days sprinkled thru the month.
November 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, had some good days at Woodside +2 hours, lots of rain later in the month.
October 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, but great flying at Chelan at the Women's Fly In.
September 2001 Site of the Day archives starting to get pretty stable, more sled rides forecast for October.
Aug 2001 Site of the Day archives Mara, Bridal, till some great flights locally
July 2001 Site of the Day archives Road Trip Month, Golden, Mara, points east!
June 2001 Site of the Day archives Great Month, 3 hours of airtime for some pilots every time they flew Bridal Lower! Some getting up to 6 hours in a single flight!
May 2001 Site of the Day archives Unstable Month, 2-3 hours of airtime for some pilots every time they flew Bridal Lower!
April 2001 Site of the Day archives Rainy Month, not as much airtime for some pilots
March 2001 Site of the Day archives Spring has Sprung!
February 2001 Site of the Day archives Spring is in the Air!
January 2001 Site of the Day archives - Mexico Flying Trip
December 2000 Site of the Day archives
November 2000 Site of the Day archives (great month for airtime!)
October 2000 Site of the Day archives
September 2000 Site of the Day archives
July - August 2000 Site of the Day archives
June 2000 Site of the Day archives
March - May 2000 Site of the Day archives
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