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Glen Robert Taylor was born in New Westminster October 3, 1958, passed away
suddenly on Wednesday, January 29, 2003. He is survived by his loving wife Kim (nee Hamilton) and his sons, Calvin and Cole; Glen will be sadly missed. Glen served with the Vancouver Fire Rescue Services for 20 years. A celebration of Glen's life will be held on Tuesday, February 4, 2003 at 10:00 a.m. at First Baptist Church, Burrard and Nelson Street in Vancouver, to be followed by a time of fellowship at the Hose and Hydrant, 6515 Bonsor Street, Burnaby. ln lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Children's Health Centre at Surrey Memorial Hospital. |
Go to the FlyBC Weather Page to predict the weather.
Date | Site | Forecast | Precip. | Winds Aloft 3000 ft. | Lapse Rate | calculated by SOAR8.XLW | Comments | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
January 31 | Stay home if you are in BC | Showers and windy. High 8° | 60% POP | 230° at 23 knots | -2.0°/1000' (standard lapse rate) | 600 m 2000 ft. |
Some sun but I don't think anyone flew. January 30
| Stay home if you are in BC
| Mainly rainy. High 8°
| 60% POP
| 160° at 9 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (standard lapse rate) 600 m | 2000 ft.
No flying on the coast, heavy rain in the PM. | January 29
| Jocotepec, Mexico
| Mainly sunny. High 27°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate) 3000 m | 12500 ft.
We were headed to the airport in Guadalajara to return home and didn't want to waste time heading up to Joco launch, but it was flyable.
| January 28
| Tapalpa, Mexico | San Marcos, Mexico Jocotepec, Mexico Mainly sunny. High 28°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate) 3000 m | 12500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - we arrived at launch at about 12:00 and weren't too hopeful, as the sky was heavily developed and there were few birds. One of the great things about flying Mexico is the Vultures that wind dummy for us every day, but today there were only three? I launched and got a few beeps over the road but too punchy to turn in, so I flew down towards the gulleys and caught a nice thermal that took me up to launch height but strong north drift pushed me out ot the thermal. I grovelled around after that for 20 minutes getting way too low before landing in the LZ. Colleen drove down uninspired. +4.0m/s up, -5.5 m/s down.
| San Marcos Report - we arrived at launch at about 3:00 (after changing a flat tire) and again there were few birds. I quickly climbed above launch but it was very punchy lift. I was getting turned by the thermals and I was constantly fighting the wing to stay on course (in the vidoe Colleen shot it looked like I was making 6 point turns). I was getting hammered even 300 meters over the top launch and when I tried to drift back it was all sink behind launch nixing an XC to Ajijic. So I headed out front, lost some height and approached to top-land so Colleen could fly but came in too high and had to overshoot. Then all I got was small pumchy crap that wouldn't take me back up so I landed out front of launch in a corn field as Colleen drove down again. Jocotepec Report - we arrived at launch at about 6:00 and got Colleen suited up to fly and she found a few bubbles but not enough to turn in. This was a strange day because we thought the overdevelopment might cause cloud suck, but it mostly obscured the sun causing these small thermals that were very rough. But we flew all three sites in one day as a final tribute to Mexico! January 28
| San Marcos, Mexico
| Mainly sunny. High 24°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate) 3000 m | 12500 ft.
Another sunny day in Mexico, calling for rain but the locals say it lasts one hour just after dark then the mornings are clear.
| January 26
| Yelapa, Mexico
| Mainly sunny. High 24°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate) 3000 m | 12500 ft.
Yelapa Report - we got up early and after hiking everything back to the car, we drove Normando back up to Yelapa Tapa, which we found after some hunting. It was coming in lightly and he had to do his first forward launch of the trip! But he was motivated because his boat was leaving at 11:30 am and it was now 10:50. Last thing we saw was Normando doing wingovers into the beach . . . no word on whether he made it.
| ps: for those that have been to Yelapa before . . . the town has lots its charm. It is dirtier, costs have gone way up, and the locals are less friendly. Everyone watches TV at night now instead of mingling on the porch steps. All this because of bringing power to town? We have scratched Yelapa off our tour stops. January 25
| Yelapa, Mexico
| Mainly sunny. High 24°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate) 3000 m | 12500 ft.
Yelapa Report - we attempted something that we had never done before . . . driving into Yelapa! Normally people fly into Puerta Vallarta and take a water taxi in to see Yelapa which takes 40 minutes and is very scenic. But we opted for the less travelled route, in a VW Bug. And we were loaded with all out stuff, four glider bags on the roof, three suitcases and assorted stuff. Also, we had no idea where the road was. So we used Normando's eMap to find the closest towns and drove into them and started asking for "le carretta a Yelapa", the road to Yelapa and we had almost made the 50 kms in when the previously repaired muffler fell off the Bug. We threw it in the trunk and continued on a bit louder but with more power. We arrived near what we thought was the top launch, Yelapa Tapa, but couldn't find it as the fences and road had been changed to facilitate bringing in powerlines to town. It was already late and we had no idea where we were going to stay so we drove down to the parking lot.
| We found a house to rent as it got dark and we had to move all the gear down hill from the parking lot for the evening, and I thought Normando was going to croak with all the hiking. But he was revived by a great dinner at Lagunita's on the beach. ps: the road in to Yelapa is very rough and should be attemted only with a big 4WD truck! January 24
| Tapalpa, Mexico
| Mainly sunny. High 28°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate) 3000 m | 12500 ft.
Tapalpa Mayhem Report - unfortunately, Miguel had an outlanding in a nasty place below launch requiring a fast rescue by Luia and Colleen Maria and myself. He hit some rough air in a place that has a venturi and was parked and forced to land. He landed on his feet then his head and was rather sore. He managed to walk out by himself. Normando flew afterwards and logged his shortest flight yet, rather odd as it was very developed skies but just no lift.
| We met Jorge and Alison from San Francisco and they were in Colima when the earthquake hit and they were stuck in the dark for 6 hours after the power was turned off. They also toasted a rent a car trying to drive up to Colima volcano after smashing the oil pan. That is why we rent VW bugs, much stronger! January 23
| San Marcos, Mexico
| Mainly sunny. High 28°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate) 3000 m | 12500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - we took our time getting to launch as it was very windy in town as we ate breakfast. | When we arrived at Tapalpa launch, 3 HGers were setting up as Normando launched and got flushed, then got high, then got flushed. He got 48 minutes in trashy lift, 2.2 m/s up and 5.0 m/s down.. The HGers got 20 minutes at best and even the birds weren't doing well as I launched. I got down low on the ridge, then caught a strong thermal that got me above launch and then it just stopped. I didn't fall out, it just stopped at the top and when I went hunting for it it was over!. I managed about 30 minutes in 4.5 m/s up accompanied tihe -7.2 m/s sink. It was trashy. San Juan Cosala Report - we headed to San Marcos but it was blowing south over the back and we decided on another launch site above San Juan Cosala to the east above Lake Chapala. This site offers 2500 feet of vertical landing at the Lake. Colleen, Normando, Lucia and Miguel flew in light lift. ![]() Hope Report - snowing! January 22
| Tapalpa, Mexico
| Mainly sunny. High 27°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate) 3000 m | 12500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - another nice flying day at both Tapalpa and San Marcos 70 km north. | It was cloudy in the morning and Barb and Miguel flew off and Barb outclimbed Miguel for the entire flight. We flew to the declared goal of the snack bar at the highway and both Colleen Maria and I had enough height on the way out to fly the ridge to San Marcos but we landed to facilitate shuttling up to San Marcos launch. Tapalpa Report - At San Marcos Normando flew first and got low and then climbed to 2700 meters very fast (600 meters over launch), then Colleen Maria, Barb, Lucia and Miguel flew and soared as I drove down. No mayhem, no earthquakes and no flat tires. The current death toll in Colima is 27 victims according to the government. January 21
| Tapalpa, Mexico
| Mainly sunny. High 28°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.2°/1000' | (stable lapse rate) 3000 m | 12500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - we had some excitement yesterday! | We started flying at about 12:30 pm, and Barb Spencer got way above launch as Colleen guided her thru some smooth thermals. Then Normando, Colleen Maria and I launched and had pretty nice flights getting to 3000 meters over launch. I top-landed when a big sink cycle came thru, as did Norm and Colleen Maria flew to the declared goal of the snack bar at the highway so we could fly at San Marcos. Norm also top-landed in the back fields and relaunched when it came back on. He headed north to the cross and landed about 20kms out so we could drive to San Marcos. We passed Eduardo and Lucille in their VW and headed up to launch at San Marcos. The road to San Marcos is quite gnarly and it took out the oil filter on Eduardo's VW but they weren't in radio contact so we didn't know as Normando launched in the last cycle of the day (to my dismay, I blamed the wing for not coming over my head when I tried to launch but it kept spinning around as the north wind hit it). Normando flew for about 45 minutes in light ridge lift as the sun was setting. ![]() Now for the excitement . . . . we were driving back after helping Eduardo fix his VW and we had a blow out on the toll highway. Out came the jack and tools and as we were lifting the car, Colleen Maria asked if she should get out cause the car started rocking. He were in the middle of the dry lake bed and the pavement was rocking and bucking as the Colima earthquake hit. The lights on the hill blinked on and off a few times and we timed the quake for at least 3 minutes. Most big trucks stopped as the highway was swaying. Eduardo stopped at our car to see if we needed help and they didn't feel the quake as they were driving, they just thought it was gusty winds swaying them. In Tapalpa there were a few tiles that had fallen but no major damage. So far 23 dead in Colima and damage in Puerta Vallarta. Check Yahoo.com for further updates. My heart goes out for the victims and their families. January 20
| Tapalpa, Mexico
| Mainly sunny. High 28°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.2°/1000' | (stable lapse rate) 3000 m | 12500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - I arrived at launch to an elated Mike Spencer bragging that he did his first top-landing ever. He had launched around 11:00 am and got above launch and landed in the field behind. | I launched and started climbing nicely in front of launch, but as I drifted back in the thermals I got hammered, but I hung in for a while but no one joined me so I decided to top-land on launch and did a little butt skid but landed on my feet (video to follow). Then Normando, Colleen Maria and the Brits started launching and had mixed results. Colleen Maria was getting hammered too and elected to move out front and missed the big thermals, but got a ride back up as I launched to follow Normando down the ridge to the Cross about 20 kms away. It was a rough ride down the ridge and I got hit by a Turkey Vulture 4-5 times before I scared him away with wing-overs. Many low saves got me to the end of the ridge and I decided to fly out to get a Coke and flew back to the snack bar near the road to launch. Normando landed near me as well. ![]() Mike and Lucille landed on the west side of town, while Colleen Maria made it to La Frontera after over flying Tapalpa town and getting pushed back by the west winds on top of the flats. Weird as we had east winds on the ridge a few kms away. ![]() January 19
| Tapalpa, Mexico
| Mainly sunny. High 27°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate) 3500 m | 13500 ft.
Tapalpa Mayhem Report - I had arranged to do two tandems so we arrived at 12:00 to see a wing being sorted out after one of the Brits (John) went into the trees below launch. | He was okay and ready to fly again as I launched with the first tandem and we had a light lift flight for 35 minutes flying with the Turkey Vultures. Colleen launched and took off on Norm and she flew past Tapalpa townsite for 12 kms landing with a bunch of kids helping her pack up. As we were away from launch a mid-air occurred between Peter (Brit) and Alejandro (Mexican) as Alejandro caught his legs in Peter's lines ripping about a third of the A's out. Peter managed to top-land behind launch as Alejandro threw his reserve unnecessarily as his wing was okay. ![]() ![]() As I arrived at launch for the second tandem, I observed John relaunch just before Norm and he climbed out smartly and Norm started heading to John's therm as John started to helicopter in a spin which he didn't recover too swiftly as he fell past the lines and lost his helmet. He regained his composure and flew back up to the ridge up to the Cross and back for a 40 km out and return before getting lost in the dark with a dead radio. He arrived later at the bar quite unhappy with the day!. Norm flew for 1:30 before top-landing as Russ Ogden satted into the top-landing field on an Ozone research glider. The Brits are evenly divided with some flying Ozone and the rest flying APCO. Peter was very happy that his Sierra held together after the mid-air, but it was unrepairable so we lent him a Santana to fly for the rest of the week. January 18
| Tapalpa, Mexico
| Mainly sunny. High 27°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate) 3500 m | 13500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - lots of good flights, no mayhem. 4 m/s smallish thermals. One Brit complained as he bombed out at 60 kms. | Woodside Report - Despite the forcasted strong winds took a gamble and headed out to the valley. Was greeted with southerly winds on the ground and nice cycles coming up at launch. Wahhooooooooo it was soooooooo nice ..toplanded twice and flew in some of the best air I have seen this time of year. Who needs Mexico when you have conditions like this here !! Talpapa shmalpapa !!! Ok OK ... Exaggerated a wee bit .... Very light cycles with a trashy inversion to get bounced off to get to the ground but still nice to get out and enjoy the day approx. 20 minutes . Gotta like this mild weather for this time of year. The sunset was incredible on the drive home. :) - Thomm January 17
| San Marcos, Mexico
| Mainly sunny. High 26°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.2°/1000' | (stable lapse rate) 3500 m | 13500 ft.
San Marcos Report - We had a blown muffler on the VW so we had to drive to Guadalajara to exchange the car.
The plan was to head right back to San Marcos to fly as it was sunny there but cloudy at Tapalpa. We arrived at launch to find it blowing over the back so we headed back to Tapalpa to see how the other groups did. | Tapalpa Report - the Bay Area group had mostly sledders with a few pilots logging one hour flights. The Brits had better luck with Russell Ogden getting to cloudbase with Charlie and flying back towards Tapalpa townsite. We never flew. ![]() Miguel enjoys a fisheye! January 16
| Tapalpa, Mexico
| Mainly sunny. High 28°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate) 3500 m | 13500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - Norm ruled the day! | We arrived to see the Brits fly off launch and get just above launch before getting flushed into the LZ, with the exception of one lone pilot on a red Vibe. We waited a long time before Lucille and Mike launched, getting above launch fast! Norm and Colleen followed them and started climbing nicely, except Colleen couldn't get in the harness so she flew out to adjust it as it was quite rough. I launched just ahead of a German couple on a tandem, and we scratched our way above launch in the same thermal that Norm and Mike and Lucille were in. But our plans of flying to San Marcos soon fizzled as the drift was taking us over the back. I took a huge deflation as I tried to get north over launch and lost the thermal, just about the same time that the tandem top-landed as we hit sink. I grovelled around below launch for an hour before bailing out to land as I heard Norm and Lucille going thru 12,000 feet past Tapalpa over 28 km away! Norm said he got within 200 feet of the ground doing S turns when he heard the vario start beeping and saw a bird climbing out behind him, and took it back to 12,000 feet. He finally landed with Lucille at about 35 kms as he was threatened with a long walk home if he didn't land there. He figure he could have made it to Ciudad Guzman a town 44 kms away from launch, but chose the safe route home. He had a huge smile all night in the restaurant. January 15
| Tapalpa, Mexico
| Mainly sunny. High 28°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate) 3500 m | 13500 ft.
On the way to launch we came upon a rolled car, and Colleen was called into action. Four victims, two with head injuries, one with a severe cut above the eye. Colleen stabilized the folks before the cops showed up to take them to the hospital in the back of a pickup because the ambulance was out on another call. | ![]() Tapalpa Report - Norm wind dummied and found a thermal that took him above launch as I launched with Sergio, our hotel manager, and we had a great thermalling flight getting low and then climbing way above launch on the way to the LZ. We landed after Norm, because Sergio was not feeling too good! I them went back up to fly again with Sergios fiance, Anathalia, and we followed Norm and Colleen south past Sayula for 1:30 and 10 kms. We were back in town for showers and dinner by 5:30 after 2 great flights. 4.6 m/s up today, -5.1 m/s down January 14
| Tapalpa, Mexico
| Mainly sunny. High 28°
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate) 3500 m | 13500 ft.
Tapalpa Report - very strong cycles at launch as we arrived with about 20 foreign flyers waiting to see who would launch first. I let Russell Ogden, Brit Tour Leader, show me the way. I launched after he climbed out into really snotty air, clibing sharply to stay in the thermals as they drifted us back over launch. | I bailed after 20 minutes and top landed in a heap to everyone's entertainment as the wind was very strong! Norm flew after me and had a great 1:30 flight getting really high, I launched after him and struggled to get as high (he was 'THE MAN'). Colleen waited for the wind to die down. When she launched it was getting quite laigh and she was going down fast before she hit a nice thermal that took her above launch and on her way to Sayula (10 km south). One Mexican and one Brit in the trees, and lots of entertainment at launch! 5.1 m/s up today, -4.1 m/s down January 13
| Lil Nic, BC | Tapalpa, Mexico Mainly cloudy. Areas of morning fog. Rain developing in the evening. High 7° | Scattered Clouds. High: 71 F. / 22 C 60% POP | 0% POP 160° at 13 knots | Light and Variable -2.0°/1000' | (standard lapse rate) -3.0°/1000' (unstable lapse rate) 500 m | 1650' 3500 m 13,000'
Tapalpa Report - Norm flew two flights as we flew in on Mexicana into Guadalajara. He was bummed with 2 sledders, but it was pretty damp after it rained all day yesterday. | January 12
| Stay Home
| Rain easing to a few showers this afternoon. Local amounts to 20 millimetres. High 7° | 100% POP
| 290° at 7 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (standard lapse rate) 300 m | 1080' No flying locally, but Harold and Frank and Rusty all wrote and passed their Novice exams today. Good work guys. Expect to see them flying lots when the weather improves, as they have paid their HPAC memberships. | One more sleep til Mexico! Norm is already in Tapalpa after a scary bus ride and he is headed to the Festival tonight (see part of the town in the PWC video linked above). January 11
| Stay Home
| Increasing cloudiness. 40 percent chance of showers this afternoon. Locally windy. High 3 to 7° | 40% POP
| 150° at 29 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (standard lapse rate) 1100 m | 3300'
Elk Report - it is a good thing that the "Hike and Flyers" don't believe the upper level wind forecasts! Rob S called me with his gloat report late last night after logging 4+ hours at Elk. Eddie, Ivan, Carl, Chris H all flew while Klaus, Monica, Kevin and Judy all just hiked to watch (although Klaus had a short flight with Rob's Octane before hiking down). I overheard them arrive at launch about 11:30 pm and as I drove back to the city, I overheard Carl saying he was heading out to land before the rain hit (4:30 pm). | Woodside Report - I arrived at 11:30 am and it was blowing over the back, but the birds were skying out over the bailout field, climbing in tight circles right over launch then heading out to do it again. I had work to do and wasn't motivated to hike up so I didn't fly when the launch cycles started blowing up at 1:00 pm. No one flew Woodside after that. January 10
| Sumas BC
| Sunny. Wind east 20+ km/h. High 7-10° | 0% POP
| 130° at 13 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (standard lapse rate) 1100 m | 3300'
Woodside Report - JB claims to have flown for 20 minutes, possibly a new site record for January 10! | Hemlock Report - Klaus and Monica flew Hemlock, no report on durations of flights. January 9
| Stay at Work
| Sunny. Wind northeast 40 to 60 km/h. High 12
° | 0% POP
| 110° at 15 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (standard lapse rate) 1100 m | 3300'
It looked like a good Sumas Day but I couldn't get anyone motivated to head out, so I worked. Four more sleeps til Mexico! | January 8
| Sumas (for the very brave)
| Mainly sunny. Windy at times. High 9° | 0% POP
| 090° at 33 knots
| -1.5°/1000' | (stable lapse rate) 1100 m | 3300'
Strong east winds in the Valley. Not flyable at Grouse either according to reports. | January 7
| Woodside
| Mainly sunny with increasing cloudiness this afternoon. High 9° | 0% POP
| 170° at 6 knots
| -1.5°/1000' | (stable lapse rate) 1100 m | 3300'
It was definitely flyable at Woodside,but very stable. Even the birds stayed home! | January 6
| Sumas
| Clear. High 9° | 0% POP
| 150° at 24 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (standard lapse rate) 1100 m | 3300'
Strong east winds in the Fraser Valley, no pilots sighted at Woodside. | January 5
| Woodside
| Chance of showers. High 10° | 30% POP
| 150° at 18 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (standard lapse rate) 1100 m | 3300'
Woodside Report - early pilots to launch could fly but we arrived later and it started to blow down strong. East winds in the valley, the upper level forecast was wrong. | Elk Report - Allan D and a group flew Elk with Allan getting 20 minutes of soaring, not a great Elk Day but they didn't have to hike down. January 4
| Stay Home
| Cloudy with showers or thundershowers. Wind southwest 40 to 60 km/h easing this morning. High 11° | 100% POP
| 190° at 41 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (standard lapse rate) 1100 m | 3300'
More powerlines down, rain all day with gusts. Rob S reports the tree on the road to Woodside had been removed already (he borrowed our chainsaw to go to dispatch it and was denied).
| January 3
| Stay Home
| Cloudy with showers or thundershowers. Wind southwest 40 to 60 km/h easing this morning. High 13° | 100% POP
| 190° at 27 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (standard lapse rate) 1100 m | 3300'
Busy day for BC Hydro, powerlines down everywhere. Roofs blown off barns in Agassiz. | Woodside Report - Bev and Norm report a tree over the road up to Woodside, as they went up to see if a flight was possible, but it was blowing down too much for their liking. January 2
| Stay Home
| rainy and windy, high 9° | 100% POP
| 210° at 42 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (standard lapse rate) 1100 m | 3300'
Ugh! | January 1
| Rain and Wind
| High 7° | 100% POP
| 210° at 10 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (standard lapse rate) 1100 m | 3300'
No flying at Woodside, cloudbase was about 300 feet. Rainy all day with gusty north winds. | December 31
| Have a Happy New Year flight at Woodside
| Cold and Clear, high 4° | 10% POP
| 210° at 10 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (standard lapse rate) 1100 m | 3300'
Rob Samplonious' Woodside Gloat Report - quite a few pilots braved the road up Woodside for a last flight of 2002. When we got to launch it was quite windy (up to 30 km gusts). | Ian J, Glen T, Alan D, Rob S, Nicole, Colleen and I all flew with mixed results. Allan and Ian got flushed right away (up to -3 m/s down). Rob S got high fairly soon as did Glen but they complained the air was rough and Rob top-landed to fix his speed bar (#1 landing). Colleen launched after Glen as Glen headed out after about 15 minutes of good soaring above launch, Colleen was climbing out over the cliffs and experienced a hige collapse so she elected to fly out front finding some good thermals, Rob relaunched and top-landed (#2) again after a few passes. Nicole launched and got flushed right away, Rob top-landed again (#3) and relaunched. I was dubious about flying as the retrieve was going to be difficult and Rob was starting to sink out but regained enough height to top-land again (#4) so we discussed the retrieve. It got very light at launch and was not even kiteable for some time so I just played with the new Keara (practice inflations) and when it came on again I launched and also got flushed immediately with continuous sink all the way to Eagle Ranch. It was definitely Rob's day! Have a safe New Year. |
December 2002 Site of the Day archives lots of rain all month.
November 2002 Site of the Day archives not a great flying month, lots of rain in the beginning and then super stable and inverted for the balance of the month. Even the Savona Road Trip wasn't that great. Looking forward to Mexico!
October 2002 Site of the Day archives Still soarable some days, great fun at the Women's Fly In 2002 in Chelan. Allan logged 15 hours and only flew a few days. Most of the students are ready for signoff soon to get ready for Mexico trips!
September 2002 Site of the Day archives Still soarable most everyday! Some scary incidents at Woodside. Fun flying at Ashcroft.
August 2002 Site of the Day archives More spring-like days with super lapse rates, great fun up-country at Revelstoke and Mara, with some good XCs for all.
July 2002 Site of the Day archives Some spring-like days with super lapse rates, but still rather wet at times.
June 2002 Site of the Day archives another rainy and windy month with great lapse rates, some great flights at Bridal with some getting above Cheam Peak. The Clup Cup was nearly rained out but they got one valid task in on Sunday June 30.
May 2002 Site of the Day archives an extremely rainy month with the more spring mayhem, another reserve deployment at Lil Nick and a pilot crashed at the top of Deroche Mountain, uninjured but with a ripped glider and long hike down the mountain. Colleen placed 5th place at the Canadian PG Nationals in rainy Lumby!
April 2002 Site of the Day archives a rainy month with the usual spring mayhem, one reserve deployment at Woodside and a pilot hit a parked car at Bridal LZ, fracturing his leg.
March 2002 Site of the Day archives a few great days days with lots of snow and rain mixed in.
February 2002 Site of the Day archives two epic days already (4.5 hours and 2.5 hours!).
January 2002 Site of the Day archives Mexico vacation shots, some local flying but it was wet on the coast.
December 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, wettest December on record, some good days sprinkled thru the month.
November 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, had some good days at Woodside +2 hours, lots of rain later in the month.
October 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, but great flying at Chelan at the Women's Fly In.
September 2001 Site of the Day archives starting to get pretty stable, more sled rides forecast for October.
Aug 2001 Site of the Day archives Mara, Bridal, till some great flights locally
July 2001 Site of the Day archives Road Trip Month, Golden, Mara, points east!
June 2001 Site of the Day archives Great Month, 3 hours of airtime for some pilots every time they flew Bridal Lower! Some getting up to 6 hours in a single flight!
May 2001 Site of the Day archives Unstable Month, 2-3 hours of airtime for some pilots every time they flew Bridal Lower!
April 2001 Site of the Day archives Rainy Month, not as much airtime for some pilots
March 2001 Site of the Day archives Spring has Sprung!
February 2001 Site of the Day archives Spring is in the Air!
January 2001 Site of the Day archives - Mexico Flying Trip
December 2000 Site of the Day archives
November 2000 Site of the Day archives (great month for airtime!)
October 2000 Site of the Day archives
September 2000 Site of the Day archives
July - August 2000 Site of the Day archives
June 2000 Site of the Day archives
March - May 2000 Site of the Day archives
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