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Aloft @ 3000' NOAA | Rate /1000' | Base | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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El Chante Report - Umberto's daughter and friend wanted to try a tandem today (Umberto manages the big Caberilliza's restaurant here at the Raquet Club). Tanya and Karen work at the Jasper Fairmont Hotel and are two very nice girls. They were pretty excited on the way up to launch, as was Colleen as she had a 2:45 pm flight out of GDL and didn't want to miss it so she dropped us off and drove down immediately. The girls didn't have a chance to decline flying at this point. Perfect conditions with 15-20 kph on launch straight in! I took Karen and we went first. We had a perfect inflation but Karen decided it was time to fall over. I kept the wing hovering over us as she stood up and then we accelerated and we were off and climbing and fast. Launch is at 2190 meters and we were through 2500 meters in a few turns and everything flattened out below us. We waited around launch for Peter and Tanya for sometime, but apparently it was taking longer to launch than normal so I headed east toward the Raquet Club getting 50 kph downwind speeds and maintaining the 2500 meters all the way. We turned a few times in thermals and got even higher as we approached the Raquet Club and circled waiting for the others who had finally launched and were circling near Launch. ![]() Looking down on the Raquet Club from 1200 meters over with Karen click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR We hovered over the Caberilliza's LZ and saw strong West winds which are nasty to land in, so I headed to the beach to find and LZ. We were looking at a house in San Juan Cosala on the lakeshore and I knew the area was good for landing so we dropped in there into the west wind, soft as a feather. ![]() Looking east at the Lake Chapala Beach where we landed click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR We were packing up when we saw Peter and Tanya coming in over the Raquet Club, but the winds had subsided and Peter went for the normal LZ up top at his house. ![]() Peter & Tanya over the Raquet Club from the Lake click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR We were packed up and walking up to the main street when Colleen arrived. Our flight was 20 minutes and tons of fun in the strong lift. We dropped off Karen and we raced off to GLD airport and Colleen was thrilled to be on time. Last I heard she was past security and enjoying a rib lunch. ![]() LZ Donkey at the Lake saying "Where's Geraldo?" click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR Woodside BC Report - Luckily cloudbase was low today and we could postpone flying to watch the Canada/US Hockey Game :) Derek and I headed over to Woodside after the win and met Gerry L & Thomm on launch. They'd flown already and had come up on a retrieve, but just when we showed up there was a break in the clouds. By the time I'd set up it had shaded over again and I had to do a forward! ![]() Martina forward launching at Woodside by Derek Thomm offered to drive down so Derek followed me over to the Ranch where Norm was waiting. We hurried back up and Norm & Derek got a nice flight in, and we made it back home to watch the Closing Ceremonies. Go Canada Go! - Martina Closing Ceremonies at the 2010 Winter Olympics ![]() ![]() Closing Ceremonies featuring Michael Buble and Avril Lavigne ![]() ![]() Closing Ceremonies featuring Catherine O'Hara and Gordon Cambell ![]() ![]() Closing Ceremonies featuring Bill Shatner and Michael J. Fox ![]() ![]() Closing Ceremonies featuring Neil Young and Nickelback ![]() Closing Ceremonies featuring Alanis Morrisette ![]() What a party! Every Canadian Celeb was called out tonight!
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Tapalpa Report - we drove to Tapalpa quite late arriving around 1 pm, to see no vultures and no pilots in the air? The deal was struck that I would fly first and try to top-land and then Colleen would go after me. | We checked out the Main launch and it was empty, good cycles coming in. We headed to La Ceja (Hippy Launch) and there were lots of cars but no one in the air. Stefan said it had been quite gusty from the East so they waited. It was now 1:30 pm. I started to get ready on launch and Michael from Santa Cruz, CA was also getting ready. I was in the launch slot and was having trouble keeping my wing solid when inflated. It was gusty from the SE and thermals were coming through the trees to the south. After 3 - 4 tries I got a solid glider and was airborne. The direction I was headed was SE and there is a long flat plateau one must clear to get into the gulleys. I was only getting 9-16 kph so it was long and scary, as there was no lift along the flats and once in the gulleys one is leeside! ![]() Google Earth plot from iPhone GPSKit by JPR Right click here to download the Google Earth file as a KML file for today's flight . I caught a few thermals along the way and turned in them but it wasn't worth 360'ing in them. I kept pushing out and was finally rewarded with a decent climb halfway out to the Piano LZ. I wasn't going to let go of this one and I was soon through launch altitude (2190 m.) The thermal tracked back towards the Main Launch, but I wasn't going to try top-landing there. I started to push out south still in the thermal and was able to fly right over La Ceja launch to watch Michael fly off and get really low before eventually "Piano-ing", Taco Bob flew off on his acro wing, heading north right away to miss the drama on the plateaus and I saw him get above launch once but too far out to get back to top-land. ![]() Looking down on La Ceja Launch from 600 meters over click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR It was smoothing out at 2700 meters, so I was able to take some pictures. Smoothness was short-lived as I flew back to the top-landing area and started hitting some rippers over the flats, but patience and deep-breathing helps! ![]() Looking south to Sayula from 2700 meters click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR I saw south wind on the top-landing LZ so I set up to the west and landed right in the nice mowed grass area, smooth touchdown after some sustained rotory sink. Colleen came and got me to save the 1 block hike back to La Ceja. No one flew after Bob, as the conditions were not that good. I lucked out and held on to the one good thermal out there. ![]() Flight Log from today, only +7.1 m/s! by JPR Delayed Broadcast of a flight on February 27, 2010 in Tapalpa (my last flight there this year)
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El Chante Report - I got a call that there were tandems to do after noon, and Colleen had booked her 4 hour Spa treatments today. I got in the back of Camilo's truck with my tandem and we were off to El Chante. | The forecast for NNW winds never materialized until later, and we had decent cycles at launch. I was to take Paulina, Gerard's ex-wife, and she was scared and excited too! Gerard runs the La Vita Bella Restaurant at the Raquet Club. He was going tandem with Peter for his third flight (once before with Peter, once with me in January and now again with Peter as we are hoping for a good flight today after 2 pianos). ![]() Paulina is ready to fly! click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR We launched first and we were soon above launch and climbing through 200 meters above launch and we made a run to the east to the ridge. Nope, we sunk all the way and we had to climb back up as Camilo launched solo. We were soon above launch out front, and Paulina started shooting pictures feeling quite confident. ![]() Paulina is taking pictures as we headed east along the ridge click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by Paulina We got some better lift this time and we were hugging the ridge where the birds were turning and we continued east to the Raquet Club. We hit some sink and got flushed lowere but the gulleys were working . . . but further out from the ridge as it turned leeside from the north winds. We were getting some sharp, spiky climbs in the gulleys where I had to throw the Magnum around hard to stay it it. We did about 15 of these turns before realizing that it wasn't getting us higher, just maintaining. There is a point past half-way to the Club where the LZs get sparse and small and while I would continue solo, I feel that it is prudent to have a bigger LZ with less rocks for a tandem passenger. At this point I was waiting for a big thermal to break off and we didn't get it. So we turned downwind back to the safer LZs and all the places we got lift earlier were not yielding a beep. We made it to the LZ with one turn and as I turned onto final, Paulina was starting to "up-chuck" but she kept it in. We had a soft landing and Paulina couldn't even try to run, so I held her up as I flared. The local cows didn't even flinch as we landed near them. Camilo was following us and landed with us. Peter had launched as we were heading back to the LZ, and we saw him scratching near launch to get up. Then we saw him along the ridge doing the same flight path along the gulleys and he caught a nice thermal where we had the ratty crap, and he made it over the ridge with Gerard. They disappeared east but reappeared over the lake at 3500 meters! doing acro! They landed at the horse stables at Monte Coxala Spa and we arrived in the truck just afterwards and went to lunch at La Vita Bella. Colleen arrived mid-meal all juicy from her spa treatments and took me home for a nap, as this flying is hard work when it is leeside. We were going to go flying later but Colleen had to finish a project so we stayed home for dinner instead. The days are counting down to when I have to leave this Paradise as work is calling back home, probably on March 1-2.
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Tapalpa Report - it didn't look that promising as we arrived at Tapalpa and saw the inversion and no CUs. | Colleen was keen to go however so we headed to the Tapalpa Main Launch and she set up her gear around 12:30 pm. ![]() Colleen almost had a hitch-hiker today! click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR Colleen was soon in the air and climbed above launch for a few moments, but had to head out to the gulleys in front to find better lift. I saw her heading north kind of low, so I headed down to find her after stopping at La Ceja Launch for a pop. I got down to the vulture pit, where I last saw her thermalling, but she wasn't there. There was a large dust-devil breaking off where I parked and when I looked up there were 50 vultures coring up in a small thermal but my camera ran out of juice right then so no pics. I called Colleen and she said she was still in the air to the north and heading back to the main crossroads LZ, so I drove over there to see her packing up. She logged 1:03 in light trashy lift, landing in the freshly bailed alfalfa. Nice work! ![]() Collen packing in the designated Tapalpa LZ click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR Stefan flew out after I left La Ceja Launch and had a sledder to the Piano LZ, so the day was done at Tapalpa, on to San Marcos. We heard disturbing news that a Canadian Pilot from Nelson, BC had crashed at Tapalpa a few days ago, and he was rushed to Sayula Hospital with a fractured back requiring surgery. He was stabilized and then sent to Guadalajara to a hospital for the surgery as it was beyond the local hospital's expertise. He apparently had no insurance. Pilots have no business being in a foreign country without travel insurance and repatriation coverage. Two years ago a Montreal HG pilot crashed in Colima and was stranded here for 6 months until a fund was setup to get him home. Travel insurance is quite cheap at travel agents, make sure there are no exclusions for Paragliding & Hanggliding. San Marcos Report - we arrived at 4 pm, after lunch with light winds in the LZ, smoke was going straight up everywhere. It looked good. So up we drove. It was my turn, and cycles were strong, so out came my gear. It looked great! I had to wait for cycles as it lulled too much as I got ready, but I was soon off in a good cycle and slowly climbing to the north. Then all of a sudden huge sink everywhere. I hunted for lift and was heading south with a good tailwind, and halfway to the LZ, when I hit a "boomer". The glider shuddered and then pitched back and I had to crank it hard to the right as the left wingtip went soft. I cranked up in a spiral turn from mid-point back to launch height in strong leeside north wind. When I flew past launch I was barely penetrating to the North, and I was soon back in the sinky area again, where lift is usually very good. It was definitely leeside, and if you watch the video attached below you can see the change in the smoke out on the flats as it goes north. I flew in this crappy air for 25 minutes "bobbing up & down" and finally headed south to the LZ near the south ultralight field. I was getting 55 kph so I was definitely heading downwind all the way. A couple of strong thermals kicked me up along the way over the lakebed to clear the powerline and fenceline and as I came on final glide I was planning to turn to the north on final but as I approached the ground I was slowing down indicating south wind so I came straight in soft as a feather to the south? As I packed up the north winds came though the LZ. Interesting flight with many low saves, but not recommended for novice pilots as it got pretty trashy in the thermals. Max Lift - +3.5 m/s Max sink - 5.6 m/s which meant if you stayed in sink for long you were going to be on the ground fast - Jaime
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San Juan Cosala Report - the winds starting "howling" around 3 am from the NE. Amazing that the winds could switch from strong SW to strong NE in less than a few hours, yet no clouds or systems associated with the winds?
| It was too windy to head to Tapalpa, so we stayed inside until 1 pm, working and such, and then Colleen went swimming at the Raquet Club pool, while I hung out at La Vita Bella helping fix their sound system. 3 blown tweeters in a row? Too many wild parties I guess! Around 3 pm, we ventured out to San Marcos and stopped at the first area where we can see the winds before heading to the top, and it was still blowing from the SE so we headed back to Joco to shop for dinner. Our first BBQ here so we bought a cool little "one use" BBQ complete with charcoal and grill for 55 pesos ($4.50 CDN) to grill our burgers. ![]() Our fancy BBQ at the Casa Esperana in the Raquet Club click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR Calipatria, CA (Salton Sea Area) - February 20, 2010 - The land of empty houses, ghost shopping malls and roads to nowhere. ![]() Kirril's view of California by KT We took a PG trike out to Salton Sea area to get away from the Olympics and log some quality flying time. As always Salton Sea microclimate proved to be predictable. Flying from dawn to dusk (+30C during the day) there was enough time to explore the area which offers anything from curvy coast riddled with remnants of what once was and what is no more, cliffy mountains and sandy dunes - Kirill ![]() Kirril's view of California by KT ![]() Kirril's view of California by KT
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Woodside Report - The Desperados are back! | We went to Woodside in the afternoon hoping to catch some pre-frontal soaring but ended up with a nice little sledder instead. Derek hiked back up and was offered rides 3 times by the logging guys, but since I had his wing he opted for the walk up. Here's a picture of your guard dog confiscating our gear - Martina ![]() FlyBC's Guard Dog by Martina San Marcos Report - we stayed around the Raquet Club too long today, and by the time we headed to San Marcos around 3 pm, it was blown out til dark. Good rest day after the tandems yesterday - Jaime/Himey Paraglide Holiday in Mexico from Gerry LaMarsh on Vimeo. For Avatar Fan's Everywhere
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El Chante Report - despite the north wind forecast, Peter was convinced El Chante would work for tandems this morning.
He showed up at our casa at 11 am, with a truckload of 4 pasejeros and 4 animadoras (cheerleaders).
| ![]() Today's group of 4 pasejeros and 4 animadoras (cheerleaders) waiting on El Chante Launch click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR We did the run up to El Chante and arrived at noon to light cycles and no north wind and started setting up. As Peter was getting ready the local bee-keepers showed up to remove the honey frames from the hives east of Launch. We asked them to wait til we launched as the bees get very unfriendly when their hives are opened up and the frames replaced . . . at least for a few days until they settle back into honey production! Peter was off first and doing some light soaring below launch until he hit the Cross Thermal and they were soon above launch. I had to wait some time for a cycle and then we were off and climbing too just below Peter and a flock of vultures. We soared for 30 minutes and then followed Peter out to the Malecon, and stopped enroute for some town thermals over El Chante. Super nice landing conditions with SE winds at 15 kph. The packing crews were waiting for us and did a nice accordian pack on my Magnum for 20 pesos. San Marcos Report - we arrived on San Marcos Launch at 2 pm, to nice soarable cycles, not too gusty and some vultures soaring to the North. The smoke was NW in the valley and some small CUs were forming to the south. I setup first and clipped Kira into her harness. She was a bit freaked out, but we got ready and she did a great job during the inflation untill a few feet from the edge when she sat down but we were loaded and flying so no issue. We headed north thermalling in front of the big launch and were up 100 meters waiting for Peter. When we went further north we were getting in the lee of the peak and you could feel it so we headed back to launch and just as Peter launched with Julio we snagged a strong +5 m/s thermal and we were soon at 2500 meters "duking it out" with Peter. The plan had been to fly back to Jocotopec, as the winds were NW, and we were to fly south to the next range and there we would fly to Joco. We topped out at launch to 2650 meters and then Peter headed straight south. We followed and we lost little altitude through the Saddle, and we were getting 60 kph downwind speeds. ![]() San Marcos Ridge looking south, where we flew past the sunny areas in the distance of this photo click on the picture for a high res version and more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR We continued south past the sunny areas in the distance in the above photo and we were thermalling there trying to get up, Peter went further south in the lee of some ridges and was getting lower, so we headed back to the Saddle slowly upwind and started climbing out there and we were back to 2600 meters when Kira said she wanted to land. She was pretty brave up to that point! We followed the thermals back to the Joco highway and as we hit the leeside, we were soon plummeting down at -5.4 m/s heading for a nice big corn field where we did an aircraft approach into +25 kph winds and rotor but had a great touchdown. Kira's hubby was driving and was at our location by the time we packed up. ![]() Behind San Marcos Ridge looking southwest, at the Saddle, where Peter is patiently waiting for something to break off and help them climb over the back - click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR Peter and Julio were slowly climbing at the Saddle it the same spot as Kira and I a few moments ago, when he caught a "boomer"and was soon thru 3000 meters and on his way to Joco. We were in the truck and chasing him but lost sight of him but I saw him setting up over the Joco Malecon as we turned towards town. They were cruisng downwind pretty fast to get there before us. Nice day, 4 awesome tandems! Awesome people too! Woodside BC Report - Another flying day at Woodside, not as good as yesterday but it was still nice to hang out in the sun! Dennis & Alan launched early & scratched over the clearcuts for ages. I don't think either of them got back to launch height but they hung in there long enough to inspire the rest of us! About a dozen pilots out today, then Louise, Rob, Delvin, Derek & I zoomed over to Bridal for an evening flight. ![]() Louise setting up at Bridal by Martina The four of them squeaked off before it went catabatic and I got the pleasure of watching Rob launch his R09 flawlessly with a tail wind before I drove down. ![]() Rob Launching his Ozone R09 at Bridal by Martina P.S. Your guard dog is scary :) ![]() FlyBC's Guard Dog by Martina
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FlyBC Mexican Tour Update - Gerry and Rick went home today and capped off a full week of flying here around Jocotopec on our last Tour Week.
| As with Dale and Norm a month ago, the guys on our FlyBC Mexican Tour got 2 paragliding flights per day except for one skunky day where we did sightseeing in Tapalpa. We could have flown that afternoon but the guys were happy to head to dinner early that night. The weather forecasting here is pretty good as we are using NOAA Soundings and XC Skies, which are basically using RASP technology. We get a pretty accurate upper level winds forecast for the mornings and then see how the day progresses for the afternoon flights. The hotel in Jocotopec we used this year was clean, comfortable and quiet except for one fiesta night where the locals were up til 2 am. Good internet service and satellite TV was included. We changed the hotel to separate rooms versus double occupancy this year and everyone appreciated it. San Marcos Report - Colleen and I had a leisurely day, heading to Sayula later to shop for kitchen knives in this world-reknown steel town. We picked up a sweet set of knives for Annette. After shopping we headed up to the subdivision near Tapalpa Launch to check out the house for sale and noticed the west wind was pretty strong there already ruling out a Tapalpa flight. We headed north to San Marcos and observed a few hangies in the air over launch and many dust devils on the salt flats. ![]() Dust Devils on the San Marcos Lake Bed below launch click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR We drove up to launch and there was one lone hangglider set up on launch with two young ladies sitting on the ramp. We asked whose glider, and it was one of the girl's glider and she was waiting for it to calm down. Why don't the hanggliders look this good in Canada?? (with the exception of Mia S and Christine N of course!) ![]() The girl in the yellow top was waiting to launch her hangglider . . . when it calmed down. click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR I setup behind her glider and was inflated and launched without her having to move her ship, and was soon climbing thru 2400 meters without a turn. Good +4 m/s lift near the launch area but not much penetration. I hung around launch for a but and when I tried for a south run to the sadlle, I was getting flushed so back to launch. There was a nice CU to the south, but no getting to it today. I hung around for 30 minutes but wasn't getting higher and landing at the bottom sucks for the driver, so I got as high as I could around 2500 meters and ran over the back towards Joco. There were a few thermals in the lee, but just enough to maintain as it was after 5 pm. I was getting pretty good downwind speeds so I ran away from the hill as far as I could to escape any rotor, between thermalling. There are so many greenhouses now in this area that one must pick a LZ and stick with the plan rather than just heading downwind and hoping to find a place to land when you sink out (or you may be landing on a raspberry greenhouse). I picked a big field just north of the highway, with a nice treeline to the north to check the wind and hovered in in some pretty rough air and landed softly. As I started packing the wind picked up to +50 kph for some time, glad I missed that wind! The local kids raced out to help pack up and I was soon on my way to the highway where Colleen met me. Woodside Report - Hey Bastardo' Saturday 4 of us flew off Horsefly. The Hammer drove us up and the other Martin offered to drive down so we all could fly (wadda guy)!! Arrived at launch and it was flat, I mean it was completely still with a bit of a weak cycle for the first bit ,but not enough to launch in. Which was weird because with the forecast , we expected it would be howlin. Then it started to cycle up, so laid out and waited for another cycle and stepped off the edge softly. Some weird air, not really penetrating all that well and when I rounded the mountain I fully expected to get some ridge lift but only a few beeps and crabbed my way out until I started to go backwards. Hmmmmm, ok the community centre was starting to look good for an lz but then on the bar a bit and made it to Bill Bests field. As you know the highway side of the field is lined by power lines so stayed as far north as I could penetrate looking at your place thinking, I could take a run for it but opted to stay where I was with lots of height. The last 50 ‘ was in a huge sinky cycle and going backwards about 5 kmph so got ready to kill the wing for the impending mayhem so I wouldn’t turtle and then ahhhhhhh!! I stopped going backwards and the last 3 ‘ I touched down very softly to a no step landing and kited for just a few seconds. Good thing cause just as I dropped the wing, another gust came through like the one I landed in and was about 30-35+kmph. Rob made it to your place with pretty much the same type of landing and the other two (Hammer and Tom) landing on the other side of the river(the golf course I think) Yesterday as you know, many pilots flew Woodside. I flew in the large group of eager beavers all over the place back and forth from the south knoll to the cliffs and had a couple of small collapses thinking, man am I ever thermal rusty, but looked around and I wasn’t the only one with wings a flapping every now and then. I flew till my hands were pretty cold and top landed(butt skidded) (spring cobwebs to remember how slow I can fly the old Mantra to come in a little less hot)Anyways warmed up and drove down. You can come home now, winter is pretty much over. Cherry trees are blooming and bulbs have been sprouting since January - Thomm ![]() Gliders over Woodside by Ihor T A work party at Bridal was organized and some ditching and levelling of the drainage ditch was completed. Good weather for that project too.
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Mexico Report - we flew El Chante at 11 am, and Geraldo climbed high before landing at the El Chante Malecon. Ricardo had to make a hasty flight to the Taxi for his trip to Guadalajara Airport to fly to Houston today.
| ![]() Geraldo near El Chante Launch click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR We said goodbye to Ricardo and headed to San Marcos where Jorge M, Peter B and Camilo were already flying. Apparently they had a sledder down to 150 meters AGL, when a magic thermal took them over launch when we arrived. Geraldo got ready fast and was in the air as it clouded over but managed to "eke out" over 40 minutes to the south. ![]() Jorge and Peter on tandem over San Marcos Launch click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR Peter and his passenger Tanya made it to the ridge behind San Marcos and they were high, but the jump over to El Chante proved too big so they landed near San Luciano.
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Tapalpa and San Marcos Reports - we had a weird day here. As we left San Juan Cosala and Lake Chapala it was clear skies and light winds and we headed for the Cuota to Tapalpa. When we got to El Molino just north of us we hit a wall of fog.
| Good thing we were taking the Cuota highway as the fog was quite thick at times and it didn't clear up until we turned off for Tapalpa. It was clear on the ridges but lower layers of fog persisted. When we got to launch cloudbase was just lifting and we were starting to get some cycles up. The birds were already playing in the clouds. Colleen launched first and she says she only got 2 beeps all the way to the Piano LZ. Geraldo went further south and got a few more and last to launch: Ricardo got maybe 10 turns at launch height before heading out to join Colleen and Geraldo. ![]() Ricardo over Tapalpa Launch click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR We did a quick retrieval circuit and it was my turn and I was clipped in and the wind went tail for 10 minutes and strong. We packed up to head to San Marcos and as we drove past the Hippy Launch (La Ceja) someone was launching in a south cycle, so we headed in to check it out. It was a US pilot from Santa Cruz CA on a hot looking UP glider, but he was drilled into the gulleys where he struggled for sometime. We bailed to San Marcos. At San Marcos it was all clear except for some development on the peaks, looks good so we raced up as fast as the Suzuki could go with a full load. One by one: Geraldo, Colleen and Ricardo launched and stayed up but not really high. ![]() Gerlado and Colleen near San Marcos Launch click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR As I saw them heading out to land at Pedro's strip, I drove down. Colleen and Ricardo were packed up when I arrived, but Geraldo had headed over the back towards Jocotopec and landed near the soccer field. The weird thing today was that it was OD'ing but no one got much lift? We think it is too damp from the last rain as the lakes are filling up yet again. Off to La Vita Bella for dinner and drinks til some ungawdly hour for Colleen and me!
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Tapalpa Report - we had low clouds and forecast south winds, but Tapalpa usually works in the AM.
| We arrived at the main Launch around noon, and we had limited visibility but I flew one test flight and top-landed to let the guys fly. ![]() Jaime flying in the clouds over Tapalpa Launch - bad visibility but chido! click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR Geraldo launched first and was in the clear soon and thermalling around out in the gulleys out front. Ricardo launched next and it was much clearer for him, and he did a few turns before heading out to land with Geraldo. ![]() Ricardo flying under the clouds near Tapalpa Launch - chido! click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR By the time I retrieved them and we headed back up, the west winds kicked in and strong. We were planning to go to Rancho Pozocoyote (the west launch) but it was too spicy for sure so we went touring the woods around Tapalpa. We found a nice house that would be perfect for tours in an Eco-Subdivision near launch, no electrical power allowed except solar and wind generated. Many houses had had satellite dishes and internet apparently. The house we saw was for sale for $72,000 CDN for 3 BDR, 2 BA, 2 fireplaces and an acre of land. ![]() Eco House near Tapalpa Launch - muy chido! click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR Later we headed back to San Marcos hoping for calmer winds but there were white caps on the lake there, and at Jocotopec Malecon, so Ricardo and I went for a hot tub at Monte Coxala Spa while Gerlado had a nap. Tomorrow looks spectacular with clear skies and 22 degrees and light winds.
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Tapalpa Tourist Report - I had the muffler mounts repaired after a rough ride up San Marcos yesterday. The donuts that support the front of the muffler were damaged at Bridal a few years ago and they finally let loose here.
| Two new donuts and 30 minutes labor to install cost 80 pesos - $6.80 CDN. We headed to Tapalpa early, and afer one short flight in the clouds, it started to rain most of the day but we had a good tourist day in Tapalpa. ![]() Jaime flying in the clouds over La Ceja Launch - bad visibility but chido! click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR We started in the Main Square, went to the Churches for photos, some lunch in the Sqaure, drove to see Las Piedrotas (The Rocks). ![]() One group of Las Piedrotas that forms the middle of the Zip Line route click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR We then drove through a gated subdivision that was bankrupt at least 5 years ago (but back in business), went to La Ceja Launch for coffee and finally home for dinner by 6 pm. Colleen stayed home to swim and work.
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El Chante Report - it was a bit grey and didn.t look too good for lift but we are here to fly. So up to El Chante earlier than ever arriving at 1100 am.
| Ricardo got ready first and was off and climbing near the Cross thermal with a bird, and he was soon over tha back and a few hundred meters over launch. Geraldo got ready quickly and was soon "duking it out" with Ricardo and won the battle as Ricardo fell out of the thermal. ![]() Ricardo and Geraldo above El Chante Launch, nice sky and perfect conditions for 11 am click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR They both got 35 minutes or more, with Ricardo landing below launch at the subdivision called SierraLake, while Geraldo headed west to the Jocotopec Malecon landing in a soccer field. It takes about 25 minutes to drove around to retrieve and they were all packed up and waiting by the highway when I arrived. We then went to La Vita Bella Restaurant for pizzas and picked up Camilo (local pilot/realtor) and we headed to San Marcos for a 3 pm flight. It was still cloudy but the forecast for west wind proved correct and the guys were all soon soaring the north peak getting to 2600 meters, logging an hour of airtime before landing at Kordich airfield at the base of launch. Kananaskis Report - Larry and I went for some winter hiking and flying around Kananaskis Lakes last weekend. ![]() Larry getting ready to hike by David Stanek We both got to the top and flew off Mtn. Indefatigable and landed on one of the best LZ's I ever seen :) ![]() Flying in the Rockies by David Stanek Sunday was good too, got a nice flight off Lady McDonald. Good times; safe flying to you and C - David S. ![]() Good altitude but cold by David Stanek ![]() Canmore AB by David Stanek
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Tapalpa Report - great conditions this morning as we arrived around noon, a bit early but just in time as it turned out.
| Colleen and Geraldo launched first and were soon climbing under the nice CUs getting banged around a bit. They climbed out and then headed north but didn't get much past the crossroads as it was sinky over the fields. Ricardo launched next and started climbing right off launch and was soon over launch by about 200 meters gaining nicely. As he thermalled out he was drifting away from launch, and then it was apparent why as the west wind kicked in over the back at about 40 kph! ![]() Ricardo above Tapalpa Main Launch, nice sky and perfect cycles click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR He played around getting smoother as he flew and when I left launch to drive down he was headed north too and he eventually landed in the designated alfalfa field. We regrouped and headed to San Marcos arriving there at 2 pm, to nice cycles and mild lift again until Ricardo launched and he was soon rocketing upward. Both he and Geraldo suffered frontals as the lift was pretty strong but there was little drama. ![]() Ricardo way above San Marcos Launch, huge CUs but no cloudsuck click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR Geraldo made it over the back and Ricardo out front on the lake bed. We went for dinner and then off to the Jocotopec Malecon for some kiting later.
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El Chante Report - the huge lapse rate paid off today as 4 solo pilots and two tandem pilots were "tearing up the sky" at El Chante.
| ![]() El Chante Launch on Valentines Day, huge crowd, nice sky and perfect cycles click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR Peter launched with Ken and was soon way above launch as Jorge got ready to fly solo. I followed Jorge off launch tandem with John (a Manitoba based Cessna pilot vacationing at the Raquet Club) and we were climbing thu 2900 meters rather fast (launch is at 2180 meters). Super thermals but the west wind was starting to arrive about 25 minutes into our flight making it bumpy further west. Geraldo launched right after us and was soon above us on his new Ozone Swift. He started heading towards the Raquet Club high, but turned back to land with us at the SierraLake Condo Project where there was an Open House with free food and beer. Peter was attempting to top-land at the back of El Chante launch where we top-landed last week and he dropped into the rotor in exactly the same spot as I did. Strongish west winds cause a rotor over a small hill and then you land in the vacuum caused by the wind shadow. They survived and he got back to launch to take his last passenger as we were still soaring. We finally landed in the Phase 2 Area of SierraLake in a nice triangle field in perfect SE winds. The packing crew folded up the tandem for 20 pesos. Geraldo came in after we packed up and had a wild approach grazing a tree with his butt before landing softly. We were packed up and already at the fiesta at the Open House when we heard Colleen yelling on the radio to get Ricardo to relax and fly his glider after he induced a huge assymetric off launch and almost rotated back into the mountain before flying away. After lunch and refreshments we headed to San Marcos for an afternoon flight but it yielded extended sledders. Good thing as after I came down to retrieve them at Pedro's a huge duststorm blew through at over 60 kph, that lasted til dark. Make sure to click here to see the Best Mexican Sunset panorama.
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Road Report - wow, I drove a lot today! Colleen arrived at GDL at midnight so I was in there waiting an hour for her bags and Customs clearance and then we headed home to the
Raquet Club for drinks and left over pizza. | I had a short sleep before the alarm rang to pick up Geraldo L who was arriving at 540 AM also at GDL. His flight was rescheduled for 645 AM, so I had breakfast at Starbucks in the airport lounge until he was cleared. Unfortunately 4 planes came in at once from California so it was a zoo. Back to Joco to check into his hotel so he sould have a nap before flying. Then I went to the Raquet Club for Breakfast with Colleen at the Palapa Restaurant until 11 Am, when I had to leave to go back to GDL again! Ricardo M was also late coming in from Houston, but not too bad getting thru as his was the only flight. Back to San Juan to get Colleen, then to Joco to check Ricardo in and get Geraldo and off to San Marcos to fly! Finally! We arrived at San Marcos at 2 PM, perfect straight in cycles and 3 Hangies setup to fly. One Hangie got off before Geraldo and climbed very fast even way out front. ![]() San Marcos Launch at 2 pm, nice sky and perfect cycles click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR After a short briefing, Geraldo was set to test fly his new Ozone Swift and he got a lull and was off and heading "to the Moon" in a big lift band. He and the Hangie were soon racing around together and Geraldo was keeping up with him pretty well in fact Geraldo was leading at times. Geraldo was now at 3000 meters and Colleen was in the Launch Slot and he had a perfect inflation and was climbing fast with no penetration and she was soon thru 2700 meters too. Ricardo stepped up and was ready and he had a perfect inflation and when he jabbed the brakes to stabilize the wing he was lifted off and it was then that a tangle on the left wingtip was apparent. He had to weightshit hard right to stay straight and he was soon climbing fast too. He couldn't clear the tangle with stabilo, big-ears or just rattling the brakes so he flew off maintaining hsi direction with weight shifting. Geraldo and Colleen had flown over the back towards Joco and I suggested Ricardo might like the lakebed LZ as he still had the tangle, so he kept on the west side of San Marcos ridge. When I drove down to the front side, I couldn't see Ricardo so I radioed him and he was still at 2500 meters, with big ears and still climbing. Really good lift but it was pretty windy on the lakebed. I had him fly straight out from the ridge on big-big-ears and he was barely penetrating but he made a perfect approach into the field I was standing in nearly vertical and when he touched down with no brakes the glider frontalled and the tangle disappeared. I thought it was a twig, but it was just a small knot or tangle in a line cluster that wouldn't come out under load. We stuffed his glider in a bag and raced off to find the others. Geraldo was talking to a farmer about a horse and Colleen was at the Los Potrellos turnoff on the Joco highway and it was only 430 pm, but rather than fly again we headed for dinner. At La Vita Bella restaurant the wind got stronger so flying was not going to happen so we made the right call as the Lake was "capping".
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Tapalpa Report - I arrived at launch around 1 pm, good cycles coming in but no birds. Bob launched around 130 pm, and had a 15 minute flight into the Piano LZ. Some spiky thermals but nothing to stay up for long in. I decide to drive home after waiting for some bird action, it was too inverted to happen apparently.
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San Marcos Report - the day started out well, but I agreed to attend a symposium for a real estate firm, that wanted a Canuck perspective on a new development which was to run from 10-12, but it ran until after 1 pm and by then it got pretty windy from the W.
| The lake was capping and by 2 pm a rain cell had moved in fast and I decided lunch was a good idea. After lunch I went to a new housing development right below El Chante Launch and had a great tour. We are looking for investors in our Mexican base if you are interested. By 4 pm the weather had passed through and the sky was brightening up, so tomorrow looks gold! ![]() San Juan Cosala around 4 pm, the sky is drying out for this Saturday's tour start click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR ![]() Brad Henry flying at Aconcauga during the Climb for Prostate - stolen from Facebook
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San Marcos Report - I couldn't round up any flier amigos today as they were all working, but the day looked TOO GOOD to miss out so I headed to San Marcos arriving at launch at 2 pm, right at the start of peak heating.
| ![]() The CUs are starting to pop at San Marcos at 2 pm, and the Vultures are soaring easily everywhere. click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR I laid out quickly and waited for a lull as it was cycling up fairly strong at times, in fact probably too strong to top-land but I can hike without the pack if I sink out! I was off and climbing at +4 m/s right off launch and headed north to join the Vultures. I climbed past the peak north of San Marcos and was circling under a forming cloud and had to revert to S turning in the lift as the west wind was pretty brisk, but no problem staying in the thermals and climbing to 2900 meters where I played for about an hour. All of a sudden, the mountain was getting shaded in a few spots and I was losing altitude after an hour of sustained lift, and the birds were descending too on all quadrants. ![]() Setting up a top-landing approach at San Marcos at 3:10 pm to retrieve the Suzuki still on launch click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR I headed to the sunny spots near launch to try and stay up but even the exposed rocks weren't working so I setup a long approach from the north in a curving approach from behind launch and expected some lift near launch but I saw the wind ribbons were limp and I had one shot and while a bit high I could slow it down and stall in softly. After I packed up the Zoom, I noticed the cycles picked up again but not worth the risk of sinking out now that I was in the car. On the drive down I noticed the prevailing wind had switched to SE, almost over the back so that explained the sudden lost of lift (coupled with the lack of sun due to clouds forming). Back to La Vita Bella Restaurant for a pizza and cerveza to round out the day before heading back to the Casa for the evening. More bad weather news for the Valle Region - Landslide buries 11 people in Valle de Bravo Our condolences to the families of these unfortunate victims.
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El Chante Report - another beautiful flyable day with no flying amigos, so I didn't take out the wing. But Colleen arrives Friday night followed by Gerry and Rick on Saturday so we are going flying.
| Woodside Report - (Feb 9, 2010) me and Al T. flew at Woodside. Al got only 15 minutes while I got 33 minutes and 200 meters over launch. It wasn't as good at the 8th, but a lot better than last year this time. There is no snow and instead they are logging just beyond the spot where we had to chain up the Mog last year. I think that this is about the earliest we've been able to thermal in the Fraser Valley in years - Rob S.
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Woodside Report - Norm alerted me first that Alan D was soaring Woodside in an early email before Kevin sent me his personal report below. It figures it would be flyable on a Monday as everyone else is back at work by then.
| Woodside open for business on February 8 - The huge cumy drew me. I couldn't resist it! I ducked out of school at 12:30, grabbed my gear at home and headed out to Woodside arriving at 1:45 pm. Alan had already been airborne playing in the cloud for over an hour, reporting lift rates of +6.8 m/s. He also warned me about the road being closed at the 3 km point due to falling beside the road. I was lucky to pass through just after a logging truck and the faller let me pass on the condition that I stay up until at least 3:00 pm. No Problem. I launched and joined Alan in and out of the clouds as we enjoyed the year's second thermal flight. I flew for 1:45 with Alan and several eagles who were playing. Later Tom C joined us but he was made to wait til after three to pass through. He still had a good half hour. Alan had 3:30 before top landing to drive my vehicle down. Except for the logging, Woodside appears ready for spring! - Kevin A. San Marcos Report - I hung around the Raquet Club until 130 pm, then decide a drive to San Marcos was in order but had no flying amigos as everyone was back at work today here too. I got to launch around 215 pm and there were strong cycles and lots of vulures with their wings tucked back so it was pretty windy to try to top-land at this point. I had a nap in my car and when I woke up around 4 pm, it had calmed down but had also OD'ed with lots of shade everywhere and less birds so I thought it might not be soarable. It turned out on the drive down that it had just gone more southerly, so the south faces would have worked but I didn't feel like a big hike to retrieve so I kept driving down. Perfect flying conditions for San Marcos, just probably too good to top-land until 6 pm. Probably the worst depiction of a Paraglider or Paragliding in a movie or TV Series - CSI Season 3: Episode 10 features a revenge by paraglider. This Video Download service only allows up to 72 minutes of video footage to be played by unregistered visitors but should get you through the entire episode as there are no commercials. Speedflying Pro Les Arcs - January 29-30, 2010
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Colleen's Woodside Report - Colleen had planned a tandem flight for one of her sister's friends this weekend and they could only come out on Sunday (the worst day of the weekend).
| Her passenger Colin was clipped in and ready but apparently Annette took so long to get ready she "stole" their cycles making it tough to get off even with ballasting from Jan K. ![]() Jan ballasting Colleen and Colin at Woodside by Thomm They had a nice solid wing overhead and some good speed but Colin tripped and landed in a heap taking Colleen down too ending the flight attempts. ![]() Colleen and Colin at Woodside just before landing in a heap by Thomm El Chante Report - there were 9 of us headed to El Chante around noon today. Perfect South winds at 10-12 knots for easy launching and it made the thermals a bit treacherous at times. ![]() Peter, Herminio and friend in Jorge M's truck heading to El Chante Launch click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR Herminio launched first with his girlfriend, Peter launched second with Mike, followed by Jorge solo and final Lana and I launched and we were all in the air together for some time. Herminio headed east fast and was last seen over San Juan Cosala, Peter scratched around for a bit then we were swapping areas trying to find some lift to top-land for the third passenger to get a flight. I had a series of very big collapses as the thermals were strong and small causing a lot of surging into frontals and asymmetrics! We had a 60% asymmetric off launch with no warning of a surge? After 40 minutes Peter got up and over the back to top-land with Mike and it was a smooth landing but they got dragged by the strong winds until the wing was killed. I was getting trashed pretty bad trying to climb out near launch so we headed east and got nothing, so back to the rough stuff and we got to launch height a few times but not high enough to do an approach. After 15 minutes more, we headed out to the El Chante Malecon LZ where Jorge M had landed earlier. Nice winds for a no step landing for Lana, who was ecstatic about her flight! Peter relaunched with Kim when they got back to launch and Mike and Howard drove both trucks down to where I could get mine after hitching a ride up with Camilo. Jorge M and Camilo launched around 245 pm, and they both were getting up but, with no retrieve plan I drove down having enjoyed my rough tandem flight. On the drive down two HG trucks arrived to head up, so I hope they still had good cycles to fly - Jaime Seagulls cause security threat and close YVR for 20 minutes - Your tax dollars hard at work
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La Ceja Report - a good Tapalpa day finally, but not as good as it looked early on.
| Jorge A, Peter B and I drove to La Ceja (Hippie Launch) and arrived around 1 pm to nice cycles but no development. The lapse rate is good, the valley temps are in line with the forecast . . . but it is too wet after three days of heavy rains. Everything in the area is going green so less trigger points heating up. We observed three hangies launch from the main launch and they climbed slowly for a bit, but then they were all in the valley setting up in the "piano LZ". Peter decided it was time to launch and got up after a long painful sled out to the gulleys in front where he hooked a nice thermal to 200 meters over launch, staying there while Jorge launched. I was getting setup and waiting for some cycles to build to guarantee a clean launch and a climb near launch to avoid the sink others had entered on the way to the gulleys. As I waited for the cycles Peter hovered over launch and then dropped in for a top-landing. I then launched and was soon over launch in a small thermal. I eventually had to leave my small scrappy thermal and headed to the gulleys, where I hooked up with a nice +3.5 m/s small core and rode it to 2400 meters, just 200 meters over launch. Jorge was below me and to the north in another thermal and climbing too. We flew together for 20 minutes before I headed over the back to bigger thermals on the flats and eventually a top-landing near the highway near the microwave towers. ![]() Herminio and passenger at La Ceja soaring the south hillside near launch click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR Jorge had spiralled past me as we crossed over La Ceja Launch and top-landed there as Taco Bob launched. I packed up as I assumed the day was done as it usually turns Westerly after 3 pm, and it did after Herminio had launched his tandem. Peter and I drove back to the Raquet Club after 4 pm and crossed the land bridge over San Marcos Lakebed and had to ford a small river caused by the big sinkhole that appeared last month. Woodside Report - Nice flight, looked outflow for wind and was blowing down but there were lots of nice light cycles to get the cobwebs out, having not flown since early December. ![]() Garry launching at Woodside by ? Launched and had some .6's for lift other than that it was nice and warm and light. With winds at Eagle Ranch light from the north landing was sweet! ![]() Garry landing at Eagle Ranch near Woodside by ? Only had time for one sledder as dinner was being prepped in the "wack" at the son's place - Garry Hachey ps: Colleen, Thomm, and a few others also flew and had similar flights getting the "cob-webs" out! - Jaime
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El Chante Report - we indeed get a late start so Tapalpa was out.
We headed to El Chante in the Suzuki and the road was dreadful, we had to go into 4x4 early and we still got stuck in the mud a few times before abandoning the
vehicle at the top of the last hill in. Good thing too as walking was difficult in the mud as the cows had stomped along the road.
| There were nice cycles at launch but we saw NE drift to the CUs that were forming. Peter launched first and had a bit of a struggle staying up at launch and finally headed east towards the next ridge and started getting up there. Jorge launched next and was also struggling and followed Peter only lower. I wasn't inspired so I let Camilo launch next and he stayed around launch getting lower and lower but his truck was at the tire shop below getting an oil change so he wasn't going XC. ![]() Jorge Atrimiz flying his Ozone Mantra M3 at El Chante click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR I watched Peter and Jorge finally get up above the ridges but then they were in a strong NE lee wind and were unable to penetrate along the ridge very well but ultimately they got back to launch and asked if I wanted to fly. I declined as the road was so crappy to risk someone else wrecking my only ride. I started driving down and they ended up in the El Chante Malecon. It should be fully dried up in the next few days and stronger thermals will ensue. First thermal flight of 2010? - Hike Elk Friday Feb 5 after "school" (proD day). Wasn't expecting much due to immense wall of clouds on the south side. Arrived at 3 pm at summit to feel light SE wind and went to morning launch. Cycling up nicely. Just needed Viz which occured just as I finished clipping in! I flew east in with some light bubbles and then slowly worked my way to the west where there was still significant cloud. On the western edge of that cloud, thermals began keeping me aloft so I "danced" with the cloud for about 10 minutes before enjoying a leisurely flight out to Eddy's for a cup of tea. Life is good here as well as Mexico. Kevin New Wind Turbine now operational on Grouse Mountain - News1130 article here. another obstacle to Grouse flying. Wild weather in Mexico claims more lives - Yahoo news article here. The front that came through Guadalajara kept going east through Toluca and Mexico City.
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San Marcos Report - I awoke to a grey, rainy sky at 7 am. Went on-line to do some maintenance and emails and by 9 am, the sky was cleared completely!
| That should have been the first warning that it was going to get windy from the west. I was having trouble motivating anyone to head out flying early and by noon it had blown out already. ![]() Lake Chapala was already showing the windlines at noon and it never let up until dusk click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR I did a few errands and kept checking the Lake but it got stronger from the west. By 430 pm, I thought it was settling down so I headed to San Marcos alone, and didn't have to drive in very far to see the winds were still very strong. I also got to see the San Marcos Dry Lake Bed . . . flooded! As far as you could see there is standing water. Three days of torrential rain will do that. Late dinner and drinks at La Vitta Bella Restaurant with Peter and his gang of fellow pilots ended a sunny yet windy day in Paradise.
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San Juan Cosala Report - a great rain day! Tire install was fast and efficient and I am very happy with the performance of said tires as there was a monsoon today with lots of standing water and they performed better than the old tires.
| I decided to head to Guadalajara to shop for a battery and was involved in a huge traffic jam due to a semi accident in a tunnel that looked like a multi-fatality due to the number of emergency vehicles. Everytime I head to Guadalajara I see a wreck, cause people drive way too fast! ![]() The Traffic in Guadalajara was a nightmare due to a semi accident click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics in the FlyBC Feb 2010 Album - photo by JPR Tomorrow looks like the front is passing and we have 7 days of sunny forecasts and light winds, so expect some flying reports. I hear Jorge Atramiz and Herminio Cordido are in town to go flying with Peter, so there should be some fun happening soon!
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Ecuador Report - Martina reports via Facebook that she flew for 3 hours on a beach site.
| Joco Rain Report - a sleepy day in the rain, with a successful trip to Joco to get tires. They had to order them in so I will install them tomorrow around noon, but it won't cut into flying as the forecast is still 50% chance of rain (this front covers all of Mexico so even a roadtrip is a waste of time). It dries out later Wednesday afternoon. Time to catch up on movies and emails - Jaime Speed Flying in the Alps Airstripped.com - The Speedflying Teaser from Team Silver on Vimeo.
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El Chante Report - I knew it was going to be a later day as the rain needed to dry out before thermals could form, so I drove to Guadalajara to look for new tires for the Suzuki (they already have 80,000 kms on them and I have to get back home in March through some winter conditions as after Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow in Pennsylvania meaning 6 more weeks of winter!).
Read more about Phil at this link .
| On the way to Gualadajara I got a flat tire and was changing it near Joco when a huge downburst hit drowning me during the tire change, great timing but I got it done and was back on the road. When I got to Guadalajara it was clear that only the large chains were open for the holiday Monday (Walmart and Costco) but none of them had my size of tire in stock so a wasted trip, but I did get my tire repaired on the way home at a "24 horas llantera". Cost is 50 pesos or $4.00 CDN for a flat repair and reinstall on the car. ![]() The Llantera in Guadalajara features manual tire removal equipment and a good used selection of tires and wheels click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics - photo by JPR When I returned back to Joco, I decided driving up San Marcos would be a bad idea with no driver so I went up El Chante/Joco instead. The roads were in pretty bad shape as the rain saturated the soil and some trucks with 2 wheel drive had attempted to drive up and created big ruts. When I arrived at launch, the locals were showing me that it was soarable . . . at times. The cycles were there but big lulls between meant some sinking air for sure. ![]() The Locals were showing me how to fly, between the clouds click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics - photo by JPR Cloudbase was forming at launch at 2160 meters, and at times it was completely obscured, so if I flew and if I could get up to top-land I may not have been able to see launch to land on it. Hmmmm? How would that look on an accident report? I could have flown and tried and if I failed I could have hiked back up to launch as some say it is only an hour without a pack. But HIKE is a four letter word, so I drove down. For the record: It was flyable. It was soarable at times. And it was safe flying conditions here, so if I had some flying partners we would have been in the air. I was just too lazy to commit to flying and possibly hiking. On the way down I took some pictures of the backside of San Marcos and it looked like rain over there later so my original call was good to come up El chante. Mid Air Collision between two Comp Pilots at the Monarca in Valle de Bravo
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El Chante Report - a lazy day at the Raquet Club today. I couldn't find any fliers until after noon and by then the sky had OD'ed "big time".
| ![]() The CU forming above the Raquet Club ridge at noon looked ominous click on the picture for a high res version and for more Mexico Pics - photo by JPR By 3 pm there was rain, and later lightning and thunder. By 630 pm it was all clear and calm again but no one went flying here. |
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