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Date | Site | Forecast | Precip. | Winds Aloft 3000 ft. | Lapse Rate | Comments | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
September 2 | Savona/Cornwall | Cloudy, High 23°C | 40% POP | light and variable | -2.0°/1000' (stable lapse rate) |
Marie Claude (M.C.) Dumont was named the FlyBC Rookie of the Year 2001 at the Eagle Ranch Grand Opening. She really earned the title and received a new Charlie Insider helmet for the award! FlyBC's Paragliding School is back bigger and better in 2002!, go to FlyBC's Eagle Ranch Page for more aerial shots taken by Colleen on Sunday Feb 10, 2002. September 1-September 2
| Savona
| Sunny, High 29°C
| 10% POP
| light and variable
| -2.0°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
Savona Report - a great day for everyone. Lots of PGers flying from 9:30 am on, then the lift turned on and the HGers joined us for a great flight with most getting high. Colleen was the "Queen of the Sky", getting two very long flights between guiding students. When it got too strong for student flights we moved to the Crash Pad and flew them into the Toilet Bowl for some 3-4 minute flights. It never got too windy despite the forecast - Jim
| Grouse Report - Went to Grouse as it looked unstable with lots of cu's forming around the peak. Launched and hung around the cliffs in broken lift for almost an hour, eventually making it back to launch height. Then the clouds came and shut out the sun, so headed out to land. Went back up for another flight but it was blowing down so had to take the boring way down the mountain :( - Nicole August 31
| Savona
| Sunny, High 29°C
| 10% POP
| light and variable
| -2.0°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
Cornwall Report - Colleen, Harold and I flew off Cornwall as Kelly drove for us. Overcast skies gave us a little lift along the ridge with light south winds in the landing area. Nice site, Kim Jenner manages the Ashcroft Manor Teahouse where the LZ is located so stop and have lunch after you fly.
| Savona Report - Colleen and Jim T flew off Deadman's Upper PG Launch as the rain started pelting us, John McC was in the air on his HG, we watched Stewart T land his HG earlier. Bruce McG showed up as we went to the pub and he took some Islanders up to fly after the rain passed us. August 30
| Woodside
| Sunny, 40% chance of showers and possible thundershowers. High 24°C
| 40% POP
| 280° at 12 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
No pilot reports.
| August 29
| Woodside
| Sunny, 40% chance of showers and possible thundershowers. High 24°C
| 40% POP
| 280° at 12 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
No pilot reports.
| August 28
| Woodside
| Sunny. High 28°C
| 0% POP
| light and variable
| -2.1°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - great training day with four student flights, some advanced soaring in the PM and Ian J and I almost paramotored in the evening. My motor needed new plugs and they were in town and he lost a decompression valve causing the motor to konk after launching. Maybe tomorrow - Jim
| August 27
| Bridal
| Sunny. High 28°C
| 0% POP
| 290° at 8 knots
| -2.1°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - great training day until 2:00 pm when the therms started to let loose so we took the students tandem. Great tandem flights of up to one hour with students when it got too thermic for safe training. Ian J went motoring all over the Harrison Mills Valley. | August 26
| Bridal
| Sunny. High 29°C
| 30% POP
| 290° at 13 knots
| -2.9°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - flew lots of tows in Eagle Ranch readying new students for flight as conditions built up to strong SW winds aloft. Then flew tandems until 8:00 pm, when one student flew his first high flight into Eagle Ranch, good thing it was still cycling at launch as the runway has been significantly reduced for PG launching. Norm flew to harrison Beach - Jim | Cooper's Report - After a weekend at Mara Lake, I decided to give Coopers a try. Scott (a local Vernon pilot) and I got up to launch and took off just before noon. Beautiful cu's and light winds made me decide to go XC, so I flew to the Camel's Hump. Landed at the base as it was getting late and I needed to get back to Vancouver but could've continued on to Cherryville! A beautiful day in Lumby! - Nicole Pembie Report - Annelies and I ended us in Pemberton today, getting a few nice flights. A bit of east wind made for a rotor induced ceiling but I managed 1h20, coming out high to pull a 540 helicoptor over the lz. Smooooth. Thanks to chris for an amazing maneuvers course - Jeremy August 23-25
| Revelstoke
| Sunny. High 29°C
| 0% POP
| light and variable, north at 6000 feet
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Muller Maneuvers Clinic Report - great fun the first day with me getting to demo the new APCO Keara in a North American debut at the clinic with full stalls and some great spins, with some thermalling mixed in later in the day. Glad the Keara had great energy retention as I misjudged the beach landing and had to punch it to get to land!
| Colleen had a great set of full stalls the first day with some tail slides and good exits, and a few great spirals to make the day complete. 4 or more water landings as pilots misjudged the landing approach! Norm had a great flight getting above 3000 meters and heading north 28 kms along Revelstoke Lake, trying to locate a landing area with Bev on the chase with no gas in the Subaru. Bridal Report - I flew Lower Bridal today! I got off on the first try too, since I'd been practicing my inflations up on launch yesterday (probably did about 15 or so...). Alan launched first, and I went right after. Thanks to Ihor for helping me pick the cycle. I was off the ground before I got to the edge, and got a flight of 1 hr 10 mins. I think Alan got 3 hours and Ihor 2 1/2. After we launched, Bridal got busy, with Kelly driving up Ian J, Frank and Hawaii Pete & his gang. I'm still grinning (hey, it's only been 3 hours since I landed...). A personal goal achieved for me, hope you're having a blast on your holiday! - Martina August 22
| Coopers, Lumby
| Sunny. High 29°C
| 0% POP
| light and variable, north at 6000 feet
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Lumby Report - we camped at Lumby and decided to fly Cooper's in the AM. Arriving at launch at 11:00 am, I launched first into a westerly cycle and got flushed down to near the LZ before I found a thermal to take me above launch. By then Norm and Colleen were getting high above the launch, and I struggled to catch them as Colleen headed to Lumby Ridge. Again huge sink between thermals kept us cautiously heading south to find more therms, but again I sunk out catching a low save that took me up to launch again. By now Colleen ahd reached decision height and she headed for the Saddle, with me lower doing a straight glide from launch to the Saddle with Norm doing the same higher up. | Colleen cleared the Saddle and found nothing on the other side so she went on glide, Norm did the same as I didn;t make the Saddle high enough so I went back to land in the designated PG LZ. Norm and Colleen landed in the same field. August 21
| Mara
| Sunny. High 29°C
| 0% POP
| light and variable, north at 6000 feet
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Mara Report - we arranged to meet Norm, Bev and Andy at the LZ at 2:30 pm. We fuelled up and arrived at launch at around 4:00 pm, Bev launched first and climbed out, followed by Colleen and then Norm and Andy as I waited my turn to launch. We had a driver so we were going for Enderby at a minimum goal for the day. Light north winds and great thermals were waiting for us!
| As I launched Bev was highest, Colleen was high above Mara Launch and Norm was grovelling by the creek, but managed to get himself out of there. I flew straight for the creek house thermal and climbed out fast there on a demo Sport I had just received. Colleen was now in front of Norm and I and high heading for Enderby, there was huge sink between the odd thermals and I took a calculated risk and flew low towards the Enderby cliffs, sinking all the way. Colleen was still high above me and Norm was headed back for some lift north of my location. I arrived at the cliffs and got nothing, so I headed south to the last bump before the Enderby gap and found a ragged little thermal that took me to 1600 meters before I made the jump across the Gap. As I crossed the gap I sunk like a stone and kept heading for the opposite ridge hoping for a thermal and I noticed some turkey vultures getting up in the middle of the gap so I kept going and found a great thermal that took me to the peak! I kept in this thermal as I drifted south, and when I topped out I ran for the next clearcut and kept doing this with low saves all along the way until the lift slowed down as I hit the Vernon waterslides, landing next to the lake for 50+ kms. As I radioed to Colleen I heard her landing in Enderby while Norm landed at the Foodliner. Bev and Andy landed in the official LZ and retrieved the Suburban - Jim August 20
| Bridal
| Cloudy periods this AM, clearing in the PM. High 23°C
| 30% POP
| 280° at 8 knots
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - Bridal looked flyable as I drove by at 4:00 pm, but no pilots in the air. As I got to Woodside the birds were soaring and the valley winds were good, sun on launch but again no pilots. I guess everyone is still working instead of taking vacation. | Mara Report - Norm flew to Enderby from Mara Launch and he said it was rough! Andy (new signoff) flew off Mara and was flying slow to maintain altitude and spun his glider, but got it under control and whimpered out to the LZ! we will be joining you guys soon, save a thermal for us! August 19
| Bridal
| Cloudy periods this afternoon. High 22°C
| 50% POP
| 280° at 8 knots
| -2.1°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
Bridal Report - I talked to Ian J at 8:30 as I flew into YVR from a one day trip to Portland for work, and he said the flying at Bridal was exquisite! The usual gang was out at Bridal despite warnings to stay home from undisclosed sources - Jim
| Lumby Report - Bev called in her Gloat Report from Lumby. She broke free from Coopers launch and went for a 10 km XC flight landing with a big lol grin, and on her feet too! Norm, Andy and Bev claimed top of the stack honours for the last few days (could it be the APCO gliders or the "top gun training" they received from FlyBC??) - Jim August 18
| Grouse Fly-In
| Sunny this morning with cloudy periods this afternoon. High 22°C
| 0% POP
| 280° at 6 knots
| -2.1°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - quite a few pilots flying into Riverside in sinky conditions. One good thermal near the south knoll, that kept a few pilots above launch.
| Grouse Report - the last day of the Fly In was more orderly, no incidents and the wrap up party at Boston Pizza was fun with many prizes and awards being handed out. Over 200 flights into the LZ and only a few bangs and scrapes from 2 incidents. Thanks go to Justin K and all the volunteers who worked to put this together for many months - Jim August 17
| Grouse Fly-In for the next two days
| Sunny this morning with cloudy periods this afternoon. A 40
percent chance of afternoon showers. High 23
| 0% POP
| 290° at 6 knots
| -2.1°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
Grouse Report - lots of blown launches and interesting landings. Dan K (HG) hit a tree on approach and smacked into Doug McNaughton's fence breaking his hand. Get well soon, Dan! A First Flight tandem passenger sustained bruises when encountering another fence behind the back stop. The party at Justin & Cheryl's house well attended and went on past midnight.
| Interior Report - It sure was great flying Mara, especially when I got so high, it was really great and I thought of you and Colleen all the time remembering what you have said about thermaling. The first day we went up to Mara it was super light next to no wind, Martina didn't want to fly that one so I decided to fly first. I did a forward and powered off of launch where I got a real smooth long sledder, After I had landed I was watching and Martina launched and then Andy Martina had launched before Andy so it was real amazing to see Andy smoke past her on his Fiesta, she said she was using brake and keeping herself slow. After Norm launched and also got a sledder, but at least Mara is a long sledder so worth the flight! Norm had flown Coopers and xc over to CherryVille, where he got pampered by the land owner, apple juice ice water and sitting in the shade, the kids were amazed because they say nothing like this happens in Cherryville, as Martina and I were driving looking for him, She had wished she had followed him, she said " If she had more balls and no brains she could have done it" I replied " Are you saying Norm has no brains?" We got quite the chuckle out of that one. Norm also flew out to Mable Lake from Mara, Tony a handglider lady flew all the way into Vernon, she was thrilled. I am certainly getting my flying bug back! And am selling the last horse I have for good and forever! Flying is my sport now forever! - Bev August 16
| Bridal
| Sunny PM. High 28°C!
| 0% POP
| 290° at 9 knots
| -2.8°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
No pireps
| August 15
| Bridal
| Possibly Windy, Sunny PM. High 28°C!
| 0% POP
| 290° at 20 knots
| -2.2°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - drove out to the valley despite the forcasted afternoon winds. Drove into Eagle Ranch to see if anyone was home mowin the grass but not a human in site. | Quite windy from the sw in the eagle l.z. but decided to drive up to launch on the not so para-road friendy roads. Launch was quite strong with cycles coming up with little lulls here and there. Spoke with someone in the l.z. at Bridal and he said it was about 5-10 in the l.z. there. The pilot ( Jack ) at Bridal said he was coming over to Woodside to check it out so now not being alone there decided to launch. Very strong conditions ( is this May or August ? ) thermals were very punchy. Flew for about 45 mins and after several top landing attempts getting popped up at final 4m/s, nailed a nice no step landing and drove down. . . . . . . . Just in time as the wind on the water was now very long cat paws and the trees at launch were singing like the ones on a good soaring day at Blanchard . . . . . - Thomm McE. Bridal Report - Another couple of hours at Bridal Thursday, ho hum, yaaaawwwn . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Ian J August 14
| Bridal
| Sunny PM. High 31°C!
| 0% POP
| 290° at 16 knots
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Bridal Report - Ian J reported 2+ hours of sweet soaring at Bridal with 5 other pilots, didn't get above upper launch but had fun.
| Pembie Report - Jeremy reported great soaring with valley crossings and a top-landing (?) to retrieve the Lada, but then he negotiated with someone to drive down his car, so he relaunched. Later he noticed his car still on launch as he sunk out! August 13
| Stay Home
| Locally Windy. Sunny periods PM. High 28°C!
| 0% POP
| 300° at 24 knots
| -2.0°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
Cooper's Report - Rob P, Ian J, and I went up Coopers launch to medium cycles coming up the front. I elected to be wind-technician and launched first, and immediately went straight up followed by straight down and fighting to keep the glider overhead (later on we figured it must be westerly and rotory out front). I headed away from the mountain and over to Saddle hoping the rotor didn't extend that far (no such luck) but couldn't get away from the rough air so landed in Beth's field after an interesting ride (Ian and Rob decided to pack it up after seeing the performance I gave :)
| That afternoon we went up King Eddy for a flight, Rob on a tandem and I decided to drive the truck down. Not much lift out front and short sled rides to the bottom. The air was decidedly weird that day! - Nicole Grouse Report - The winds aloft almost made me cancel the whole day of tandems, strong WNW winds. But Miguel and I decided to go and have a look. We were booked up all day. The WNW winds never materialized at all. There was a light east wind but nice cycles coming up. We got 3 flights in each then I had to go to work. Miguel went up for the 4th and final, but could not launch because it went too cross from the west - Glen T. August 12
| Bridal
| Sunny periods PM. High 30°C!
| 0% POP
| 300° at 10 knots
| -2.2°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
Grouse Report - I was thinking about Grouse, when I noticed the gusty winds and went home instead, may have been turbulent - Jim
| August 11
| Bridal/Woodside
| Sunny periods PM. High 28°C!
| 0% POP
| 300° at 10 knots
| -2.2°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - a truckload of pilots went up to Woodside early with us and were treated to leeside conditions (the 8:00 am Upper Level Wind Forecast changed to 070 degrees at 14 knots as we headed up). | We decided not to fly and went towing at Eagle Ranch with some students from last week who already soloed. They had 3 - 4 good tows as we waited for the winds to abate. Then we started flying Woodside. Ihor and Colleen thermalled above launch and the new students got a flight in before the valley winds started. Bill had his first solo flight after 4 tandems and 4 tows and got in a thermal in super smooth lift on the way to Eagle Ranch, Daisy had a nice flight also climbing above launch in straight line flight on the little Santana! We then flew a few tandems as conditions got stronger, and we needed every bit of speed on the tandems to penetrate out to the Ranch. This has been the windiest year we can remember, mixed with the strongest thermals we have seen in August. Colleen's last passenger was smaller than her and because they totalled less than 125 kgs, they took the large Summit to do the tandem and Colleen climbed out nicely and had a great time with the new student. Andy A had his sign-off flight, welcome to the sport - he is headed to the Interior with Bev and Norm for a week of flying. Bridal Report - I talked to Allan D on the radio after top-landing with Ihor to retrieve some trucks and he said it was windy in the air at Bridal. Many pilots above launch and on the way to Cheam. We could see gliders all over the mountain as we soared Woodside. Nikolai was still in the air after 3+ hours! Grouse Report - Justin said the air was rough and ugly due to the west winds at Grouse too. This is not typical for Grouse to be affected by the westerlies. Maybe things will calm down for the August Grouse Mountain Fly-In. Golden Report - Rob S., Rob P., Ian, and I went up Mt. 7 for an evening flight after a windy day parawaiting. It was windy and not much lift, so most of us got extended sledders, except for Rob S, who got 2 1/2 hours in broken lift after it starting releasing (the rest of us just missed it!). Anyways, tomorrow looks good so we are going to try Golden again - Nicole August 10
| Woodside/Bridal
| Cloudy and foggy in the AM. Sunny periods PM. High 26°C.
| 0% POP
| 300° at 6 knots
| -2.6°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - woke to cloudy skies and obscured launch. Met Jeff R and Dan K as they had set up their HGs and were waiting for a window to launch. We were hesitant to launch cause it looked cloud-sucky, so we watched as they sunk out.
| Later we all flew and has strong thermals and high winds making it hard to track the lift. Everyone made the Eagle Ranch LZ and saved their $20.00 although I was getting my wallet out at one point as I cleared the trees with 10 meters to spare. Needed more ballast as I was flying a large wing and was underloaded. Invermere Lakeside Event Report - A windy day in Invermere for the fly-in, but pilots still made the beach for some spectacular water landings! It picked up so people were landing in the alternate LZ, some with big ears going backwards, glad I wasn't in the air! - Nicole Golden Report - Lots of xc, last week on the last day of the Willie Hugo ended up in Canal Flats 145 kms, followed by Charles with 139 kms. I'm sure Randy will post the flights later this week. Yesterday was a great day, well it had to be I flew to Radium 90 kms. Just short of 300 kms total this week - Mark F August 9
| Woodside/Bridal
| Sunny periods PM. High 21°C.
| 10% POP
| 280° at 8 knots
| -2.1°/1000' | (stable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - flew all day, didn't bother with Bridal for the students. The last flight was a great soaring flight with Carl, Martina, Colleen, Andy and I (with Bill on tandem) for about an hour in total landing in strong South winds..
| Bridal Report - overheard Ian J and Amir flying Bridal, top landing to retrieve their vehicles. August 8
| Woodside/Bridal
| Sunny periods PM. High 21°C.
| 10% POP
| 280° at 8 knots
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - three flights, soaring during every one! Last flight landing just before dark in light winds. Two FlyBC students just about ready for signoff flew very well!
| Bridal Report - because it got windy at Woodside, we thought it would be great to watch the action at Bridal so we went up to launch. Ihor had the last great cycle and he soared for about an hour, while everyone else tried to launch. Jude from OZ flew her first flight at Bridal and got off second try, Norm made me fly his wing down after three aborts. Ian J tried many times to launch Nicole on his tandem, finally getting off around 7:00 pm. Meanwhile Alan D was hovering around upper launch for several hours. August 7
| Woodside/Bridal
| Sunny periods PM. High 21°C.
| 30% POP
| light and variable
| -2.9°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - great flying all day, windy in the afternoon but everyone was able to stay up and penetrate to Eagle Ranch. Dan Keen and an Oregon HGer (Ken) flew for several hours with Dan heading east to Hope. Norm logged 2+ hours, students all had great flights in smooth lift landing at 8:00 pm (with huge smiles on their faces) - Jim
| Bridal Report - Bridal was ON! A bit on the windy side but not a problem; most pilots got to Upper launch with little trouble, courtesy of the abundant lift. Alan, Keith, and I crossed to Elk and flew around there for a while getting quite high. Back at Upper launch cloudbase was lowering and lots of cloud-suck. A few pilots arrived from Woodside to try Bridal and also got high in smooth lift around Lower launch. Cloudbase finally lifted enough at the end of the day to allow Alan and Keith to relaunch from Upper; they had been stuck there when cloudbase closed in on them after top-landing! - Nicole August 6
| Stay Home
| Heavy Rain with Possible Thunderstorms later in the day! High 19°C.
| 90% POP
| light and variable
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - it never rained at Eagle Ranch all day? Reports of rain in Abbotsford and Hope prompted my Stay Home message, but it was flyable most of the day, with some valley winds around 3:00 pm. No onw flwe Woodside and when I drove to Chilliwack at 3:00 pm there was no one there either - Jim
| August 5
| Woodside or Stay Home
| Cloudy with Possible Thunderstorms later in the day! High 19°C.
| 40% POP
| light and variable
| -2.9°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Blanchard Report - Robin, Rob S. and I met up and went to Blanchard, thinking it was the best shot on a very unstable day. Got there to lots of blue holes, beautiful cu's, and light WNW winds. But by the time we got up to launch it had overdeveloped and was raining. The rain eventually stopped, but it never cleared up again so Rob and Robin each took an extended sled run and I drove down. A bunch of American HG pilots also showed up but also sledded out - Nicole
| Woodside Report - What a DAY! Marion, Colleen's Mom, was celebrating her 75th Birthday and we had a big lawn party and the rain stayed away. Marion wanted to fly tandem into the party so Colleen took her off Woodside after a few tries and they landed to the cheers of all her friends! Greg B flew his HG and had a great flight, probably over 1.5 hrs, landing at Bill Best's field. Then Ian J, Kevin A had a solo flight that also lasted over an hour as I took the first of three tandems, a 12 year old second cousin of Colleen's. We pretty much took the whole party tandem with three tandems each in beautifully smooth soaring conditions with no wind! My second tandem was memorable as I took two little guys tandem (tri-dem?) on my new Windtech Tucan tandem, using two spreader bars. They had a super flight as we soared with Ian J and Colleen both on tandems too. Then I was able to take two more flights on Leon's paramotor just to cap off the day. Where was everyone? - Jim Swansea (Invermere) Report - Went up to Invemere Friday arriving around midnight. Woke up to very strong winds aloft and huge towering cu`s. Watched the a few gliders getting towed up and dissapearing down the range. WAYYYYYYYYY too strong for paragliders so spent the day on the lake splashing around. Later in the day it all settled down checked out the l.z and headed up to the lower launch. Launched after very carefull attention to cycles and had a great flight ....easy to cross the gaps to the next ridge but not familliar with the site so played around buzzing launch and benching back up to view a sailplane pilot in a bit too strong conditions for my liking so flew out in very bouyant air . Arrived over the l.z. to even more lift and landed nicely to head home to have some coolies........ahhhh - Thomm August 4
| Woodside or Lil Nick
| Cloudy with Sunny Periods. Possible Thunderstorms later in the day! High 19°C.
| 40% POP
| 200° at 9 knots
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - not the best call I have ever made. It was sunny until 10:00 am, then a storm cell came through. Then sunny again with TCUs. Then more rain, then sun, then I called the day at 1:30 pm. The windows were too short to safely fly, and the LZ was wet. Maybe Wednesday will be better - Jim
| August 3
| Woodside or Bridal
| Cloudy with Sunny Periods. Possible Thunderstorms later in the day! High 20°C.
| 40% POP
| 250° at 5 knots
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - light conditions made launching a challenge for everyone, but we all managed to get several flights. Bev flew and did a super launch inspiring everyone!
| Bridal Report - several pilots were at Bridal and someone was spotted soaring high above launch later as the blue sky finally made it to the Fraser Valley. No thunderstorms reported as forecasted by Environment Canada. August 2
| Woodside or Bridal
| Cloudy with Sunny Periods. High 21°C.
| 20% POP
| 270° at 8 knots
| -2.5°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Woodside Report - had a great day with 5 new students getting in their high flights, in great conditions all afternoon. Colleen got above launch but was forced to land to guide the students into Eagle Ranch LZ. Norm tried to soar but a new student on a Prima "sky-ed him out", maybe tomorrow will be better Norm :-)
| Grouse Report - Well, I decided to try Grouse Mtn after the clouds parted late this afternoon. Arrived at launch about 5:30pm to nice cycles and beautiful cu's all around. Had an awesome flight with nice fat thermals eventually getting the glass-off and very buoyant air around the LZ. Beautiful conditions, where was everyone? - Nicole (new GMFT member) Golden Report -Hey!! Stop slaging our Golden weather!, ok we deserve it. Raining heavily right now, hoping for a flight this aft. Hugo and Scott went north yesterday to blaeberry, Scott flew from upper and was able to get above 7 was able to glide past table, nice! Hugo made two turns at lookout and headed for the bump on the north bench got a little then headed for Moberly from there it was a glide to the blaeberry. I flew for an hour got up to 2200 meters but didnt go anywhere, only one other para flew after me, Charles W flew for about 30 mins in rough conditions over lookout. You're not missing anything (yet), I think the weekend will be better. Hope to see you at the party. Too bad we didn't get to fly the tandem, Colleen, I think we would have got past Parson, I made it 1 km short of my house, better than a kick in the ass! - Mark F August 1
| Whidbey Island
| Windy at times. High 24°C.
| 20% POP
| 270° at 11 knots
| -3.0°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Whidbey Report - looked like the Juan de Fuca forecast was off, too light to soar according to NOAA - Jim
| Bridal Report - Allan said he saw one person over Brial for a few minutes, but they didn't soar, July 31
| Bridal
| Sunny. Windy at times. High 24°C.
| 20% POP
| light and variable
| -3.0°/1000' | (unstable lapse rate)
Bridal Report - Colleen and I drove past at 3:00 pm, and there was the usual assembly of pilots waiting for rides up the mountain to Brial Lower Launch. One pilot soaring on a blue glider withtons of CUs waiting to be chased. Even better looking CUs were witnessed through the Coquihalla Valley as we drove down . . . it is just a matter of time before someone "busts a move" up the #5 - Jim
| Norm's Bridal Report - Norm logged 3.5 hours at Bridal getting to Elk Mountain and various other spots on the south side of the valley. Much better than getting soggy sledders in Golden! |
July 2002 Site of the Day archives Some spring-like days with super lapse rates, but still rather wet at times.
June 2002 Site of the Day archives another rainy and windy month with great lapse rates, some great flights at Bridal with some getting above Cheam Peak. The Clup Cup was nearly rained out but they got one valid task in on Sunday June 30.
May 2002 Site of the Day archives an extremely rainy month with the more spring mayhem, another reserve deployment at Lil Nick and a pilot crashed at the top of Deroche Mountain, uninjured but with a ripped glider and long hike down the mountain. Colleen placed 5th place at the Canadian PG Nationals in rainy Lumby!
April 2002 Site of the Day archives a rainy month with the usual spring mayhem, one reserve deployment at Woodside and a pilot hit a parked car at Bridal LZ, fracturing his leg.
March 2002 Site of the Day archives a few great days days with lots of snow and rain mixed in.
February 2002 Site of the Day archives two epic days already (4.5 hours and 2.5 hours!).
January 2002 Site of the Day archives Mexico vacation shots, some local flying but it was wet on the coast.
December 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, wettest December on record, some good days sprinkled thru the month.
November 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, had some good days at Woodside +2 hours, lots of rain later in the month.
October 2001 Site of the Day archives pretty stable locally, but great flying at Chelan at the Women's Fly In.
September 2001 Site of the Day archives starting to get pretty stable, more sled rides forecast for October.
Aug 2001 Site of the Day archives Mara, Bridal, till some great flights locally
July 2001 Site of the Day archives Road Trip Month, Golden, Mara, points east!
June 2001 Site of the Day archives Great Month, 3 hours of airtime for some pilots every time they flew Bridal Lower! Some getting up to 6 hours in a single flight!
May 2001 Site of the Day archives Unstable Month, 2-3 hours of airtime for some pilots every time they flew Bridal Lower!
April 2001 Site of the Day archives Rainy Month, not as much airtime for some pilots
March 2001 Site of the Day archives Spring has Sprung!
February 2001 Site of the Day archives Spring is in the Air!
January 2001 Site of the Day archives - Mexico Flying Trip
December 2000 Site of the Day archives
November 2000 Site of the Day archives (great month for airtime!)
October 2000 Site of the Day archives
September 2000 Site of the Day archives
July - August 2000 Site of the Day archives
June 2000 Site of the Day archives
March - May 2000 Site of the Day archives
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