Foot-Launched Flying Jargon Dictionary (PG/HG)

To appear like a professional pilot you must know the jargon! You know the typical buzzwords that makes anyone look like they know what they are doing.

Here are some of our local jargon (Buzz) words:

Plumber hang-glider
bag-wing paraglider (jocular term used by plumbers)
vario A vario is an altimeter that indicates rate of climb and descent.
wing, glider, canopy paraglider
sailplane An airplane with no motor.
woffa A non-pilot spectator, usually to be found in the landing zone.
Asks many "what for?" type questions.
landing zone, LZ An official landing site, used with the co-operation of the landowner.
launch An official takeoff area.
comp competition (nothing to do with computers). ie. comp wing - competition paraglider.
riser Webbing that joins the lines to the harness
lines Thin Kevlar ropes that attach to the canopy.
site A flying site. You can't just fly anywhere, there are some organised places with a launch and landing zone. Most sites are capable of providing excellent flying in the right conditions.
flyable When the weather conditions at a site are conducive to a safe flight.
sunk-out If someone "sinks out" they mean they didn't catch that thermal and had a sled ride to the landing zone (LZ).
parawaiting Time taken waiting for weather conditions to improve, or waiting for a lift up the hill because you sunk-out.
Bail-Out Field An emergency landing zone somewhat short of the normal landing zone. If you hit a lot of sink after launch you might need to use the bail-out LZ because you cannot make it to the normal landing area.
sled ride A flight which is straight glide from launch to the landing paddock. (This term derives from the sled as per toboggan, snow-sleigh; and has nothing to do with Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer and Santa's sled.
sink Air which is descending makes the paraglider sink at a higher rate than in still air. "I hit a lot of sink over the trees" means "I flew into a lot of sinking air ...". Conditions are also described as "sinky".
cloud suck Clouds can generate large areas of lift under them due to condensation inside the cloud. If the clouds are small enough cloud suck can provide great flying. Big clouds generate so much cloud suck they are a danger and should be avoided.
We use canopy reduction techniques to get away from cloud-suck.
(pub, tree) suck Pub suck has been known to cause pilots to land near a pub rather than complete their flight plan. Tree suck is reponsible for pilots practicing tree landings.

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